Launch Time?
- ANet is an American company
- ANet employees work during the daytime in the PST (GMT-8) timezone
- ANet employees need to be working when the patch goes live in case something needs a hotfix due to issues transferring from the dev -> live server
- ANet employees cannot be expected by the company to work all hours of the night if something goes wrong and a release is in the middle of the night to satisfy Europeans!
Most Europeans would be just happy if they deployed the patch about first thing in the morning PST. That’d make it what, 6 pm CET. We’d have the entire evening to play and Anet would have the entire work day to keep it smooth.
+1 to this.
This suggestion is by far the best suggestion I have seen on these forums.
and on top of that, Anet will keep all sides of the game nice and happy instead of making everyone wait till the next day or 5am in the morning EU Time (Not sure about the Aussies & asian Timezones, sorry guys I ain’t too good with Timezones, how the world couldn’t be 1 timezone I will never know…..)
Cant’t even begin to state how much i like/luv this comment. ( specially from a dev )
And releasing it in the morning PST would give them more time to fix problems if some arise. Sounds better than releasing it in the afternoon PST and then having to work overtime, doesn’t it?
Gwens Avengers
He straight up said “the new build will be going live sometime tomorrow.”
Lamesauce, now I won’t be able to test it out until Sunday afternoon
(edited by Edenwolf.6328)
He straight up said “the new build will be going live sometime tomorrow.”
Lamesauce, now I won’t be able to test it out until Sunday afternoon
That was yesterday.
He straight up said “the new build will be going live sometime tomorrow.”
Lamesauce, now I won’t be able to test it out until Sunday afternoon
That was yesterday.
Ah yes, I see now that they use army time for these posts, his post was at 01:20, not at 1:20 pm.
Well, I’m glad that the patch will be released before the 15th scheduled event.
In any case, guys stop wailing here about the time, regardless of when the launch occurs ANET has to transfer the patch to all the other download server and prep those server for the 100k+ of us who need to get the patch. All in all it doesn’t matter when they get the patch in as long as its before around 10 PST on the 15th.
We think too consumer side / client side, who knows, their server build codes may take 1-5 hours to run and if the patch data has an error in it they may need to resend it and rerun the build.
Don’t be filling this thread with more QQ unless you are:
A) Spending $100 bucks on gems in anticipation of chest drops .
B) Can’t download the client patch on the 15th morning before the event on 10 PST.
C) Making plans to visit relatives via a trip and want to download the new content so you can play on your phones slow tether plan.
D) Download patches at internet cafes where you pay per hour and then use your phones slow tether plan to play.
And no, not all phone tether plans are slow.
And for those who say the update won’t hit till the 15th in US time, realize that it is another 12 or so hours left for the 14th in any US location (Hawaii and Alaska are US states after-all).
Thanks Regina for the update. I also liked the hedgehogs.
PS: Can we have update notes with cute pics included, that way whenever there’s a nerf / buff to a class we can be distracted from QQing.
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
Don’t be filling this thread with more QQ unless you are:
A) Spending $100 bucks on gems in anticipation of chest drops .
B) Can’t download the client patch on the 15th morning before the event on 10 PST.
C) Making plans to visit relatives via a trip and want to download the new content so you can play on your phones slow tether plan.
D) Download patches at internet cafes where you pay per hour and then use your phones slow tether plan to play.
So I can complain due to.
Oh, and they did specify here on the forums that the patch will come on December 15th according to PST, so the other US locations you mentioned don’t count.
Gwens Avengers
Its now 5:30 est , the time zone the world operates off of because of the nyse. No patch not even an eta.
I can already tell this event is going to be a disaster just like the last one.
Rootnode> Go to bed now, get up early, be awake when you know the patch will be available in the morning.
failure is still a monumental success, assuming
losses remain within acceptable parameters.
Hey folks.
We understand everyone is excited to hop in and experience the fun and excitement of all the Wintersday content. As we mentioned earlier, the game update will arrive at sometime today, Pacific Time (which is the time zone in which our development studio is based). We do not have a specific time at which it will go live.
The first event which will occur at a specific time will happen tomorrow, December 15, per the schedule on the website.
Remember: you will have until January 3 to enjoy the content.
Log on, and enjoy.
Either I still have to wait 1 or 2 minutes, or you just trolled me.
ugh he is level 1 troll
Does that mean you loged on?
i was already online thats why i replied to your post
i wouldnt need to loggon to check it just open the launcher
your special…. or just plain kitten
Why you so mad? It is just a game though.
Time zone discrimination is srs bzns.
Work hours are also serious business. You know, Anet employees who’re working on Pacific time.
Screw that! The engineers at Anet shouldve been at the office 3am PST last night pushing this through just for the EU. The increase risk of mistakes due to fatigue and extra overtime costs are totally worth it.
Bah. Saying you start work at 3 am PST implies you stopped working before that. Why stop working at all?
Yes, we know. And that’s why releasing the patch early in the morning or at least before noon makes MORE sense than releasing it in the late afternoon or evening. Because if anything goes wrong THEN, they’ll have to work overtime.
→ Implying that they can release patch right now.
I somehow doubt they’re delaying the release just because they can.
myeah, I’m not gonna wait for that, this euro player is off to bed. Have fun with the snowball fighing all who’ll be there tonight.
i don’t know much about software/hardware and networking/servers, but i think it’s fair to assume, that the reason they can’t give us an exact time, is because of their live updating. they implement the patch on the fly, while the server is running. there is no server downtime (unless something goes wrong).
i imagine this process is very tricky and varies in the amount of time it takes. depending on patch size, what zones/maps/server parts are affected etc.
imho ArenaNet should just stop giving us the patch date (for big even patches) and only tell us about the event starting time. that way, poeple wouldn’t complain about an unexpected patch a few hours/a day before the actual event starts.
(edited by Nemui.6753)
Rootnode> Go to bed now, get up early, be awake when you know the patch will be available in the morning.
Yeah, unfortunately there’s something like work. Would’ve loved to get into some snowball fights before tomorrow, or at least download the patch.
I’m not mad about the delay itself. I am mad about the poor planning of the patch schedule or (if anything happened), poor communication. Both would’ve helped in planning the weekend.
Gwens Avengers
Is there SOMEWHERE mentioned that the patch will be on 15th or 14th? Only the event at “Der Hain” is said to be on 15th with pst time.
So next time PLEASE just say it on the offical sides also that it is pst time….
Ps: Even on the german frontpage “PST” is nowhere to be found….
25 min left So patch will be tomorrow? can i go sleep? :P
Is there SOMEWHERE mentioned that the patch will be on 15th or 14th? Only the event at “Der Hain” is said to be on 15th with pst time.
So next time PLEASE just say it on the offical sides also that it is pst time….
Ps: Even on the german frontpage “PST” is nowhere to be found….
Good point. The german site should tell GMT dates, not PST. So, the information on the german website should mean that the patch should’ve been out by today (GMT time).
Gwens Avengers
Well then with the above said, it will be up and running in 9 hours and 24 mins
They could be delaying release for a reason, like some servers not yet ready ect…
but that is internal, we don’t need to know why.
I know I’ll be online when it hits provided I am done with work.
Just think of how grateful the engineers at ANET will be when it goes live
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
25 min left
So patch will be tomorrow? can i go sleep? :P
it will be today, american west coast time. probably in about 4 or 5 hours. yes, you can go to bed.
Or maybe there was already a patch. A very hidden patch that is. And Wintersday will come in with a bang!
We’ll be in game and all of a sudden snow happens, etc…
That’s one way to surprise us.
Well then with the above said, it will be up and running in 9 hours and 24 mins
They could be delaying release for a reason, like some servers not yet ready ect…
but that is internal, we don’t need to know why.I know I’ll be online when it hits provided I am done with work.
Just think of how grateful the engineers at ANET will be when it goes live
Server issues, last minute bugs, whatever happened…. communication is key.
Gwens Avengers
Why do you keep saying “sometime today, Pacific Time”?
Is that a hint that the patch will be ready at Sometime+3hrs EST?
Is there SOMEWHERE mentioned that the patch will be on 15th or 14th? Only the event at “Der Hain” is said to be on 15th with pst time.
So next time PLEASE just say it on the offical sides also that it is pst time….
Ps: Even on the german frontpage “PST” is nowhere to be found….
Good point. The german site should tell GMT dates, not PST. So, the information on the german website should mean that the patch should’ve been out by today (GMT time).
it tells GMT dates… but there is no time on when the patch will be released, only 14th.
And if you compare them with the other named dates, it should be here between now and 21 minutes
Server issues, last minute bugs, whatever happened…. communication is key.
imho: there is no need for additional communication, because nothing out of the ordinary happened. i’m pretty sure it’s perfectly on schedule. it’s just the nature of their patches being implemented in a live environment that they can’t give us an exact time.
quoting myself from earlier:
i don’t know much about software/hardware and networking/servers, but i think it’s fair to assume, that the reason they can’t give us an exact time, is because of their live updating. they implement the patch on the fly, while the server is running. there is no server downtime (unless something goes wrong).
i imagine this process is very tricky and varies in the amount of time it takes. depending on patch size, what zones/maps/server parts are affected etc.
Come on, they’re going by PST not GMT, it should be obvious by now. As frustrating at it can be, that’s the deal. And for all of those of you who participated on Halloween and The Lost Shores, you should know by now that it means well after midnight for us Europreans.
I understand of Anet point of view, that they can’t give an exact time, since they don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up if they aren’t sure they can live up to it.
But they also know that their game is played over the entire world, so if they say that the event starts the 14th, they should make the content live on the 14th for the whole world. they basicly gave false hope for half the (GW2 playing)world by announcing the start of the event on the 14th.
Unfortunately, I have work tomorrow, and I know the event stays untill the 3th of january,but I was still excited to start the event today.
I hope they will think twice for the next event and state the “pasific time” from the start, and not start using the term by the time the 14th (in this case) starts to end in europe, so the rest of the world won’t be getting their hopes up.
Just my 2 cents, good luck ya’ll!!!!
PST time is almost 3pm now. what’s the holdup? frm the looks of things it’ll only come tmr…
My bet is it be close to 4 o’clock PST or slightly before There are some WvWvW changes I believe and don’t want to just shut it down for some of the last minute fighting someone might just pull off a third – second place manuever at 3’oclock and how kittened would you be if you lose by 20 some points cause it was shut down…..I know in reality its like Who’s Line is it Anyway….overall the points don’t Matter, But as gamers Points meen everything just look at all the crying over not being able to get all the Mad king achievements when it happened.
- ANet is an American company
- ANet employees work during the daytime in the PST (GMT-8) timezone
- ANet employees need to be working when the patch goes live in case something needs a hotfix due to issues transferring from the dev -> live server
- ANet employees cannot be expected by the company to work all hours of the night if something goes wrong and a release is in the middle of the night to satisfy Europeans
ArenaNet is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation.
Just so you know who really is in control.
Sigh… It’s already past 1 o’clock where I live. Was really hoping I’d get to play some before going to bed, and I’ve already pushed myself to stay awake far too late. Tomorrow I work full day (morning till evening), as well as Sunday and Monday. Will only get to experience Wintersday for the first time on Tuesday.
Majorly disappointed. :/
Nice job disappointing good majority of EU players Arenanet. Thumbs up!
By stating on their official website that Wintersday begins on 14th December (even without giving a specified time) ANet should have had the foresight to expect that their playerbase WILL log on and expect the event to begin. I don’t think the EU community is wrong for getting upset that many of them, including me, are staying up late to attend this event. I will go as far to say that ANet is being a little irresponsible for providing such vague information.
Hm… they should just always from now on make Like 1day extra for EU
if they patch say 14th they should announce 15th for EU would stop complains? well not much to do i guess go to sleep and tomorrow work and after wont be home on sunday then
Hey folks.
We understand everyone is excited to hop in and experience the fun and excitement of all the Wintersday content. As we mentioned earlier, the game update will arrive at sometime today, Pacific Time (which is the time zone in which our development studio is based). We do not have a specific time at which it will go live.
The first event which will occur at a specific time will happen tomorrow, December 15, per the schedule on the website.
Remember: you will have until January 3 to enjoy the content.
Perhaps you could have the PR team remove the incorrect claim from the Great Britain (en-gb) localised site that the event will launch on December 14th?
They really need to learn to refrain from giving specific launch days for these events that they know they can barely meet. Same thing happened with Halloween: say it launches on a certain day, but they wait until nearly midnight PST to actually launch. Most players would probably be much happier if they would just say the launch day is one day later and launch nice and early on that day, rather than running around like chickens with their heads cut off on Friday night trying to get it up before the deadline (which they only actually meet in one time zone, making them “on time” only by technicality).
Reminds me of slackers in school waiting until the last minute to do a project and pulling an all-nighter to try and get it done, and ending up turning it in 5 minutes before class ends. Very unprofessional.
Endless Petrification Tonic
oh i see now. saying “sometime today PST” = “our deadline is 11:59pm PST”
Well that is actually helpful as it means it’s not coming any time soon, so I can do other stuff first.
They are advertising on the EN-GB website as December 14, for sure. I imagine it’s the same for all, if not most, of the other EU sites. Which is why so many people are upset right now.
Man it’s like some people don’t realize that real life has delays. Ever get stuck in traffic for an hour? Just chill and be happy that life is so cool that we even have a game like this.
Is there anything worth staying up for that I can’t do later?
I’ve read the wintersday promo but don’t see anything like a one-time event which if there was would definitely warrant some players’ angst… O_o
Or are some players simply upset that the event will be live on the 14th late as opposed to earlier?
They are advertising on the EN-GB website as December 14, for sure. I imagine it’s the same for all, if not most, of the other EU sites. Which is why so many people are upset right now.
Yep, Anet just doesn’t understand or seem to care. Their site says there will be thing to do on DEC 14TH
“14 December
The Wintersday celebration begins! You’ll find the customary snowmen, presents, and holiday cheer all over Tyria and in the Mists during Wintersday, but Lion’s Arch is really the place to be. Each year the citizens of Lion’s Arch deck the halls with festive décor and fill the air with holiday carols……."
Nothing at all happening at LA!!!
The airship arrives in the grove on the 15th at 10 AM PST.
Oh well, eventually it will start. (maybe)
Man it’s like some people don’t realize that real life has delays. Ever get stuck in traffic for an hour? Just chill and be happy that life is so cool that we even have a game like this.
The problem isn’t with the timing itself. The problem is the incorrect advertising: Arenanet claimed on the European localisations of their website that the event would start on December 14th despite the fact that (as has been explained above) they did not intend to start the event on December 14th in those countries. Had they said “the event will launch at 8am December 15th” that would have been fine: it’s the misleading information people have a problem with.
It seems like a lot of people forget that the game world is still there with stuff to do. There are also other games to play. Heck, go see the Hobbit and watch the new GW2 Trailer before the film
I guarantee you it won’t be here before 5PM their time, 8PM EST, because that is normally when they push updates.
Stop saying ANET doesn’t care, if they didn’t care they wouldn’t be doing major updates once a month for the past 3 months.
If they start at 11:59 pm PST it will still be meeting their advertised time. And no its not a promise between ANET and us, its just saying “look guys we decided to work on content for you starting on the 15th of this month, we think we will have it out on the 14th and the airship will arrive at the following locations”.
ITS NOT misleading.
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
WTB Razor Blade Free Candy!
Well, Europe: Paris
It is 0:35 ET still no update, arena net rather can be run in the U.S. this time =)
Finally, I looked forward to the update!
By stating on their official website that Wintersday begins on 14th December (even without giving a specified time) ANet should have had the foresight to expect that their playerbase WILL log on and expect the event to begin.
Too true.
Better to say that the main event starts at the specified day/time and that some content (e.g. Lion’s Arch stuff) may be released a little ahead of that time.
Too cute!
Omg the EU servers were lied too and nobody else was!
They already said that it would be out sometime today… which is about 8 hours left of today their time. So they still have not lied to you.
But….. every patch has always come out on the PST time zone… like every single one for every single event…. I don’t get why people all of a sudden thought this was going to change?1
Because Anet posted on their European websites that it would happen on December 14th, and in most of Europe it’s now December 15th.