Jumping puzzles tips?

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


Ok I can not for the life of me beat it. Anyone got tips?

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: gamerul.2509


You have to learn to jump faster and develop good reflexes.This is just warm up compared to Clock Tower

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Daniel.5794


This jumping puzzle is pretty boring compared to the clock tower.

FijiPeanut – Semper Dius [Dius]

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Keep the right mouse button down use it to turn. Use ‘a’ and ‘d’ to straff mid air for corrections whilst moving forward (right mouse button must still be down)

Set camera to look down on ur character enough to see where u land but not to far so u cant see whats coming.

Turn off double tap to dodge.

Learn to platfrom ..its a bassic redementry gaming skill. :P

Any1 who gamed during the days of the Sega Genseis, Nintendo , and even the Atar 2600 should be really good at platforming.
If you were to young or not born during that time then im afraid this is what happens when u grow up on the EZ Mode generation of games of the past decade

Relax ..practice. .have fun

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CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Yeah, it’s not that hard after some practice.

I suck at JPs really hard and still made it after half an hour of tries.

If you can climb up in cliff-side fractal and asura fractal – you’ll make it.

The key is to keep moving. The snowflakes in first part are positioned in such a way that you can jump on them without stopping.

EU Aurora Glade

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Be fast.

I always hold down the right mouse button when doing puzzles since then I move with the camera. I also rarely lift my finger off the forward key unless I need to brake myself at certain times.

I found, for the staircase of presents, that the left side (maybe 4 presents from the left) is the best to jump up since they don’t explode right away. I’m always there right before the presents explode so this may not be helpful depending on how long it takes you.

For the snowman after the staircase I usually just wait. He does a quick blast of wind followed by a longer blast immediately after. You can dodge through this or use any of the abilities.

I recommend going on YouTube and watching the videos. I’ll link you to one that I found that’s pretty much how I run it.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Healix.5819


First, watch a video.

You don’t actually have to speed jump through the puzzle. It’s possible to jump then pause for a second and still make it.

When jumping from a tilted snowflake to another that is higher up, jump from the highest part of the snowflake your on and not the lowest.

When reaching the popping presents, find a column that is mostly unpopped. Usually the one just before the far right is good. You can jump from box to box straight up, rather than going diagonally all over the place.

After the popping presents there is a gust of wind if you made it around the time a snowball is coming if you were to run straight down. It will blow you back, but the one time I ran into it, it just blew me to the edge of the platform.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


Keep the right mouse button down use it to turn. Use ‘a’ and ‘d’ to straff mid air for corrections whilst moving forward (right mouse button must still be down)

Set camera to look down on ur character enough to see where u land but not to far so u cant see whats coming.

Turn off double tap to dodge.

Learn to platfrom ..its a bassic redementry gaming skill. :P

Any1 who gamed during the days of the Sega Genseis, Nintendo , and even the Atar 2600 should be really good at platforming.
If you were to young or not born during that time then im afraid this is what happens when u grow up on the EZ Mode generation of games of the past decade

Relax ..practice. .have fun

No I have jumping skills just not 3 second to jump or you die skills

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I definately recommend holding down the right mouse button and using that to move the camera and mainly control what direction you’re going. Then use your other hand to walk and jump (you may need to re-map the jump button to make this comfortable). I also found it useful to keep the camera mostly overhead because a lot of the platforms are quite close together and it makes it easier to see where you’re going.

If necessary don’t be afraid to ‘sacrifice’ an attempt to get a jump right. If you hit a point you’re not familiar with or haven’t managed to do before it might be worth taking the time to figure it out even if you don’t have time to do the rest of the puzzle – you’ll know it for next time.

Finally when you get to the part with the snowballs take your time. It’s hard after rushing through the other parts but even if you just scraped through the previous section before the platforms dissapeared you should have plenty of health left and it’s much better to wait and let a snowball go past than to try and rush it and die.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aryto.5873


  • If you get good, you can shave some time off by skipping over some snowflakes and floating mints. It takes an extreme jump, but every path has some spots that can be “leapfrogged” over.
  • I want to stress what Healix said about the exploding gifts: Use the path 2nd from the furthest on the right and go straight up. None of those gifts explode until they all explode and a straight line is faster than a ridiculous zigzag. You can actually observe the exploding pattern from the starting platform.
  • Dodge-rolling is faster than running if you’re pressed to avoid the snowballs (or beat your friend to the finish).
  • The explosion of candy and gifts at the very end serves to confuse—use the longer blue presents and the candy canes up the middle to make it up to the finish.
  • There is a way up on top of the castle at the end if you look around!
A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Baladir.2736


Right mouse button always pressed. Turn to face the direction you want to move next before you land. That direction puts your target dead center in the middle of your monitor before you land. Then all you need to do is move forward and make the next jump. Releasing the jump button, space bar, will stop your forward motion in the jump. Tilt the camera with enough of a downward angle so that you can see when you need to stop to land on the target and release the jump button. (Then make your turn for the next jump.) Turning down the graphics to maximum performance gets rid of noticeable tenths of seconds lag. Split seconds can make the difference. Some wireless mouses or keyboards do introduce lag. Be sure you are aware if there is any and are compensating. Or, if you have a choice, plug it in.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Bleachx.1897


Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


Right mouse button always pressed. Turn to face the direction you want to move next before you land. That direction puts your target dead center in the middle of your monitor before you land. Then all you need to do is move forward and make the next jump. Releasing the jump button, space bar, will stop your forward motion in the jump. Tilt the camera with enough of a downward angle so that you can see when you need to stop to land on the target and release the jump button. (Then make your turn for the next jump.) Turning down the graphics to maximum performance gets rid of noticeable tenths of seconds lag. Split seconds can make the difference. Some wireless mouses or keyboards do introduce lag. Be sure you are aware if there is any and are compensating. Or, if you have a choice, plug it in.

Why right mouse button?

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


If you don’t then you will only run in the direction that you’re facing. By holding the right mouse button, you’ll run in the direction the camera is facing. It’s much easier this way.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


how do i make the camera go the way i want it to?

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Wor Machien.9657

Wor Machien.9657

Keep the right mouse button down use it to turn. Use ‘a’ and ‘d’ to straff mid air for corrections whilst moving forward (right mouse button must still be down)

^^ This is what I do that helps me the most in all puzzles. But the main thing I would stress most in this particular puzzle is PATIENCE (between each jump).

Each jump I actually take an extra half second to prep my jump (adjust the camera and move slightly into position).

I’ve done this puzzle successfully many times without having to rush it to a point where I’m stressed. The timer is more forgiving than the Clocktower. I think it’s pretty spot on (good job Anet).

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


Keep the right mouse button down use it to turn. Use ‘a’ and ‘d’ to straff mid air for corrections whilst moving forward (right mouse button must still be down)

^^ This is what I do that helps me the most in all puzzles. But the main thing I would stress most in this particular puzzle is PATIENCE (between each jump).

Each jump I actually take an extra half second to prep my jump (adjust the camera and move slightly into position).

I’ve done this puzzle successfully many times without having to rush it to a point where I’m stressed. The timer is more forgiving than the Clocktower. I think it’s pretty spot on (good job Anet).

3 seconds is forgiving???

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Manoa.5897


  • I want to stress what Healix said about the exploding gifts: Use the path 2nd from the furthest on the right and go straight up. None of those gifts explode until they all explode and a straight line is faster than a ridiculous zigzag. You can actually observe the exploding pattern from the starting platform.

This also applies to the path 2nd from the furthest on the left. It appears both 2nd from the left and 2nd from the right are both stable paths that are straight shots to the top.

I’d also like to throw in my support to using your mouse to steer instead of your keyboard. It’s far more quick than using your keys (especially since you’re juggling less keystrokes) and is MUCH easier to line up your jumps. Also, if you find your camera doesn’t rotate quickly enough for some of the turns, up your camera rotation setting in your options. But don’t increase the setting so much that you don’t have any control over your camera. You’ll have to find the setting that works best for you (I have mine set to around 50%).

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Glektor.2934


I don’t know if anyone still uses them these days, but, make sure you aren’t using an old-school mouse with a ball.
A good laser mouse makes control 100x easier.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


Im using trackpad

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Here’s my tips (and video to help visually).

1) RELAX! The game is about fun, and if you’re a nervous wreck you’re not going to have fun.

2) Ctrl+Shift H, hide your GUI. You can relax by hiding your UI so that you see neither the timer or your HP. Those two artificial weaknesses cause huge “OMG!” moments and stress people to no end. So, by hiding them it’s just you and the puzzle.

3) Take your time at the candy-cane sticks. I’ve seen so many people (and have done it myself) over-jump this section. It’s not the normal distance of the snowflakes, and you cannot just “skip” one of them either.

4) Stay right at the Q-Bert presents. The right side is the near last section to ‘pop’ and is the safest path to go up. You’ll all end up starting in the middle from the peppermint to the blue gifts, so sticking right is just a good idea (middle is suicidal!).

5) Hear the snowman, see the snowman. If you don’t have audio on this puzzle, this part is going to mess you up. The snowman gives an audio whistle right before he starts blowing. If you miss this, you’ll get blown right off, so time it right.

6) Move just after a snowball, but no later. If you don’t time the snowballs ‘just right’, you’ll find yourself under one. Also, avoid the red circles that follow them, because those give you a freezing slow condition that will just mess you up further.

Well, that’s my tips. Good luck, have fun….and, you will be all right.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: joe.9815


My problem is I run out of time on snowflakes

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fiddlybitz.6982


The best advice I can come up with is something that I’ve done every single time I made it to the end successfully. On those attempts, I simply didn’t fall. That’s the best advice anyone can give you, don’t fall.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: loneknight.8425


I’m playing GW2 on Thinkpad T410 with NVS 3100M graphic, mid-range wireless optical mouse on 2mbps mobile broadband connection. (my work requires me to travel a lot)

- schedule time for JP when you can focus for at least 1hr
- agreed with Wor, hv lots of patience

Game setting:
- set graphic to “best performance”
- set mouse sensitivity to maximum

Jumping :
- aim for the edge of the flakes instead of their centre, shave a few nanoseconds fr time taken on orientating yr toon to mid of flakes fr point to point
- use short jumps (press ‘jump’ key first, immediately follow by direction key) when negotiating the horizontal candy canes. You can control yr jumping dist by pressing & releasing direction key
- most floating mints require running jumps. make sure u run to the edge of the mint before pressing jump button to make it to the other point.
- For popping presents, personally I find it easier to jump diagonally to the right till second last column, then jump upwards.
- Watch out for wind when negotiating the giant candy cane before snowball trail. Pause for the wind to disappear if need to
- While watching out for giant snowballs, take note of red circles on the trail as well. I estimate there is 2-3 seconds window for u to get out fr the circles before u get knock off the trail by skritts
- During the home stretch, personally I find it easier to jump on the blue gift boxes (& a big candy cane in btw the blue boxes)

Last but not least, Don’t Give Up! I wish you success in conquering this puzzle

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

(edited by loneknight.8425)

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Im using trackpad

Then that might be the problem. I am not too familiar with trackpads, but you’d probably be much better off getting an actual (gaming) mouse as I don’t believe a trackpad to be responsive enough when you need to make fast controlled movements.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
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Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Ok I can not for the life of me beat it. Anyone got tips?

Kudos to you for asking for help rather than just venting about how hard it is like a lot of other players.

I was going to offer advice, but most of the advice above is very sound.

I also suggest holding the right mouse button down at all times (I do it during normal gameplay as well) as a way of switching direction and camera angles quickly.

Currently I am practicing holding forward the ENTIRE time to get the best time possible on the jump, but I’d suggest holding forward during any areas where you feel safe and confident. Speed might not be a huge issue, but being slow for no reason can be risky. Basically, don’t take time to line up a jump if you don’t need to. If it’s a short hope, just do it. Don’t stop for short hops.

However, be very careful at the candy cane sticks, I find them to be the most difficult part of the whole puzzle (which is funny since they are so close to the start).

“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


Also look at the jumping puzzle while waiting. You can figure out which way to go when you reach the field of exploding gifts just by looking at which one of them explode while waiting for next turn. And of course you can see where other players miss their jumps so you know where to be careful.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Best advice to give you is: “Calm down.”

The puzzle is timed… but it isn’t that fierce a timer…

Second bit of advice is: “Expect to run it more than once… and begin each run with that expectation.”

Then your sense of peril through the run will be reduced… allowing you to take time to learn how to do the hard jumps… if you fall while working your way through the next bit you haven’t figured out, you are less apt to feel frustrated about it because you weren’t expecting to finish that time anyway.

The word “puzzle” implies many things… but the most important is “incremental progression”… meaning you progress to the end as you solve small challenges along the way.

On to more technical advice… if you aren’t using a mouse, start using one, you cannot expect to do any timed jump puzzle using the keyboard or some awkward multi-finger touchpad movement to turn your camera. Second, remember that you can strafe left and right while in the air to help correct your flight path. Keep your camera pointed more “down” than “forward” so you can better judge the distances between platforms, but not so extreme that you can’t judge vertical differences. Turn off “double tap to dodge”… mostly, all this technical stuff has already been covered… so really my only good bit of advice has been spoken millions of times since the english language was concieved…

“Don’t Panic”

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Diviner.7405


Any video that does not have all three paths shown should be dislike on youtube immediately.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Craziplaya.2103


Any video that does not have all three paths shown should be dislike on youtube immediately.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: skizziks.2940


1) Watch a video on the jumping puzzle so you that you know where to go. Although there are different paths for the first part (snowflakes), they are pretty straightforward.

2) Keep practising. If you failed somewhere along the jump, remember where you went wrong. Slow down a little and try to make the correct jump on your next attempt.

3) Find a right balance between speed and accuracy. You need to be fast and at the same time time your jump well and accurately.

Finally, here’s a video which I made, hope it helps.

Lady Jiyoung (Crystal Desert)

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alnear Leavar.7453

Alnear Leavar.7453

For the gift section – I always go right second to last row all the way up… It never exploded on me… After gifts on that peppermint watch out for blowing wind – it can ruin your day. After that also watch for red circles (where the balls roll) cos they will chill you.

Overall it’s not that hard and you don’t need to have lightning fast reflexes. Most common mistake is to just rush and not think. Also, for me the snowman path is the easiest. If you are maybe on Gandara, you can add me and I’d be glad to help you out – I lead my friend who always failed also.

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey Joe, all the above advice is good! : )) so it seems your main problem is the timing? first and foremost.. get that out of your head! when you feel pressured, it’s easy to not act your best. and for this.. a lot of times, it helps to just jump by gut feeling and faith. the jumps from snowflake to snowflake aren’t that far, but don’t feel rushed and jump without stopping if you can. the mouse turning will help a lot.

the only times i stopped in this JP was the horizontal candy canes in the snowflake part. and obviously with the snowballs at the end. : ))

most important thing about timed JP’s are to stay calm. remain composed and you will eventually get it! it does take practice! so each time you messed up at a part, try to take notice what it was that caused you to fall, or slow down, or eventually lose out on time.. then you can keep those things in mind the next time you run it.

good luck!DD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Jumping puzzles tips?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Shamon.2091


Im using trackpad

Hey Joe, the advice given here has been great. Things I do that I take for granted like using the mouse to turn etc. However, I really think it will be impossible to do this with a track pad. If you can get a cheap optical or even ball mouse it will make your life so much easier. Unless you were kidding