Mystical Cog Ripoff
Not complaining but i used all of my glues and stuffing but i got 0 endless tonic.
It’s just a holiday event, nothing that serious within the game itself… I mean I’m pretty sure you can craft most of them. It’s more like they’re giving options to people that don’t have time to craft them, even though you should make time. But I don’t see why this is such a problem?
Meanwhile in other parts of the gaming universe…
Hi, my name is GW1. Buy useless costumes. Nobody’s upset.
Hi, my name is generic MMO. Buy cash kitten or else you’re severely underpowered against people who buy cash Equips.
Hi, my name is GW2. Buy our useless minipets. People cried about not possibly getting all the minipets so we gave them an option to do it. People cried about not having enough frames to make tonics if they used that frame to make a minipet, so we gave them frames at a very fair, easily obtainable price and/or acquisition.
Yeah. They’re useless. And before you call yourself a collector, or whatever, you should understand that collecting everything comes at a price. It’s 7 gold, currently, for one of these minipets. That’s more than enough time to make that money before they’re gone.
My question to you is what are you really expecting? Buy or don’t buy, it’s your choice. How can they rip you off? If you feel ripped off and you choose to buy them, you deserve to be ripped off. If you’re like me, who find it a blessing to have them listed for 7 gold (350 gems) than it’s not really a rip off, is it?
A rip off is if it says one thing and gives you another. The option is there, take it or leave it. Life goes on either way.
Signed, a person with OCPD who has to have everything, but thankfully still possesses willpower and doesn’t blame everyone else for my desire to have everything.
Hei guys, we already bought the game, so (as ARENANET said before SELLING the game) the gem store should have been a plus, not their main money income.
Now they throw in the gem store high demand items, some of them total RNG also account bound.
(“no dude, you cant sell your third snowman mini, pay another 30 bucks to try finding the other ones”)
And 350 gems for a mini IS a total rip-off.
Had they done a 3-mini bundle like the halloween one there would be little to no complain.
Doesn’t matter if it’s cosmetic or whatsoever, don’t say “nobody force you to have them” because also “nobody force you to play a game” and you’ll also complain when they’ll throw in something you want and thought you could get only by playing normally.
p.s. forcing us to farm gold to buy gems (with a variable change-rate) is not playing normally.
p.p.s. nobody wants things for free, if we had a daily for 50 cogs to build the toys minis no one would have said “give them us for freeee” beacuse complaining for the impossibility to get it normally isn’t the same as not have the will to “work” for it.
While I get the sentiment, people should maybe try and look at it from the opposite direction:
In that view, normally, all the minis would be available only through gem store. Or extremely rare drops that you wouldn’t get anyway.
Instead you’re getting two of them for free. More so, you get to choose which two are your favourites. So you’re getting stuff worth 700? gems for a bit of easy work, I’d say that’s pretty neat, huh? if you want all 5, you can gem up for it, convert gold to gems and get them that way, or decide it’s not worth it after all – your choice entirely
. Could even ask it as a christmas present I’d guess
What I would like an answer to is, whether leftover cogs, frames, glue, stuffing etcetera will be usable again next year. Also, whether they plan for next year to introduce new minis or repeat the ones we have now (I assume new ones?). Also, might be desirable to have a ‘special category’ among the bank collectibles for stuff like this. I’d hate to delete stuff, only to find next year that I could use it again, but it’s valuable inventory space wasted otherwise. Am happy to see at least the crafting mats can be stored.
I was content and happy with just getting two.
But then they make Tixx give you 200 Cogs, just 50 short of another toy!
Why?! Just to mess with us? Such a kitten tease!
Do you even lift, bro?
I was content and happy with just getting two.
But then they make Tixx give you 200 Cogs, just 50 short of another toy!
Why?! Just to mess with us? Such a kitten tease!
Probably to solve the DR bug that made some people get less than 100 cogs form the rewards. Not sure, I haven’t read any official response about this cogs, yet.
Minipets are 100% cosmetic which means they are perfect for the cash shop. The fact that completionists/collectors cannot resist buying them means that ArenaNet will continue to pump them out.
Minis aren’t even collectable items anymore the moment it became account bound. Have you seen collectable items in real life where it’s glued to you? In real life, you can trade and auction them away. They serve like trading card games where you can buy/sell/trade your favourite cards.
Minis are like “trophy items”, bad ones. Trophy items should only be those dungeon cosmetic armors. Those are okay. However for minis, there’s no point for it to be a trophy item. Trophy items are meant to be rewards for achievements, not bought.
Those are some very good points Naoko. I hadn’t really thought about it but I think you are right. I guess a large amount of emphasis for collectors (at least myself) goes on the eventual value the collectibles will appreciate to. If you make the items account bound, there is no value. This has cleared my thoughts on the topic, thank you.
Anyone heard something about the cogs? I have 200 left over. When I saw that I was excited because I thought maybe there’s another recipe coming. But it seems more likely because of the DR. Hm… I don’t want to come out ahead of those who lost cogs but I wish I could do something with them lol
my issue is not with having to but STUFF. I can choose to buy or not . the issue i have is why the extra 200 cogs?