Gift stopper griefers
I agree, my team won at least 8 times last night, unfortunately that was when I first started and was playing support so didn’t get any of those counts for the achievement because I didn’t realize you had to BE the person carrying the gift(what was the point of making teams if winning as one doesn’t count for anything?), but also not once was I able to complete a single gift stopper either because they kept dropping the gifts… so much for this “great community” helping each other get their holiday achievements…
Only thing I got done was my monthly kills which I admit I would never have done otherwise, but then I don’t pvp at all so that didn’t matter anyway since I will never ever get the other monthlies done.
That isn’t griefing. That isn’t even close to griefing.
That isn’t griefing. That isn’t even close to griefing.
It is, because theres no point in dropping the gift if you are about being downed and noone around picking the gift up to save it.
It’s not griefing. I intentionally drop the present sometimes to get a person chasing me off my back. Do they pick up the box and go try to score or do they chase me and let one of my full HP buddies pick it up and go on to score for us? The present is a wonderful distraction for most players (I then turn around, stealth, heal up, and down them as they try to make it to base).
Hmm, perhaps not in the typical definition of griefing but it also certainly isn’t very acceptable social behaviour for a holiday activity where we apparently are supposed to be one big happy family…. solo gamers not exactly welcome…
This is not griefing.
Drop the present, and then go into invis to live. How is that griefing when you are playing to win?
Sent you PMs Malediktus and Elarii.
As to why you need to return the gift to get credit for one of the achievements, I think otherwise it’s just a free for all. This gets people at least motivated to try to get the gift so that they learn to play the event as intended. I admit it’s not a perfect explanation, but I think it’s a reasonable one.
Best of luck getting this achievement!
Fort Aspenwood
Thanks for the pm but as a strictly pve gamer, I hate the idea of killing other players when we’re supposedly all trying to save the same world, anyway, I could see having to deliver it once or stop it once but five times?
Imo, that just makes people that hate pvp hate it even more, especially when combined with players that typically race to endgame just to pvp because they hate pve/adventuring/exploration and know all the, I’ll call them, “strategies” for winning in such types of situations.
I wouldn’t consider this griefing at all – it’s a legit tactic.
The reason why is because when you get downed while carrying a gift it’s almost impossible for your team mate to pick up that gift with your downed body directly underneath (without having to revive you first that is) which means that a substantial amount of time is wasted trying to revive you – when that same time could be better spent having a team mate pick up the gift and resuming the play to the drop off point.
I think this is actually a smart idea and a legit move to drop it away from your soon-to-be downed body.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Go scout, stealth yourself then charge #4 to full you should 1shot anyone who has just a bit of damage dealt to them and they won’t know when to drop the present b/c your stealthed
Its a legit tactic as mentioned. Most probably aren’t doing it to prevent others from getting the achievement, but rather simply to win the game (though as always I’m sure there are some who are just trying to be jerks).
The bigger problem is with the achievement itself, and the fact that a legitimate tactic also happens to mess up the achievement. There should be some sort of method to keep dropping the package from stopping the achievement as well, maybe some sort of timer where if you’re killed within X seconds of dropping the package it still counts (like how you’re vulnerable to snowballs for around 5 seconds after throwing a snowball).
Or just have forcing them to drop the package proc the achievement immediately, as long as you’ve done x amount of damage to them within y seconds before they drop it. Forcing them to drop it and retreat, even if they get a chance to heal up (or whatever), is still sort of stopping them.
[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest