Minipets W Mystery Boxes next year

Minipets W Mystery Boxes next year

in Wintersday

Posted by: Merujsy.6283



Are we going to have a chance to get the minipets from the Wintersday Mystery Boxes again next year or will there be new ones that will replace them?

I wouldn’t mind new minipets but it sure would be nice if we had another chance receiving the current ones.

Didn’t find a topic about this yet but if there happens to be one, please post the link

Minipets W Mystery Boxes next year

in Wintersday

Posted by: Daroon.1736


I would quite like an answer to this as well. Are the mini pets and skins exclusive for this year or will they be used again in future years?

Minipets W Mystery Boxes next year

in Wintersday

Posted by: DsoN.2794


i would like to know this too beacaus i want the minis from halloween