Will Scarlet recruit Canach
an interesting proposition, I wonder if she will break out Mai Trin as well.
- Explorer Bekk
I doubt she will break out Canach because Canach is totally a heroic person, he was fighting for the right reasons, just very very poor tactics.
As for Mai… I have a strong feeling we will be seeing her again, It may just be scarlet killing her to tie up loose ends, but I feel she will be back.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
People have been talking a lot about Canach lately… ANet, take the hint! xD
I don’t mind, I LOVE to talk about him.
Alright, we don’t know nearly as much about Canach as I wish we did, but I don’t think he would need Scarlet to break him out of prison. I mean, he raided the Molten Facility ALONE. Yeah, really. That vegetable is a beast.
Also, he is not really evil, so it would take a lot of convincing to make him follow Scarlet’s bloody plans and to turn against the Pale Tree (well, maybe it is possible if he is a soundless. We don’t know that).
Finally, he is a proud Secondborn sylvari with delusions of grandeur. I would be surprised if he just accepted Scarlet’s orders, just like that, specially since the last people he took orders from let him take the fall and tried to kill him later (I am looking at you, Noll).
I want him back, but as an ally, not as a villain. It wouldn’t suit him and I hate when a character’s personality is suddenly changed. He has a lot of potential that would go to waste if he became one of Scarlet’s puppets, IMO.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Probably no. I can see Canach becoming a good guy. He’s not that bad of a guy.
Canach does have the whole “turning two forces against each other to create chaos” going for him though, Scarlet may be interested in his Fervid Censors.
- Explorer Bekk
Canach, despite all his kittenishness, THINKS he’s doing good. Scarlet has no such illusions. I seriously doubt their approaches are compatible.
No, please no. Don’t ruin best thing we got resembling anti-hero by mixing him with likes of Scarlet. I would personally chose Canach as ally/nemesis over her any day. Also like that was pointed out, his personal philosophy is different, but like Eatherblades he can be forced to work for her. It can end with him helping us, maybe with his heroic sacrifice as a result.
Its been a while since we heard of him. He’s probably locked up in some cage somewhere. The real question is, will Scarlet break him out and recruit him into her ranks.
I’m thinking he was more or less a pawn used by her to begin with. In the Secretes of Southsun, he was using her tech to get HIS agenda pushed, which was just the downfall of the Consortium (at the very high risk of the refugee population’s health). She -Scarlett- saw this as an opportunity to cause chaos to help unravel the world of Tyria (her ultimate objective for everything).
I doubt it, Canach is more of a victim of circumstance who had to do bad things rather than a full on scheming villain.
Canach was doing his own thing, trying to do what he thought was right, unfortunately doing it in a rather dumb way. I don’t think he’d want to work with Scarlet at all.
I don’t recall doing anything with Canach during Southsun. I only wanted the flower back item for my ranger. Didn’t pay much attention to the story sadly enough. What I know of him is that he was a good guy that caught stuck with a bad guy title
I’d love to see Canach joining Braham and Rox
I’d love to see Canach joining Braham and Rox
That would be great. I can imagine the three of them interacting, Canach having such a huge ego and all. Rox could teach him to be humble, or else Frostbite can. Canach would probably make snarky comments about Braham, too. It would be great for the three of them, as characters.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Bring back Canach and expand him a little.
Also, trees with arms of FIRE!
I’d love to see Canach joining Braham and Rox
Best idea since discovery of internet :P Canach as token evil teammate cound be great source of snarky comments and maybe some dark humor. Nice spoil to over the top heroic characters we meet so far.
Canach has a chance to be one of the great heroes she my try to recruit him but will fail
Canach use bad methods, but he had somewhat good intentions.
Scarlet is just crazy.
If Canach where to work for Scarlet, it won’t be willingly.
Canach has a chance to be one of the great heroes she my try to recruit him but will fail
He has the habit of surrendering when beaten, though, so she can beat him into submission instead of actually recruiting him.
But I really would prefer if he joined Braham and Rox. He could help killing Scarlet in exchange for his freedom.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Considering Scarlet is the reason Canach was forced to do what he did. I’d say no.
I’d love to see Canach joining Braham and Rox
totally this but not after Canach does a few more questionable good things.
is canach still alive? i searched fort marriner but found no trace of the twig.
Real question is… if Scarlet indeed recruits Canach….do i really care?!