Are there anyway to get more frames.

Are there anyway to get more frames.

in Wintersday

Posted by: hellzy.1853


Since im sure I am not the only one who tried to make and endless toymaker or dolyak tonic by forging the 4. This would still only let people pick between the 2 minis they like but still able to have all the tonics to.

Are there anyway to get more frames.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Styxx.8501


Why would you make it so we’re guaranteed the individual tonics in the first place if you wanted this whole thing to be RNG? We can throw stuffing and glue at it until we get the tonics. We see hey, they can be put in the forge, they are already account bound and Arenanet have made it so we can’t NOT get these with enough tries and even a high chance in the first place. LOGIC says after 4 putting them in would likely get at the very worst an account-bound combination tonic, otherwise WHY have this recipe even in the game.