Endless Wintersday Tonics Thread
Also, they have to have a respectable drop chance because the is only x amount of stuffing and glue that can exist in the world.
Not sure about glue but I’ve received stuffing from a present so tixx isn’t the only source.
Hey thanks for this I tried it with my ventari frame (since I wasn’t going to get the mini anyway) and nailed myself an endless ventari toy tonic
20 tries and absolutely nothing. I dare someone to top that RNG bad luck.
EDIT: It appears I’m not alone. Perhaps those who got the item under 10 tries were just incredibly lucky. Hope things work out for everyone else!
gg zommoros
i used 800 or 850 of stuffing and glue so around 17 tries >_>
You sure that wasn’t an ugly sweater/sock/hat? I’ve opened somewhere around 400 gifts and bought 30 of the cash-shop presents. Never seen stuffing or glue from any of them.
Not saying it’s impossible, just that I have opened a ton of boxes and not seen it. Wouldn’t expect a crafting material for a limited time event that you need 50-250 of for anything to be that rare.
Yea I got 50 stuffing out of a present. Don’t remember what size. Only had the one drop so far so it seems rare.
Bought a bunch of glues/wads right after seeing this. The prices have gone up to 70c for wads and 90c for glue now. Should have horded them when I saw them going for 4c last night.
As for wads/glue drops, wiki states they can be dropped by mobs or from gifts. I have yet to see either for myself though.
I expect the endless toymaker tonics to tank in price tomorrow after we “find out” that combining all the other endless toy tonics in the MF yields one. That’s why I just sold mine for 30g.
Endless Petrification Tonic
Except they’re account bound, nice try
I would have probably never found about this, or worse yet would have sold my leftover bits then found out about it. Instead, I can now be a little princess doll (took two tries). My daughter will be delighted.
Thanks for making this thread!
Except they’re account bound, nice try
You don’t know if it will be account bound or not. Besides, if more people have the account bound ones there will be less demand for the other ones anyways since they are the same.
Endless Petrification Tonic
10 tries, nothing, spent money on the materials for nothing.
Woot woot 33 tries still no Princess Tonic, a little upset I can’t make the Toy Soldier one. ANet make the mini’s salvagable or trade it in for the frame I’ll buy all the minis if I can end up with tonics for all of them.
EDIT: 64 tries, I’m out of money so guess I’ll wait.
(edited by NinjaSonic.1392)
Took me six tries but it was more than worth it thanks! now my charr can be a little princess!
Except they’re account bound, nice try
You don’t know if it will be account bound or not. Besides, if more people have the account bound ones there will be less demand for the other ones anyways since they are the same.
What tonic are you talking about? The ones that you get from the toy frames (endless) are account bound.
The endless toymaker tonics (that currently drop from gifts), which will probably be made by mystic forging 4 normal endless toy tonics.
Endless Petrification Tonic
Jumping in the group that says the success rate was nerfed. 50 tries here and no princess endless. With so many people getting within the first 10 tries, there’s no way some of our luck is THIS bad.
thanks to this i got my endless tonic pwinsessss \o/
Here’s my quick video showing off the Toy Princess tonic, and showing the recipes for all of the tonics, enjoy.
I’ll add a bit more detail, since some of you seem to be interested
Recipe for each one:
- 50 Wads of Enchanted Stuffing
- 50 Drops of Magic Glue
- One Pile of Glittering Dust
- Lastly, you will need one of the frames. The frame determines which Endless Tonic you will get, so for example if you wanted the Endless Princess Doll Tonic you would need the Princess Doll Frame
Note: There is about a 1/3 chance that you will get the endless tonic, so there’s some luck involved! However don’t worry, if you do not get the endless tonic, your frame will still be there, it will return to you in the Wintersday gift that you get from the Mystic Forge on failed attempts.
Hmmm this seems fishy. Sounds like someone trying to seed the market, call me a pessimist though. I think I’ll pass.
Word of advice: buy the mats now (if you need them) while they’re still cheap. The prices are going up now.
Yep, I anticipated that, which is why I bought a ton of them before I made this post
Sooo… How is this post still here then? Isn’t that a violation of code of conduct on forums? I’ve been infracted for 1/10th of what this infers.
Here’s my quick video showing off the Toy Princess tonic, and showing the recipes for all of the tonics, enjoy.
I’ll add a bit more detail, since some of you seem to be interested
Recipe for each one:
- 50 Wads of Enchanted Stuffing
- 50 Drops of Magic Glue
- One Pile of Glittering Dust
- Lastly, you will need one of the frames. The frame determines which Endless Tonic you will get, so for example if you wanted the Endless Princess Doll Tonic you would need the Princess Doll Frame
Note: There is about a 1/3 chance that you will get the endless tonic, so there’s some luck involved! However don’t worry, if you do not get the endless tonic, your frame will still be there, it will return to you in the Wintersday gift that you get from the Mystic Forge on failed attempts.
Hmmm this seems fishy. Sounds like someone trying to seed the market, call me a pessimist though. I think I’ll pass.
It took me 5 tries to get the princess and 3 for ventari (no soldier for me but he can be my princess pet). It works as advertised here.
Word of advice: buy the mats now (if you need them) while they’re still cheap. The prices are going up now.
Yep, I anticipated that, which is why I bought a ton of them before I made this post
Sooo… How is this post still here then? Isn’t that a violation of code of conduct on forums? I’ve been infracted for 1/10th of what this infers.
To be honest I bought 750 of glue, and 750 of wads, I am not a rich guy, I just wanted to show people how to get this tonic, because I think it is cool. Right now all I have is 2 gold and 30 silver, along with 550 gems, so I’m not a big time economist. For all those that think that this is fake, two words, its not, I have all three tonics. Sorry, but RNG brings good and bad luck,.
Will we have a chance to get frames again? I made the princess doll ASAP today, and now that we know about the endless tonic recipes in the mystic forge, I’d rather just use my gems for the toys and get the tonic for the princess doll.
I wanna know this too. Maybe have one of the frames as a choice for your first completion of the day when Tixx gets to Lion’s Arch, because I made my Ventari toy but I’d love to be able to make all 5 endless tonics.
Yeah, good on you arrownin. I appreciate the effort.I got the Doll endless tonic and may try the others after I decide which two dolls I actually want to make as pets. Plush griffin pet, or tonic…tough decision.
Thanks for the info.
It took between 3-5 tries per Endless Tonic for me.
I just hope they give us a chance to get another frame (not more cogs, just the frame) for those of us who crafted one of our mini pets today, because I’d love to get all 5 but as it stands I’m SoL on the Ventari tonic.
I too want to know this…
My friend had tossed hers because she decided to be a good patron of the game and purchase a couple of the pets from the store. Now she is being punished because she thought there was no other use for these items?
Its okay to have “secret” Mystic Forge recipes for items that are persistent and obtainable in multiples. But when you have a recipe where a component is a 1 time only item then you need to convey that to your players at the onset. I am all for choices. I am actually quite happy about this. It helps me make more sense of the inane choice of giving us only enough materials to craft 2 of the pets. However, where it falls down is the same place a lot of the other negative parts of this event have fallen down… a serious lack of communication or a complete miscommunication. (This event has been almost everything that I had expected, but those two little things have taken what I know would have been an awesome and fun experience and relegated it to an addition to the “if they only had told us…” list.
I was hoping that Arena.Net would see the errors of their ways and 1) Given everyone enough cogs to craft all 5 pets. And 2) Realized that for the third event in a row the RNG Mystery Boxes did not hold the value they were charging. Now I simply hold out hope that after Tixx arrives in Lion’s Arch that there will be some method to reobtain these frames for all the people who made the “mistake” of using/losing their frames before this lack of communication caused them to lose out and now lose the “fun” of yet another event in an otherwise wonderful game. These things add up after all.
Lady RNG shined on me..
Doll Tonic – 2 tries
Toy Soldier Tonic – 1 try
Of course, they are account bound.
2nd account
Doll Tonic – 1st try
Ventari Tonic – 6th try
It would have been nice to know this before I used up the Toy Soldier frame on my second account, but I’m happy with the ones I have..
Thanks for the information!
(edited by Allisa Wonderland.8192)
This is the exact same deal for me. I’d like to get a response from Anet about this because I’d be very sad if I didn’t get another chance to get a doll frame, after already using mine to craft the mini before I heard it could be used to craft an endless tonic.
So, since I was “on a roll,” I bought one of the 5 special minis and RNG’d to get that set of 4 (3 blue + 3 blue to make the blue drool machine). $70.
Grumble grumble. But I get it, we’re the ones that are the vets who are addicted enough to cough up the real money. Please, next time.. no gambling. Just let me pay and not end up with 5 useless hats in my inventory. (It is cool that they are dyeable).
I still have to buy three more miniatures for $30, since learning about this mystic forge recipe!
..see, I stayed on topic
(edited by Allisa Wonderland.8192)
16 tries to get a Princess Doll tonic. Dat RNG.
Did it right now with the Soldier.
Got the Endless Tonic after my second time.
Ventari one however didn’t appear for me.
Word of advice: buy the mats now (if you need them) while they’re still cheap. The prices are going up now.
Yep, I anticipated that, which is why I bought a ton of them before I made this post
Sooo… How is this post still here then? Isn’t that a violation of code of conduct on forums? I’ve been infracted for 1/10th of what this infers.
To be honest I bought 750 of glue, and 750 of wads, I am not a rich guy, I just wanted to show people how to get this tonic, because I think it is cool. Right now all I have is 2 gold and 30 silver, along with 550 gems, so I’m not a big time economist. For all those that think that this is fake, two words, its not, I have all three tonics. Sorry, but RNG brings good and bad luck,
Did anyone else try to mouseover the image to see which tonic was which or is that only me?
My kids will be thrilled with this… thanks greatly for this thread!
All of the emotes I tried so far work with the Princess. Love her dance…
Sure hope we get another chance at getting more frames on the 20th. I made my doll frame, would love to have the doll endless.
My guess is when the ship comes to la we can probably get more mats.
They have to let u do something with those leftover frames or for all collectables.
(edited by Stridix.4260)
My guess is when the ship comes to la we can probably get more mats.
They have to let u do something with those leftover frames or for all collectables.
That’s my guess as well, being able to get more Wads and Glue in Toypocalypse. Which is why I wanted to use the mats I bought for profit. Too bad the prices dropped by half since then =(
Are you even sure that you’ll get an endless Toymaker’s tonic (accbound) by combining 4 of the endless Toy tonics? I mean… it sounds quite obvious, but still.
That would mean that if you wanted the tonic, you could only craft one of the 5 minis. (I bought the Ventari for gems, and will create the plushie later on) so I managed to end up with 3 endless tonics by now. I don’t mind creating another tonic of the golemframe but… I wonder if there is a way to craft the endless Toymaker’s tonic by only using 3 of the endless ones and something else? So that you’d have your 2 pets AND a tonic maybe?
Anyway, please keep us informed what happend once you threw everything into the mystic forge. I wouldn’t dare anyway before I know the outcome.
Are you even sure that you’ll get an endless Toymaker’s tonic (accbound) by combining 4 of the endless Toy tonics? I mean… it sounds quite obvious, but still.
That would mean that if you wanted the tonic, you could only craft one of the 5 minis. (I bought the Ventari for gems, and will create the plushie later on) so I managed to end up with 3 endless tonics by now. I don’t mind creating another tonic of the golemframe but… I wonder if there is a way to craft the endless Toymaker’s tonic by only using 3 of the endless ones and something else? So that you’d have your 2 pets AND a tonic maybe?
Anyway, please keep us informed what happend once you threw everything into the mystic forge. I wouldn’t dare anyway before I know the outcome.
Well let’s say if u want both the endless tonic and mini pets. With the current structure there is no way to acquire all. That is why I think that they will put something together for us to acquire everything (at least the ones through mystic forge)
and they said all events will be repeatable in la, so I guess there will be a second chance.
(edited by Stridix.4260)
You can buy the minis in the gem store, so there is a way to get both all minis and tonics.
Yeah I know that I can buy them. I already bought the Toy Ventari, that’s why I don’t mind if I can just get the plushie for today only. That equals 2 so that’s just perfect in combination with the endless tonic. (IF combining 4 of the endless ones even ends up in an endless Toymaker’s one) I’m quie excited to find out.
I’m not one of the people who need to have ALL minis anyway. I just liked Ventari (as I only play Sylvari) and the Plushie. ^.^
So not only can you only craft 2 minis, but if you do craft them then you lose out on potential endless tonics as well? These things are seeming less and less like a gift every day, especially since if you like one the best you probably want the mini AND the tonic.
It’d be fine if they were tradable, you could use your spare frames from ones you didn’t craft because you don’t like them as much and try to trade for a tonic of the one you crafted / like the best. But I guess this entire event is all about account-bound stuff.
And RNG rate of success, really? Do they need a material-sink that badly? Its not like the materials are that common, I’ve opened almost enough presents to get the monthly achievement and haven’t gotten a single bit of glue or stuffing (besides the rewards from the dungeon).
Uhm… If you like one of the minis best, you just craft it, and use the other for for endless tonics which you will hopefully be able to combine into an endless Toymaker’s tonic, which randomly gives you ond of the 5 possible appearences. So I can’t see how this was bad. Well… assuming you CAN craft an endless Toymaker’s… But we’ll probably get to know this later on. At least I hope so. ^^
This might be rather risky, but has anyone tried to use the doll in place of the frame and see if it makes the tonic?
If that works, and you get the doll back in a package on each failure, I’d gladly try that and then just buy the doll.
This might be rather risky, but has anyone tried to use the doll in place of the frame and see if it makes the tonic?
If that works, and you get the doll back in a package on each failure, I’d gladly try that and then just buy the doll.
The minis can not be combined with Glue, Stuffing, or Glittering Dust. So this won’t work. I just went to try it with my Toy Soldier (I want the tonic instead…)
Anyone tried 4 tonics together yet?
Endless Dolyak. It also just showed up as a form in the endless toymaker.
Endless Dolyak. It also just showed up as a form in the endless toymaker.
So you can use 4 endless toy tonics to make and endless dolyak tonic? Not worth it.
A regular Dolyak? Or the Xmas one?
What form endless Dolyak gives? … Erm .. A dolyak?