Forums turn to handicap bashing
I believe you left out the cause to your effect, please elaborate.
I don’t understand your request. It’s pretty simple. Many threads since event launch are decidedly more ugly than in-game, especially for those with challenges. I’m expressing my sympathy and encouraging those like me to seek help in-client instead.
I look at the title and I read the post…
I know, right? I didn’t think this would happen here at ANet.
EDIT: Not even just those with handicaps. The personal attacks against those seeking help are just very very not seasonal.
(edited by Zaith.9132)
No- I meant I don’t understand what your Op is about after I read your thread title, actually I still don’t.
Please elaborate
If I’m interpreting your post correctly, you are trying to say:
“People who are asking for help gets shutdown by elitist” that correct ? :S
I’ll go along with your cause (if you have any) if thats the case – but not when its about bashing people for silly complaints.
Maybe it affects me more easily. But I’ll try.
The some Halloween events were hard, specifically the clock tower. As an example, many think the Wintersday puzzle is easier. In some of the forum threads, people have asked for help. They receive many replies in the form of personal attacks from people who think it’s too easy. I know I and others who have mentioned their challenges (most notably one forum user who has only one hand), are met with hostility. Told things like “get out if you can’t do it” “you’re kitten lazy” etc. They even make assumptions about things like physical fitness of the players posting. It’s really strikingly frequent.
The first line of my OP is sarcasm.
Sorry for the confusion, I just get depressed when I visit the forums now.
You are complaining that people are being rude to you because you have a handicap
What is your handicap and how are people using your handicap to insult you?
I’m Autistic and doing alright, what is your handicap may I ask?
I’ve explained how people are being treated with examples. I don’t have to declare the nature of my handicap to my school for funding. I certainly don’t have to expose such a vulnerability to these forums.
EDIT: I don’t think it’s relevant. This kinda of treatment is not welcome by me on such a season. With all due respect, PearlGore, it’s like me asking “do you have asperger’s or are you non-functional. And are you getting pension?” Just no.
(edited by Zaith.9132)
OK- tip then, ask for help in game and not on the forums.
People in game are awesome and will always help, at least in my experience.
btw I don’t even try jumping puzzles since I have trouble getting vistas
It is just not something I’ll do for fun.
Bell choir is a different story though
edit: yes the forums are depressing and the game is nicer
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I’ve explained how people are being treated with examples. I don’t have to declare the nature of my handicap to my school for funding. I certainly don’t have to expose such a vulnerability to these forums.
then why mention it
it’s only a handicap if you think it is.
not being optimistic here
(edited by Lumpy.8760)
It’s a handicap if it limit’s your abilities… that’s the very definition. I appreciate the optimism nonetheless, lubercaleb
And thanks for the second, Morrigan That was my suggestion in my first reply <3
I Can’t do the Bell Choir, although I refused to bother reading the directions. We all have things we are not so good at or Don’t like.
Lol Of course we do. Some people want to push themselves a bit and ask for help. They might be able to do more than they think, but they’re being discouraged from even trying.
So again, anyone reading this, message a friend in game, or if you’re lucky here, bless you, but please try to ignore people saying these things with malice or without thinking <3
EDIT: I’m really liking the support so far guys Thank you!
(edited by Zaith.9132)
Sorry for the confusion, I just get depressed when I visit the forums now.
“get out if you can’t do it”
Were you the guy who doesn’t use the mouse at all? I may enjoy trying to drive using just my knees, but I don’t recommend it if you’re trying to get to a destination on time.
With all due respect, if you are wheelchair bound, and you apply for a job as a firefighter, do you feel emergencies should adjust their level of difficulty to accommodate you so you can get the job?
Take my above statement into context here. Anet made this game for everyone to enjoy. However, there will always be those who can’t play as well as others. Be it skill level or physical handicap. No two players are truly the same. So if there’s a part of the game that you simply cannot do, please don’t expect Anet to adjust it for every single person. That’s being completely unreasonable.
The clocktower was hard for some, and Anet Devs took that into consideration and made a puzzle that more people could enjoy. Even if it meant making it much easier, they found a good balance to still have the puzzle be fun.
Precursors were a little too hard to get, so Anet said they’re looking into a new way to get one, at the same time adjusting the RNG rates for the Forge.
If Anet were to do something so that everyone could win, they’re probably have to make a puzzle where you just walk in a straight line to get to an Enormous Chest. But even then 0.01% of the population still might not be able to complete it.
Classy guys :/ No, I’m not the guy who doesn’t use the mouse. Thanks for the personal jab and cruel sarcasm, Ansultares.1567.
And SmoothPenguin, I took it in context and your points make sense, but they are out of sync with this thread. I said in the OP I’m enjoying the game. It’s the TREATMENT, as exemplified in the post above yours (which I realise is trolling) in the forums that I’m fighting.
Classy guys :/ No, I’m not the guy who doesn’t use the mouse. Thanks for the personal jab and cruel sarcasm, Ansultares.1567.
And SmoothPenguin, I took it in context and your points make sense, but they are out of sync with this thread. I said in the OP I’m enjoying the game. It’s the TREATMENT, as exemplified in the post above yours (which I realise is trolling) in the forums that I’m fighting.
My apologies. I thought you were complaining about being handicapped, and not being able to play the game.
Understandable <3 I’ve actually read some of you posts (I remember because I really like penguins) and you’re a decent forum user My point being that if I seemed pissy at you, it was my fault in my wording. I’m trying not to stoop to backlashing lol.
I’m trying to understand your concern. How exactly are people bashing you for your handicap unless you are telling them you have one? From what I’ve read, you are not willing to discuss what your handicap is, so I can assume you are a private person. How do they know, then? As someone with my own limitations, I haven’t witnessed this behavior yet so I guess I’m in the dark right now.
I’ve stated I’m challenged because I have a handicap. That should have been clear. I’m not going to divulge my diagnosis. The reason this isn’t even relevant is that people are assuming that when someone says I have problems with _ because my my _______., they are something as ridiculous as physically unfit and need to “go out and exercise”, leaving the game to hardcore players exclusively. When someone asks for help because of challenges, the default shouldn’t be, “medical records or it didn’t happen”. Am I one of the few that thinks this inappropriate?
Thanks for the personal jab and cruel sarcasm, Ansultares.1567.
I only asked a question. You seem to take this too personally.
I can empathize. I was seeing some aggression directed my way earlier (in-game), and I wasn’t complaining about the puzzle, just saying that I liked it a lot for being easier (for me) than the Mad King’s tower. Mad King took about 10 hours for me, and this took about 1 1/2. I’ve got carpal tunnel, so I wasn’t sure I’d get either of them.
If you want a hint that helped me, try turning your camera rotation WAY up. Mine was up about 3/4 of the way (and I used a trackball mouse, which may have made things better/worse). That made swinging around the corners on the snowflake bit SO MUCH easier for me. You need far less hand/wrist movement that way.
I then beat it 7 or 8 times!
I hope you are able to complete it and don’t let a few bad apples spoil your experience.
Thanks for the personal jab and cruel sarcasm, Ansultares.1567.
I only asked a question. You seem to take this too personally.
Please don’t take me or anyone else for a fool… especially because it concerns, among other groups, people with handicaps. It comes across as preying on the weak. A question is a question, yes, but a question that only makes assumptions, contributes nothing, and attempts to make light of a serious community issue with a non sequitur parable is just insulting. Anyone who’s seriously curious would have read the thread and realized this thread is about a community trend, and not one single person’s issue with an element of gameplay. It has nothing to due with the game besides the suggestion to people encountering problems here to ask for help in Tyria.
The two things cannot be more different, so please don’t try to cloud the issue with “questions” which satisfy nothing but your own apathy towards it.
This is not directed solely at you, but anyone else pretending to care about the treatment of others on the forums. It’s likely that if you are trolling, you’ll come back. If that’s the case, I have no lingering interest to feed you or anyone puppies. If you misunderstood the thread, fine. It doesn’t excuse the tone… but to be honest I don’t see the point of forgiveness on the internet. For that purpose, I write “without prejudice” in hopes that you can make a difference for the better here or elsewhere. If you’re laughing, well played, you would’ve made a good grentch in GW1.
(edited by Zaith.9132)
Something is seriously wrong with people when they start making personal attacks against people who simply ask for help (for whatever reason). This is not the only game that suffers from morons like that. Just report them (if there is any justice they will be at the very least infracted). I mean if they dont have anything to say except for bashing people who ask a simple question, they should just shut up and let people who actually have common decency to give tips if they have any.
As for the difficulty of the jumping puzzles, I dont think they should be made easier. If you have a hard time doing them, dont stress yourself, there is much more to enjoy in the game than jumping puzzles.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
Merry Christmas!
Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men!
(and tha ladies too….nudge nudge…purrrr)
I’ve stated I’m challenged because I have a handicap. That should have been clear. I’m not going to divulge my diagnosis. The reason this isn’t even relevant is that people are assuming that when someone says I have problems with _ because my my _______., they are something as ridiculous as physically unfit and need to “go out and exercise”, leaving the game to hardcore players exclusively. When someone asks for help because of challenges, the default shouldn’t be, “medical records or it didn’t happen”. Am I one of the few that thinks this inappropriate?
Didn’t see this thread for a while. Was this reply directed towards me?
I will start by saying that I’m sorry people have been cruel to you in game. To be honest, this is the first community that has truly been nice to me, so perhaps I look at this game with rose tinted glasses at times. I wasn’t asking for your diagnosis. I feel you came into this forum(at least this thread) with your guard up, ready to fight anyone when all I’ve seen are people confused or expressing concern.
Knowing all too well of that dismissive behavior in the real world, I can empathize with your frustration. People tend to chalk up a physical or mental limitation to something that can be fixed by “trying harder”, or in your case, being more “physically fit”. You shouldn’t have to bring up your handicap to people who question how well you play the game. If people bother you again, just say “I’m not very good at this yet.” and leave it at that.
If you need help with something, just say “Could someone lend a hand?” There’s always someone around who can spare a few minutes to help someone in need. I’ve needed help before and I’ve given help before. Please don’t feel like you cannot ask for help because of a few elitist players.
Thanks FluffyCake <3 A couple things to clarify. Actually, the most help I’ve gotten IS in game. It’s mainly on the forums, so as I keep saying, I want others who’ve experienced any kind of hate for asking for help on the forums – not even people with handicaps, people with low-end rigs, and people who are just genuinely lost as well – to seek out friends in game instead.
You are right in that I came in with my guard up. But I hope you understand why. In one example I gave, I referred to post I read where someone was asking for camera tips because they only had one hand, and flaming ensued basically telling them “tough luck”. Posts which challenge community trends in my experience have received even less sympathy than “lil help?” threads. This is what this thread is. It’s about a certain kind of player/forum user who is slowly dominating the game this season. A player who says “If you can’t do something, get out, or else I’m entitled to a decent explanation as to why I seem so much better than you at the game.”
I apologize, but that’s the kinda of attitude I see in these elitist posts. It’s partly my guard that makes me read into SOME comments slightly more:
Fluffycake, you asked quite fairly, although perhaps missing a sentence where I explained that the simple mention of a handicap’s presence is the catalyst: (I paraphrase) “How can someone know if you’re not willing to discuss your handicap?” Again, forgivably, your question is on the basis that people aren’t bringing it up. They are. And then they get asked for proof in the form of private details. “Discuss”, I took to mean “explain”, rather than simply “mention” like I think you meant. I apologize for misunderstanding, and know now you weren’t asking for a diagnosis. But other people are doing pretty much that before they even offer help. That’s why I came in with my guard up. Elitists think that less skilled players think that they are entitled to everything for less work. Is that not the definition of the elitist mindset? That the non-elite are vocalizing over something they don’t deserve? That they don’t deserve it because somehow a better rig, a more whole body or mind, or more time on their hands provides the elite to more privelage on the level of common decency in a season sponsored by the company that hosts their ignorance in the name of generosity and charity.
Thank you for your support of everyone whose found difficulty so far, FluffyCake, I appreciate it on behalf of those being shut down, and even those who haven’t but need help occasionally. I agree, no one should feel like they can’t ask for help because of elitist players. Again, letting people know that the forums aren’t always the best place to look was my original intent – along with encouraging people to try to ignore smartpuppy comments, because there ARE decent players.
“Can someone lend a hand?” fails just as often. The same response from the same people (I’m not denying considerate replies exist).
Extremes: “Just keep trying, you’re being lazy.” or “You shouldn’t need help, it was too easy for me. I think they should make it harder.”
Asking for help when it’s needed is not selfish. Withholding help when you have it to give when it’s needed is selfish.
I am saddened to think that these people who lack this compassion during the holidays might need to ask for help in the future, and wonder to myself how much they would flame if they were left in the dark at that time. I really hope they find the help they ask for if the day came.
(edited by Zaith.9132)