Dear Toymaker Tixx

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Winespring Brother.2970

Winespring Brother.2970

Dear Mighty Toymaker Tixx,

Surely it would be in your great power to grant these humble boons to a dedicated warrior who has battled great odds to rise from Legionnaire to Commander in a mere month, slaying many of your foes along the way:

A silver bow that shoots silver arrows
A juvenile siege devourer to tame
A shrinking ray to help me better navigate jumping puzzles
Catlike grace to use in jumping puzzles
Yet softer ground than I currently have to use in jumping puzzles while making unplanned landings

Birgitte Silver Bow, Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

Yak’s Bend
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I would like

Medium armor that wasn’t ripped from a spaghetti western
Light armor that doesn’t look ridiculous on Norn males
More cultural armor, a lot more

Engineers to get a second weapons slot, and to be able to use Hammers
Elementalists to have some sort of weapon swap system
and Thieves to burn in hell

Engineer turrets to be pick-up-able like Warrior Banners
Warrior Banners to be stowable like Engineer Turrets
A real class mechanic for mesmers.

It would be nice if Necros and Elementalists could be useful in PvE
And if I could fight bunker guardians with less than three people
And if Thieves could burn in hell

If you would let 80s get level appropriate drops in all areas,
And give them exotics and ascended gear in world PvP
So I don’t have to solo entire maps

It would be great if you could give Trahearne a new voice actor
And not ignore Sierans noble death for the rest of the storyline
She deserves to be a hero, not forgotten

And thieves should burn in hell

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Dear Toymaker Tixx!

I Want my Ranger to have an Icebow, Firebow, and Lightning Bow!

I also Want my Ranger to have Rifles, 30-50% more DPS on all weapons, and some fun free skins for the Holidays!

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Dear Toymaker,

I would like a holiday where people are actually excited about giving to others, instead of checking off their own lists. One that really captures the spirit of giving.

I’d like a holiday free of one-time events that punish people for living in wacky timezones or who work weird hours. One that never leaves anyone out.

But most of all, I would like a holiday event that is fun and equally rewarding for everyone who participates.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Serelisk.6573


Dear Toymaker Tixx!

For Wintersday this year I would like:

Bug fixes to Keg Brawl
All of the non-combat activities like Keg Brawl added to the game including all the rewards and leaderboard systems planned.
All those emotes that are half-in the game from GW1 or whatever to be in the game.
More town clothes.
More horizontal progression; need moar armor skinz.

That’s all I want for Wintersday this year!


Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nalora.7964


1. A way to play Guild Wars 2 again without crashing like I did from April 28 to Nov. 15.

2. Bug fixes. Lots.

3. Free Waypoint travel for all who have unlocked 100% map exploration achievement.

4. Great drops always. For the players. Make the game fun everyday.

DEMAND Bunny Slippers and a bathrobe!

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

All I want for christmas is weapon stats added to engineer kits. (I know ive said it a lot)
And a hula hoop
And maybe a ball of yarn

Charr Penguin

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Iarkrad.8415


Attn Toymaker Tixx:

From the College of Synergetics,

We would like to remind you that you have still not returned the project you borrowed from Pogg’s workshop. While we appreciate your making good use of our Unified Morality Alignment Discerning Device, we did have plans to continue tweaking it to incorporate detection besides “naughty” and “nice” based on each species’ unique morality outlook.

Please return the U.M.A.D.D promptly after this upcoming human holiday season or we will have to suspend your credentials. I, personally, hope it will not become necessary to do so.

(Also, if on your return trip you could pick up another batch of test subjects, it would be vastly appreciated. We might have a breakthrough concerning how norn interact with the Spirits of the Wild. Please remember we do not need any more followers of “Stag” though as it got rather confusing for poor Junior Assistant Stagg.)

We wish you Felicitous Undertakings,
Sub-Director Aurmm

I doubt you’re going to get it back. Maybe you should try using Zojja’s infinity ball to make yourself a new one? Give my regards to Councillor Kalb.

’Ze’Lokk of Synergetics

No more non cosmetic world event rewards. We haven’t forgotten the Ancient Karka.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Toymaker Tixx

I want your undivided attention.

Last year I asked you to deliver me a set of tools so I could calibrate my rifle for use hunting filthy human Separatists. The tools you got me were perhaps well crafted for an asura but I couldn’t use them without breaking those delicate instruments. As a result, rather than firing a bullet in a precise grouping, my rifle suffered what you might call a “catastrophic structural fault”.

I, however, would like to call it: “blew up my rifle and you owe me a replacement”.

Normally I’d conduct this sort of business face to face. However since every asura I have questioned about your whereabouts has instead opted for silence even in the face of Euryale, my warband’s elementalist . . . you are fortunate enough not to be face to face to me now. It is, on the other hand, unfortunate for them. At least some of them did not start crying at the end.

Do not make me hunt you down afterwards, because I have much more serious matters to attend to.

While I am writing this and have your attention, I have another minor issue to bring up. I understand there is a human toy known as a “doll”, and that they are popular for the young humans as they are growing up. They are not as popular with the cubs of the Black Citadel, and certainly not Tribune Brimstone. If you absolutely must deliver them, please avoid those bearing the likeness of that Seraph Captain. We of the Blood Legion would much rather appreciate using our talents on the battlefield and not making sure every blasted one of those dolls was rounded up and thrown into a fire pit.

Promising you a clean death,
Garah Emberbane

P.S.: No more Krytan fruitcakes. We can’t eat them, and they make lousy targets to practice with.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Note: Yes, I am doing this for the sheer enjoyment of playing around writing what I hope is amusing stuff. Either way, it’s practice before I get to deeper work

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Acidicore.3264


I swear I have been really good this year I swear. I only stole Councilor Flaxx’s staff once and so me in an alternate reality conquered Tyria and destroyed everyone.

So now that that is out of the way for Wintersday I would like…
A Golem that doesn’t get lazy and vanishes after a few minutes.
A flute
The ability to wield a pistol in my main hand and a shield as a memser
To see Tengu join us
The annihilation of all skritt
To learn more about the Largos
A 6ft tall gingerbread golem
Oh and a new outfit for males that includes a kit….
From the lab of
Voxx The Infinite

I made a Wintersday list for Toymaker Tixx what is on your list… thing is sign it as your main character

You’ll be waiting awhile for it, and the shield’s silly, the engineers need it to make them look cool and unique. Plus, they need to buff up the scepter before splashing another mainhand on the class.

I’d like 100 charged lodestones for Wintersday, I know it’s asking for a lot, but it’s all I’d ask for

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: lisamee.2408


Big snow shoes!

An ice skating rink.

Snow ball fights.

Ice nodes to mine

Sled races

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: catqeer.1954


Attn Toymaker Tixx:

From the College of Synergetics,

We would like to remind you that you have still not returned the project you borrowed from Pogg’s workshop. While we appreciate your making good use of our Unified Morality Alignment Discerning Device, we did have plans to continue tweaking it to incorporate detection besides “naughty” and “nice” based on each species’ unique morality outlook.

Please return the U.M.A.D.D promptly after this upcoming human holiday season or we will have to suspend your credentials. I, personally, hope it will not become necessary to do so.

(Also, if on your return trip you could pick up another batch of test subjects, it would be vastly appreciated. We might have a breakthrough concerning how norn interact with the Spirits of the Wild. Please remember we do not need any more followers of “Stag” though as it got rather confusing for poor Junior Assistant Stagg.)

We wish you Felicitous Undertakings,
Sub-Director Aurmm

I doubt you’re going to get it back. Maybe you should try using Zojja’s infinity ball to make yourself a new one? Give my regards to Councillor Kalb.

’Ze’Lokk of Synergetics

her infinity ball it is simply a repurposing of my infinity ball… hers is a early warning alert orb… I mean that is not don’t judge me just because I became Grand High sovereign and unleashed the steampunk robots upon us from an alternate reality…

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Iarkrad.8415


Note: Yes, I am doing this for the sheer enjoyment of playing around writing what I hope is amusing stuff. Either way, it’s practice before I get to deeper work

Yup you have a good sense of humor. I already put my list at the beginning, so now its time to make funny replies to other person’s posts!

No more non cosmetic world event rewards. We haven’t forgotten the Ancient Karka.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Never.6014


Dear Tixx,

Thief here, please don’t judge one by the actions of the whole.

Here is my wish list:

Off-hand sword training.
Rifle training.
Some different looking medium armor.
A pony.

Tell Anet’s boss what you think:

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: TabMorte.5297


Dear Toymaker Tix,

I would like a new pet for my ranger
New high things to jump off of
New things to burn down
A Candy Cane staff for my Christmas Character
A jumping puzzle that will make me curse and cry and scream… until I complete it at which time I’ll be elated.

- Lucretia

PS. A santa hat would be nice too

Golemancy 101: total and complete catastrophic
failure is still a monumental success, assuming
losses remain within acceptable parameters.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Greiger.7092


Toymaker Tixx eh? I’m told I’m supposed to write what I want here, so here goes.

1. Some leather armor that doesn’t look like a trenchcoat. Vests are nice, how bout a vest?
2. A new doggie dish for Wolf Salad.
3. A bigger fishtank for Dr Shark.
4. Some dye for my aquabreather.
5. A new tail comb.
6. A heated boulder for the drake pen.
7. Teach Dinky to learn to write so I can hear from my warband now and then.

Sincerely, Ramtak, Ash Legion Centurion, Ranger.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: ShadowbaneX.6273


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I have a few requests, most come from my Mesmer…what can I say, she’s a Mesmer.

Some armour or town clothes similar to Gwen’s Deldrimor armour
Mesmer skills other than Phantasms that do damage.
An off-hand dagger and main-hand pistol.

My Guardian would like the death of the Dragons, World Peace & Snow.

My Elementalist would like…fire? Really? sigh You can’t just have fire, you can make fire. Pick something else. … ‘Heat’ is also fire. … Ok, that’s better. My ele would like to have a blast finisher put back on on Evasive Arcana when attuned to Earth.

My thief would like some Split Chakram daggers.

Thanks kindly,

Heroes of the Horn [HotH] – Yak’s Bend

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Iarkrad.8415


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I have a few requests, most come from my Mesmer…what can I say, she’s a Mesmer.

Some armour or town clothes similar to Gwen’s Deldrimor armour
Mesmer skills other than Phantasms that do damage.
An off-hand dagger and main-hand pistol.

My Guardian would like the death of the Dragons, World Peace & Snow.

My Elementalist would like…fire? Really? sigh You can’t just have fire, you can make fire. Pick something else. … ‘Heat’ is also fire. … Ok, that’s better. My ele would like to have a blast finisher put back on on Evasive Arcana when attuned to Earth.

My thief would like some Split Chakram daggers.

Thanks kindly,

Mesmer: Staff clones deal damage. Pistols and daggers? Don’t get your hopes up
Guardian: Enjoy the snow
Elementalist: Melt the Guardian’s snow and watch him ignite you with that torch.
Thief: For once a reasnoble request. GL with getting them from Tixx.

No more non cosmetic world event rewards. We haven’t forgotten the Ancient Karka.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I want your massive airship toy workshop. This is not a request, if you wish to see your toy shop krewe again.


Krushak Doomblade, Blood Legion, 43rd Cohort, 7th Maniple.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

To Esteemed Toymaker Tixx,

I trust everything is well this year for you, and that you will actually be visiting the Grove this coming Wintersday. We have so many questions and none of the other asura let us talk with them anymore. All Shera did was ask that poor golem about turtles, deserts, and its mother. Next thing I know all asura say they are expressly forbidden to converse with us beyond basic requests for information.

Moving on.

I was not awakened the last time you were here so I am not quite sure what ‘toys’ you make. Are they anything like those wooden swords the norn children practice with? Or are they similar to the pistols charr cubs are seen taking apart and reassembling? The humans’ talk confused me about all their different sorts of toys, games, and I’m quite afraid I lost three gold in a “game of chance” which I’m not sure was chance at all now that I think about it.

How big are these toys? Do they have any particular use? Why do some human children want cloth bundles with stitched features and others look for carved wooden horses? Do I need to pay you or do you provide them for free? How do I know when to look for the delivery? What is the meaning of the word ’grentch ’ and why was I supposed to be insulted by it? How is a goddess of life and a god of death supposed to do battle and not deal damage to the living realm? Will they actually show up or is it just a human myth? Are the toys important to summon them? Why did some human hand me this strange candy shard and say I had to hang onto it? What is the importance of eggnog, do I need some?

If you could please respond to my questions I would be most appreciative for whatever information you can give. Then I might know what gifts to ask you for!

Wishing you well
Ihara Copperleaf

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zen.2450


I would like serious lore…

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I would like serious lore…

I want at least an element of whimsy to still be present inside the game. Serious lore is all fine and good, but Eidra Frekkesdottir getting blackout drunk at a moot and boosting a charr war machine to do drunken things with it was an absolute riot.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


Dear Tixx,
I clairr Cosmique, the Asura whom you have plans to steal the golem airship! But I said nothing to anyone if you give me:

- Zones in Maguuma and finish Shiverpeaks South, as well as above the promontory divine.
- Many more hairstyles Asuras / charr and sylvari.
- Alot more cultural armor.
- The Guild Halls and housing.
- An autograph of each and potential devs to give them my ideas and free their consideration.
- Or just give us all have a better vision of demons, that people like us voyent more heartless beings.

And if that is not possible, give me an answer in private, as I know if my ideas you interrested in suggestion, as well as other players who dream of a pve provides, and a still richer in pvp new experiences.

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510


Dearest Toymaker Tixx,

Please send us a wonderful, joyous event where all the boys and girls can play together regardless of when they can play and what level they may be.
Please let these magical experiences happen more than just once so that they can be shared with all those we hold dear and no poor soul feels abandoned and alone.
Please create an occasion that embraces the spirit of giving, rewarding the simple joy of seeing others made happy through mutual generosity, not avarice, where activities are progressed by actively helping others, and everyone benefits equally.

And an elf costume. With bells.

Thank you.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Dearest Toymaker Tixx,

Please send us a wonderful, joyous event where all the boys and girls can play together regardless of when they can play and what level they may be.
Please let these magical experiences happen more than just once so that they can be shared with all those we hold dear and no poor soul feels abandoned and alone.
Please create an occasion that embraces the spirit of giving, rewarding the simple joy of seeing others made happy through mutual generosity, not avarice, where activities are progressed by actively helping others, and everyone benefits equally.

And an elf costume. With bells.

Thank you.

^ This. But only if it’s a sexy elf costume.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: catqeer.1954


Dearest Toymaker Tixx,

Please send us a wonderful, joyous event where all the boys and girls can play together regardless of when they can play and what level they may be.
Please let these magical experiences happen more than just once so that they can be shared with all those we hold dear and no poor soul feels abandoned and alone.
Please create an occasion that embraces the spirit of giving, rewarding the simple joy of seeing others made happy through mutual generosity, not avarice, where activities are progressed by actively helping others, and everyone benefits equally.

And an elf costume. With bells.

Thank you.

^ This. But only if it’s a sexy elf costume.

well wouldn’t mind seeing male characters with barely a shirt and shorts dressed as Christmas elves

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nerael.9845


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I’ve been a very good Guardian this year. I’ve protected my Friends and Guildmates as every good Guardian should be doing. I’ve also helped out the lower level players with events and thus I would like to be rewarded with something from the following wishlist. (Preferably all but I’m not greedy.)

- Please let me use a ranged weapon. The scepter Talisman combo is just not my thing. Preferably a Bow or Rifle would be nice.
- A free Christmas hat so i can spread the holiday spirit.
- Guild Halls, Housing or Personal Airships would be nice as well.
- Please do not make me dress like catqeer.1954 wants. I will probably throw myself off the Black Citadel.
- Black Dye so i can finally complete my epic colored armor so i can look like a total Bad***
- Karma vendors which also sell exotic accessories
- Mounts so that I can finally move around WvW fast or finish exploration at a decent pace.
- A skill which does cripple so my foes can’t run away any more. Fixing Binding blade to actually pull the enemy backwards every time when hit would also be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Nerael Valdir,
Commander of the Vigil

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Delusion.8472


I want a game that doesn’t revolve around the pure definition of grinding.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….and a cookie

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Veldan.4637


I want:

GW1 style snowball fight, where for once Arenanet decides not to remove all the good stuff GW1 had, and instead continue with it.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: linken.6857



That is all.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Vorch.2985


1. Custom Underwear
2. Bug fixes (Dynamic Event auto resets, ability to do Arah, etc.)
3. Better access to my minis
5. Get yourself something nice for Mrs. Tixx

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: redhare.9210


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

All i want for wintersday is to have a candy cane Staff

I promise to be better but the quaggans made me do it.

yours sincerly,


Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Paradox.5498


Dear Toymaster Tixx,

I honestly swear I tried to be a good Charr this year, I really did! And I’m pretty sure I mostly succeeded, in a clumsy sort of way. So please don’t use that one occasion against me, you know, the one time I ran out of toilet paper… I mean, I never meant to hurt the feelings of that Asura Mesmer but being in a dense jungle environment where every other plant was either home to a nest of venomous spiders or just plain poisonous, her dress was really the only thing around that wouldn’t wreak havoc to the tender area beneath my tail. True, I shouldn’t have eaten Deputy Jenks’s entire black bean plot a day before that unhappy accident in the first place but after chewing on icebrood wolfs for two weeks during my adventures it was the first thing remotely edible I saw after arriving in Kessex Hills. How the hell could I know they belonged to Jenks, or the fact the beans would mess with my bowels more than all the candy corn I ate during Halloween?

Anyway, I promised the Asura girl I’d buy her a new dress and I told Deputy Jenks I’d restore his bean plot. But then I had a small accident with a well of corruption. As intended, the creepy grub thingy died, but so did the very patch of land where the bean plot was located. It won’t be usable for growing anything for the next 20 years at least I’m afraid. As a compensation I killed Jenks’s neighbor so Jenks could move over to the adjacent patch of land but then I had to compensate the neighbor’s widow. Which left me with so little gold that I’m afraid I can’t buy the Mesmer a new dress this year. Basically it’s all Jenks’s fault, ofcourse, because he shouldn’t have grown such foul vegetables in the first place (or any vegetables at all, to be honest), but for some reason I’m still feeling a tad guilty.

So now you might understand why I’m not asking you for much at all. I’m just asking you to give the Asura a new dress. I don’t know her name but I’m sure you won’t have a hard time finding her, the smell of her dress is terrifying.

Also, would you be in a forgiving mood, I’d love to get my hands on one of those Deathwish staffs. I’ve been good this year. Don’t listen to what others say about me.

Caraxes Venomjaw

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fay.2735


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I’ve been real good this year, Helping out the community and my guildies a lot! I only organised some questionable dance parties with my guild a few times! I would really like:

- A quaggan baby mini pet
- Allow people to jump in quaggan tonics again
- To complete my sunrise legendary
- Adorable christmas outfits for my Asura (Santa outfit, Reindeer, Little helper)
- To fix the gate in front of arah and all other dungeon bugs (Flails arms at Robert)
- Remove RNG from ascended weapons, go back to tokens
- Allow costumizing dye colour of accesories using your existing dye palette when changing hair with the new gemstore ability
- Guild halls that serve like the heart of the mists as a stop between exploration and Lion’s Arch

You will be able to find many chocolate chip cookies in my inventory for you to have if you feel like it.

Thank you!


•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: WreckSC.1835


Oi Shorty!

Being Norn, I have been awesome this year. I know this and tell myself this several times a day. As such you will provide me the following:

1) At least 50 Dredge.
2) A very large hammer.

That is all.


p.s. I will not be requiring anything next year. When you provide the above I am going to be very, very bad and thus not qualify for your equipment provision scheme in the future.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Dear Toymaker tixx,

I have been good all year and i only want a few things for wintersday.

1. The ability to have one handed weapons strapped to the backs (Asura only).
2. Race changes implemented.
3. Precursers for twilight.

See only a few.


“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


To the most awesome and brilliant Tixx,

There’s not question about my being good this year, this is only logical. I even lowered myself to working together with those bookahs!

My wish list for this year is only a very short one.
1. I want to enjoy more time with my other brilliant friends, so let me please guest them to my home (or let them guest me to theirs).
2. A strong weapon so I can cleanse the surface of those annoying critters who constantly try to interrupt my experiments
3. A new sibling.

This shouldn’t be too difficult for your mighty intellect, I’m only afraid I am asking something too simple for you to contemplate.


Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: UKNightWatch.5742


Dearest Toymaker Tixx,

I shall not be expecting anything for myself this Winterday as I have been very naughty!

However, If you could see your way clear to it, I would like to ask you respectfully to supply the following Items for the orphans around Tyria that I sponsor;

Maisy, the little Human girl would very much like to have a ‘Hello Charr’ dolly.

Whake, my young male Charr freind keeps on an on about a ‘Stretch Thackery’ toy – maybe this would make a good Winterday gift.

Vhegg, a female Sylvari (not long in this world) is very interested in science and would appreciate a ‘Junior Asura Technician Lab Set’.

Rhat, a very caring young Asura has timidly mentioned an interest in a ‘Sylvarian families’ playset.

My final request is for my Norn friend Strawng. For some reason, all he wants this Winterday is ‘light and love for everyone’! (1)

I do so hope that you can see through my indescretions and give me the best Winterday present I could hope for; happiness to those young ones – at least for a brief time (Tyrian life can be so cruel).

(1) IRL follow:

No rig in my sig? Only posted if needed!

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Toymaker Tixx,

Yahey there! I have no doubt you are aware I have been spectacularly good this year. Four hunts have been successful, leading to a diminished presence of jotun, dredge, and wurms in the Wayfarer Foothills. If you haven’t seen it, then by Bear I will have to get a drink for you and show the trophies I have hung in my homestead. Just let me know how weak to make the ale so you don’t pass out like that poor human visitor I had the last moon.

As for what you can get me for this “Wintersday”, I require very little personally. A norn does not beg for gifts, they either take what they need from the bodies of their enemies or they make it themselves in the fires of the forge! Or the stills behind their homesteads. That said, some of my companions this year could use some help and they are not norn so I feel no shame in making requests on their behalf.

For my drinking companion Mangonel Gearstrip, I ask you find a cask of Deeprunner’s Brown Ale, though that may be difficult even for you. I suppose Olaf’s Black Stout will do in a pinch but be sure you find the ninteenth batch and not the twentieth. Olaf meant well to change up his recipe but the result? It could fell a dolyak at fifty paces just from the stench, and I swear if we need to poison Jormag it would do the job all on its own.

(Don’t tell Olaf I said that. I don’t need him trying to break my arm again, as he needs both hands to make the twenty-third batch for next year’s Great Hunt.)

For Captain Loran Blackfrost, I want you to see about making sure his Haven’s gate gets repaired. I’m tired of having to play gate guardian when I swing by just to see about tracking some of those Svanir dogs. I know people call my profession “guardian” but that doesn’t excuse this abuse of my good will. If you can’t bring him help for the gate, then bring him a pair of crutches for after the next time he insists I need to stay and push back grawl. Grawl are no worthy foe of mine!

I see this letter is getting long, so I’ll finish it up. Khylin Blueleaf, my sylvari friend, keeps trying to understand everything so if you could get him some books to read. Though not that stuff written by that braggart Koss, he seems to think we norn care about his tales. If he was so great a warrior, why did we never hear of him before this? Anything written by Kimmes the Historian or Symon the Scribe would be satisfactory.

Oh, and remember . . . if you break anything in my homestead again this year, I’m breaking your golems. Fair is fair.

May you succeed at all you attempt,
Eidra Frekkesdottir

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Greiger.7092


Toymaker Tixx
My friend Ramtak told me about you, while I generally think holidays are a waste of time and money, guarding this peace deal in fields of ruin is wearing on my patience, and this might pass the time.

I. Have. Been. Very. Good. This. Year. I want,

A new sword.
A new longbow.
Better tasting rations
A bottle of Bjorn’s brew
...and some catnip, just a dime would be enough

-Greiger, Blood legion Warrior

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

Just give me your Zeppelin Tixx. Pretty Please! =X

The fysical appereance of the please does not matter.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Dear toymaker tizz, aka santa

I have tried to be a good honest norn this year and have wrought many heroic legends.

Pls could you give me peace and love for all mankind.



Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aye.8392


Zargnath’s Wintersday wish list

1. A kitten big cristmas tree that is also a jumping puzzle.
2. A santa sack back piece.
3. Gingerbread golem.
4. Wintersday skins of course. Things like Christmas ornament focuses, Candy cane sword etc.

probably missed a few things but that is what I can think of now.

1. A kitten big Santa sack that is also a jumping puzzle
2. A Christmas tree back pack
3. An invisible pony like Mad King Thorn’s.
Sorrows Furnace

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ravbek.7938


This year I would like:

A mini, just one and I don’t care what it is.
Pistols as mainhand for Mesmer
Somewhere to put my different armours.
Mr Snuggles
A house…for Mr Snuggles to guard.

Cybek – Gunnars Hold
Wipus Frequentus –
Rock Paper Signet –

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: JK Arrow.7102

JK Arrow.7102

Greetings Toymaker Tixx! A fine feast has been planned for your arrival in Hoelbrak for this upcoming Wintersday. The grand event should provide fun for all with keg brawls, snowball fights, and much ale to drink.

Bear has blessed me with great fortune and I have much to be greatful for this Wintersday. As such I do not wish upon myself any grand gifts. These three things should suffice:

1. Being a Norn I have been blessed by Bear with an above average physique. However at times this can also be a hinderence. For example when scaling sheer cliffs or jumping from branch to branch in caves, my eyes have a tendency to lose focus and zoom in and out rather rapidly. It causes me great frustration and sometimes I lose my balance and injure myself falling. Please allow my vision to be restored.

2. I have grown to be quite the accomplished hunter through Bear’s blessing. Champion Boars, Mighty Giants, and even an Elder Dragon have all been felled by my great sword. But there seems to be some enemies that are more challenging to face. At times these foes scream out “Invulnerable! Invulnerable!” as they run away. They also seem to have a very powerful healing spell which quickly restores them to full life. I want to learn some additional fighting skills in order to defeat these foes.

3. I have become quite the gamer in recent years. I very much enjoy a good game of RC Golem Chess and I would love to challenge you to a match some time. I also came across this video of a new game that promises to offer it’s players much joy through no grinding or gear treadmills. I do hope it is available this holiday season.

May your journey to Hoelbrak be swift and free of Sons of Jormag and may the spririts of the wild be with you.

For great justice!

M. Ver Magnuson

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Valinerya.6713


Dear Toymaker Tixx;

Even though I have indulged in the odd keg brawl, and possibly knocked an Asuran or five off their wee little feet during these inebriated activities, I have been as good as a Norn can be this past year. I know I occasionally (or frequently, your view may differ) use rabbits for target practice as I hone my Engineering skills, but I swear that I was just trying to become better with a pistol in either hand. Not an easy task!

This Wintersday, I would very much appreciate the following:

1. A beautiful flowing dress I can wear about town, that will make the men swoon.

2. A Quip pistol, which I promise I will not shoot rabbits with (much).

3. Some tasty Christmas candies that turn me into fun holiday creatures, such as a snowman, a reindeer, or a giant snowflake.

4. Lots of chances to participate in ALL of the Wintersday activities, as I have to work for 12 full days over the Holiday season. The amount of time I have to wander Tyria will be quite limited due to this.

Many thanks, and again… sorry about the rabbits. They are lovely roasted in a fine ale though!

Raleigh Cynder

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

All things aside. What I’d want are:

- No one time events for Wintersday or ever in the future
- No precursor drops in these events; or have a fair chance to get precursors to all those present
- No more porous bones and skulls
- No DR
- No RNG nonsense

and so on.
Basically anything opposite to the above wishes would be wonderful.

Tee See

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Paradox.5498


Dear Toymaker Tixx,

I miss Lion’s Arch, even when I’m in Lion’s Arch. I’m there but it just doesn’t feel right anymore. It no longer feels like home. Someone told me I’m suffering from a disease called Overflow.

I think I don’t even need to tell you how good I’ve been. Tales of my adventures must’ve reached your ears by now and they’re all about me doing good deeds. As, of course, one would expect from a guardian.

My wish list is really short, so short it shouldn’t be called a list anyway:

Please remove the entrance to the Fractals from the Lion’s Arch map.

Thank you in advance!

Ophrys Pallida, Sylvari guardian.

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: xerca.6135


Dear Toymaker Tixx.

I have been very nice this year and only called the humans “mice” just a few times. I only gnawed on the ugly looking ones and I really forced myself to treat the vermi-… Asura kindly!
I would really like

• A ball of yarn
• My own pet skritt
• Tybalt
• That Trahearne stands in the fire (That is nice, righ? Right…? )
• Shoulder armor to fit female charr shoulders better; they are right now huge and hover in the air.
• Happy merry players all over!
• Saffron rolls and hot mulled wine
• A rebuilt statue in LA (You can give the Lion a Christmas hat too if you like)