How do you do the Wintersday Jumping puzzle?
I thought I was good at jumping puzzles until this super fast timer on the snowflakes. I’m pretty good at tough jumps but if you rush things this fast I’m screwed. I made it to the candy platform once but wasn’t sure if they disappear and messed up. I would be ok with this if the restart timer was faster. Sitting around for two minutes this many times is not fun.
I’m not sure I understand; it sounds like you tried using a game controller, and tried using a keyboard. I think most players are using a mouse. For camera control with a mouse, hold the right button down the whole time. That way you are always facing and moving in the same direction as the camera.
See this thread for more tips:
(I don’t like timed puzzles, either, Malignar.)
Oh lol…
ANet, mouseturning is OP – nerf it please!
Ah, so i was left clicking (not using a controller), and I had no idea that right-clicking centered the camera with the movement! Thank you; I thought I was going crazy!
(edited by A Dawg.7602)
I wish the scrollbar that sets turn speed also applied to the keyboard turn speed, and not only mouse turn speed. I tend to use keyboard all the time for movement in the world, so to try and start using the mouse for the few jumping puzzles that need it is a bit of a pain.
I agree Solvar .. that’s my problem too. I have always used the keyboard for turning and my right hand on the the space bar for jumps. So to try to switch to the mouse for turns and my left hand thumb for jumps is very difficult. I haven’t been able to master it enough to use with a timed puzzle. Using the keyboard I can usually make it to the candy mints, but the presents are all exploding by the time I get there. I have practiced every day, sometimes for an hour or more, hoping I’d get faster. Yet I have not been able to complete it. I’m a lot better than I was at first though. =)
Here are a few tips for the OP:
-try to jump from the higher points to lower points on snowflakes
-on the candy canes jutting out from the pillars, jump at a 45degree angle to maximize landing surface
-on the presents … stick towards the left or right sides…. presents tend to explode less in those areas.
-the snowman by the large candy mint platform blows wind about every 5 sec. …. you can pause or dodge this to avoid being blown off.
-use candy mints next to the snowball trail to avoid getting hit
-watch a video to see how others have done it
Good luck and congratz to all who have completed it!!
(edited by Rosen Myst.7641)
The best advice I can give with regards to these puzzles is to adjust your control method to a Mouse primary method. This really is a superior control method for all aspects of GW2 and though it will take a lot of time and practice, you’ll find that your reaction times will be noticeably faster.
Hold Right Click for all Camera movement. This will allow you to turn much faster than with the Keyboard.
For Forward Movement, Hold Left Click while you’re holding Right Click for Camera movement. This works in pretty much every WASD controlled MMO and though it may feel a bit strange at first, it frees up a finger on your left hand for Hotkey pressing (when in combat situations). In Jumping Puzzles, it will make it a bit easier for you to hit Spacebar for jumps if you’re not so practiced at stretching your fingers to multiple keys at once.
In addition to Holding Right Click for Camera/Character turns, use A and D (which should be set up to Strafe rather than Rotating your character) to fine tune your jumps while in Mid-Air. This way if you feel you’re just slightly off on your angle, you can adjust without losing the flow of your jump timing.
Once you get this control scheme down, you should be able to navigate the time dependent jumping puzzles much smoother and with less pauses between jumps. It will also help you in combat situations by allowing your to face an enemies back faster if you pass/flank him in addition to allowing you to protect your own back if your enemy tries to pass or flank you. It should also allow you to Hotkey more skills (if you wish) enabling you to use more skills on just your left hand without having to stretch across the keyboard.
Thanks Jest for your advice and suggestions on using the mouse for turns, etc. I appreciate you taking the time to post the reply above. I will definitely be practicing from now on.
I am terribad at all jumping puzzles, and timed ones the worst. But I’d have to say that most of the advice given here is stuff I eventually — through lots of trial and error (and falling) — figured out as well.
First of all, try to set aside the frustration and treat each attempt as a learning experience. I also highly recommend checking out the videos — there are some great ones on, for instance.
Secondly, it’s what others here have said: Hold down that right mouse button and use that to turn your character as you’re moving along. It so happens that if you swing that camera, your char will jump in the direction it’s now pointing. HUGE time-saver over trying to use the keyboard, which means 95% of the time you will be using only two keys — forward and jump. (Occasionally you might need to do a backwards step if you’re not lined up just right, and possibly a strafe side-step to fine-tune…but honestly, I almost never needed those on a successful run.)
Once I stripped my controls down to just these — and using the mouse to control direction — all of a sudden the only reason I kept falling was when I made dumb mistakes, like aiming for the wrong snowflake or jumping too soon.
Ah, so i was left clicking (not using a controller), and I had no idea that right-clicking centered the camera with the movement! Thank you; I thought I was going crazy!
Oh goodness. I can’t imagine trying a jumping puzzle without this. Hopefully this will make things much easier for you!
This took me a few hours on a charr char, and I’d like to add that stripping off armor really helps you see where your feet are. Also, you can turn your mouse sensitivity WAY up so the camera turns fast enough. I second that post about watching out for angled snowflakes and 45 degree jumps onto candy cane poles, helped alot!, so many times hitting my head on a snowflake. Also, try doing it late at night when few ppl are around, you might get lucky and get a lane with no other players.
SF guild on Jade Quarry.
Fav pet; Reef Drake
Someone linked this during the Halloween event to help with the Clocktower jumping puzzle. They said it helped them complete the jumping puzzle, and others claimed so too.
I didn’t make anymore progress on the Clocktower with the beta FOV. I’ve left the beta FOV on and did complete the Windersday puzzle. Can’t really say for sure if it helped me, but you could still give it a try if your having problems with the camera.
Also, I’d suggest looking at youtube videos of people doing the puzzle if you haven’t already.
I gave up for 2 reasons: My toon is Norn and the 2 minute timer blows.
Someone linked this during the Halloween event to help with the Clocktower jumping puzzle. They said it helped them complete the jumping puzzle, and others claimed so too.
I didn’t make anymore progress on the Clocktower with the beta FOV. I’ve left the beta FOV on and did complete the Windersday puzzle. Can’t really say for sure if it helped me, but you could still give it a try if your having problems with the camera.
Also, I’d suggest looking at youtube videos of people doing the puzzle if you haven’t already.
Actually, I believe this is no longer beta, but standard. The old FoV measurement can be reset with a different command line function, as I recall.