Love the event.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sanctem.3862


I’ve ALWAYS loved Christmas events in MMO’s but I absolutely love this one, it’s a lot of fun, looks great, and I LOOOOVE the music in Lion’s Arch.

That’s it, thank you ANet!!! <33333333 You’re amazing!
Have a vuryy murry christmusss and a happy new yearrr.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: dirknaruto.1506


me too… played only a couple of dungeon and stayed in LA and starting to love it already…

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Farzo.8410


ArenaNet does seasonal events right.

If they now can only keep it up like this every month I will be happy.

Halloween was a blast, I loved it.

I disliked Lost Shores.

Winter’s Day have been epic so far and have really put me in the mood.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


It’s ok for free content.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sanctem.3862


It’s better than WoW’s xmas. xD

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: SilverSteele.6519


At the risk of sounding like a complete fanboy:
I love the event, like come on, what MMO puts this much work into an event that only lasts a couple of weeks. Sometimes I get so into this game I forget that no other MMOs have jumping puzzles, awesome music mini games, snowball fights, and transformations of cities just for an event! Plus all of the other goodies that are here year round!
I love you ANet thanks for all of your hard work

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


I’m going to bump this thread up to the top of this section and throw my hat in the “thank you very much, A.Net” pile. The event, though with some minor faults, is overall fun, exciting, and a great merriment.

I’m very giddy about the jumping puzzle too, as it’s architectural design is far more appealing on the eyes than that of the Clocktower. The video didn’t disappoint in it’s delivery of gaiety to ‘most’ of the players of this very enjoyable game.

(edited by Siphaed.9235)

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Yeah, the return of the snowball battle (Guild Wars 1 had one) is probably the best part. I’ve been waiting to see what that would be. I wasn’t disappointed. I’m not too big on jumping puzzles (platforming isn’t really what I come to a MMORPG for), but I appreciate the aesthetics of the new one, at least.

I could do without some of the mini-pets only being available in the random chests. Not interested. I like what they did with the weapon skins, though, compared to Halloween. That is despite the fact that I was able to make a tidy sum flipping Halloween skins. I just feel like this is more “fair,” if that makes sense…except for the chest-only mini-pets.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: arabeth.2361


I was going to make my own thread but I’ll just bump this one:

This is absolutely the best event so far! The dev team clearly learned from their mistakes and Wintersday is all the better for it. I am absolutely loving it so far! Please, Anet, keep it coming!

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: notebene.3190


Until today I was sticking up for it.

However, I’m greatly concerned about being stuck at 11/12 when this is all over.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I have enjoyed it, I think there is enough to tide people over, and after the 20th it sounds like the Toypocalypse thing should be quite interesting. The minigames are entertaining and pretty applicable for everyone. Have to say ANet knows how to make interesting minigames (something a lot of MMOs seem to struggle with).

Sure there is a lot of stuff to get in the cashshop, but its not too bad (aside from the pets – but we get 2 free pets from the dungeons so I’d say it evens out in the end :/).

I’m glad there isn’t really any time sensitive events occuring though. Though Halloween didn’t have many, it still caused some issues. And the Lost Shores thing was a disaster. I’m glad they decided to give a big pool of time for people to participate.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lordphantomhive.1256


Beside today’s dungeon event and the snowball fight (it okay, I just not really a fan of it), I been very impress with this update.:)

Darkness becomes light, light falls into darkness.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Vick.6805


I love the event so far. ANet has found some creative solutions to the problems with Halloween and (especially) Lost Shores, and has made this event the best yet.

Way to wade through all the feedback and come out ahead. Well done, ANet!

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Mike.9451


I love the jumping puzzle. I love the snowball fight and the choir bell is so much fun. Thanks for the fun event ANet.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sanctem.3862


I just think the events simply get better and better, and the jumping puzzle and choir bell are so much fun. Haha (:

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


This is turning out to be a very fun event. I like the variety of activities and the schedule of Tixx’s tour around the cities for opening new content each day works very well. The toy minis are brilliantly designed. Great idea making them a main piece of the event, it fits so well with the holiday. Tixx and Toxx are terrific new NPCs added to the lore.

Also the soundtrack is great. Thanks ArenaNet for posting the tracks for free!

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cazanova.7845


I have had alot of fun so far in this event I can not honestly say I have enjoyed all of it but there have been plenty of things I have enjoyed and have spent my time doing those. I would like to thank everyone at Anet for the time I got to spend chunking snowballs at friends and strangers and turning tenacious skritt in to dolls (my fav part of the event so far) The daily toyship dungeons have been fun to run and the decorations and music have been top notch.

Cazper Asura engineer [TSV] Tarnished coast

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Great job, Wintersday team!!! I’ve played everything (and by play, that means making 4-5 jumps in the jumping puzzle, max – I suck at Mario!) All of it is a blast! The artwork is amazing, particularly the detail of the mini’s. City decoration is what I expected from GW1 and then some. Tixx’s dungeon, at least the one that I got to play with the rest of my guild, was a rollar-coaster (none of us are close to 80, so it was white knuckle all the way). Just a great time and a great job! THIS is why I look forward to the holidays in GW!

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: shanmugong.6750


Love the winter’s day music. I just stand at LA and let it play at the background while I do my usual work on another PC. The best event so far. Love the griffon and Foostivoo. Keep up the good work Anet!!

Shanmugong Asuran Engineer.
Crystal Desert. [KoME]
Once an Engineer, Always an Engineer

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Genevra.6318


I too have really been enjoying this event. I LOOOVE my plushy griffon!! Considering that I originally thought the only way to get the toy minis was through the gem shop, the fact that we can make 2 for free is great. And being able to make endless tonics out of the remaining mats is a bonus—though I do hope Anet addresses the RNG issues people have been having (I haven’t tried myself yet). The daily events have been pretty fun, and I’m looking forward to what happens in LA later today. And of course the decorations are awesome! I’m hoping this weekend to have time to try out the bell choir, JP, and snowball fight.

Love the event.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Gilj.6304


Reminds me of a little City Of Heroes’ Christmas events [Pocket D].
Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday is great, it’s fun, it’s looking good, and it has cool rewards.
Thanks ANet! Great job!