Dec 18th Game Update Broke Winter Wonderland
Well I just now Finished it. sent me to the chest and collected. maybe just random? plus you know what they say about patches. Fix one thing,break a million other things.
sent to LA confirmed..
great job on the patch!
Just did it again and was sent to the correct spot this time, so now I’m not so sure. Maybe it has something to do with overflows?
Though as far as I’m aware, this issue was nonexistent pre-patch.
Tonight, me and some others in our instance were sent back to the beginning of the puzzle with out actually having fallen. We were successfully transversing the puzzle only to be instantly sent back to the start platform with a much, much shorter load screen than on a fall. So, yeah, something is wonky.
This has happened to me 6 times now over the last 30-40 minutes. The first 5 times were from an overflow and the 6th from a non-overflow and on an alt character.
Highly frustrating!!