No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

I am curious as to why Glory is not awarded for Snowball Mayhem or holiday sPvP events? I feel like it’s missed opportunities. Mind you, I’m not the type of player that does a great deal of PvP, so I don’t fully know how Glory works or the mindset of the majority of PvP players. That said, I’m not sure I need too in this case.

The opportunities I’m referring to is the encouragement of non-pvp players into sPvP and the gauging of sPvP-ers response to a new sPvP mode. Beginning with the non-PvP-ers, I wonder if it would not incite them to do a few rounds of sPvP after the holiday event was over if they had earned a few points from the holiday events. That thought, of “Oh, I’m so close to having enough Glory to buy this. Might as well do a few games to get it.” might be enough for some people to find that they enjoy the game play. For others, I’m sure it will confirm that they dislike sPvP.

SPvP-ers may already be in this holiday event, enjoying themselves to the fullest. For those that are not, that refuse to try something that doesn’t reward them with currency, even if it does showcase a new mode (I’m guessing this is a “capture the flag” mode) of sPvP, adding Glory may encourage them to give it a try and provide a bit more response on how people like the mode. Now, this may be a minority of people but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth considering.

I am aware that we do receive a holiday reward already but that has it’s limits. Once you have what you want, odds are you quit. I personally play the Snowball Mayhem because I enjoy making people slip on ice and crushing them as a giant snowball, as well as working with a team, and will play while it’s here regardless of whether I get any Glory. So the holiday reward that may or may not give me an Unbreakable Choir Bell that I can sell on the trading post is just a bonus for me. Getting a few Glory, even if it is less than you would normally get from a sPvP match, might just be the push I need to finally step into sPvP, though.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

(edited by Ian Smith.8690)

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Catrenna.4298


Would make the events more worthwhile.

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


This is the exactly why I do not participate in the festive PvP events beyond earning the achievements.

They are fun to try out for a few minutes and earning a few presents are nice, but at the end of the day it is not worth the effort as presents can be obtained far more easily by other means. Obtaining glory should be standard for PvP festive events and the presents and gift bag should be the additional incentive, not the only incentive. It would promote the event more and convince people to play beyond obtaining achievements and trying it for the novelty.

At the moment I have no reason to go back and play it ever again, which is a shame. I would like to know why Arena Net actively decided against earning glory, seems like a strange move to me.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

This is the exactly why I do not participate in the festive PvP events beyond earning the achievements.

They are fun to try out for a few minutes and earning a few presents are nice, but at the end of the day it is not worth the effort as presents can be obtained far more easily by other means. Obtaining glory should be standard for PvP festive events and the presents and gift bag should be the additional incentive, not the only incentive. It would promote the event more and convince people to play beyond obtaining achievements and trying it for the novelty.

At the moment I have no reason to go back and play it ever again, which is a shame. I would like to know why Arena Net actively decided against earning glory, seems like a strange move to me.

Glad to know I didn’t just imagine these people. lol.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zebulous.2934


… the first glory points I ever earned were in holiday pvp events. What are you people talking about? I repeatedly participated in the allhowlin and the wintersday pvp events. It was during a snowball mayhem that I happened to look down at my exp bar and see that it was totally dark except for a little smidgen of purple at the far left. I noticed that it said glory instead of exp, and that the tiny sliver, six points, was the same color as the little purple cup icon I would get for getting most kills, or delivering the most presents. Since I had never participated in any form of pvp other than the allhowlin pumpkin patch, the glory that I had must have come from holiday events. Where else could those six glory points have come from?
After this discovery of glory, and reading up on it, I went to the mists and played a few free team matches and was surprised how much glory was awarded for third place, hundreds of glory points. I can well imagine an experienced pvper not being able to notice glory increases measuring in single digits.

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Glory is not awarded for holiday events because they in stead award holiday items. Glory is the tangible reward for sPvP, holiday items are the tangible reward for holiday PvP.

Makes sense to me.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

… the first glory points I ever earned were in holiday pvp events. What are you people talking about? I repeatedly participated in the allhowlin and the wintersday pvp events. It was during a snowball mayhem that I happened to look down at my exp bar and see that it was totally dark except for a little smidgen of purple at the far left. I noticed that it said glory instead of exp, and that the tiny sliver, six points, was the same color as the little purple cup icon I would get for getting most kills, or delivering the most presents. Since I had never participated in any form of pvp other than the allhowlin pumpkin patch, the glory that I had must have come from holiday events. Where else could those six glory points have come from?
After this discovery of glory, and reading up on it, I went to the mists and played a few free team matches and was surprised how much glory was awarded for third place, hundreds of glory points. I can well imagine an experienced pvper not being able to notice glory increases measuring in single digits.

I too have five points of glory that I am unsure of where they came from. At this time, I have probably played close to 50 games of the Snowball Mayhem. I have won about 2/3rds of those games. So five points doesn’t really add up to anything. While I have know idea where the points came from, it seems unlikely that they came from the holiday events.

Glory is not awarded for holiday events because they in stead award holiday items. Glory is the tangible reward for sPvP, holiday items are the tangible reward for holiday PvP.

Makes sense to me.

As I said in my original post, I am aware of this. However, what would be the offense in offering both, even if at a reduced rate? Especially when it might do as I suggested in encouraging people to play it more, like Aeledric.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

(edited by Ian Smith.8690)

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zebulous.2934


What about using finishers during the holiday events? Might those award glory? How often did you use the finisher to get a player kill instead of just bashing/ shooting them to death? I didn’t do it very often.. I was too busy trying not to die, but I did use it on a few stragglers…

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


I see no reason as to why glory and presents need to be mutually exclusive. You mention in it’s defence that presents are tangible rewards PopeUrban, yes it is a more physical, immediate reward but in no way is it a substantial and rewarding replacement for glory.

One must not forget for an activity to feel rewarding it must grant a reward appropriate to the effort used. Unfortunately this is not the case with the pvp events, the presents are few and the time spent could easily net much more presents by other means. Granting full glory for these fights, would in no way imbalance the game as pvp deserves a pvp reward. Nor would traditional pvp become defunct as these events are only temporary over a few weeks a year. Nor would the reward be excessive, essentially normal glory with a few presents would only make it all feel more rewarding and special.

Why would anyone not want glory?

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


To those above:
There IS one thing that gives glory in Snowball Mayhem: Volunteering to switch teams to balance them. It gives 5 glory.
No top player stats give any though.

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

To those above:
There IS one thing that gives glory in Snowball Mayhem: Volunteering to switch teams to balance them. It gives 5 glory.
No top player stats give any though.

Reeeeally? To think, I didn’t bother to volunteer at all tonight. Played like 20-25 games and just “took my chances” each time. If I had to guess, I would say it’s actually an over site and was not intended for the holiday or they may just not have cared. Either way, it’s good to know. Thank you.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I think the major issue with glory rewards for holiday pvp is what Glory is used to purchase: Cosmetics that serve as an indicator of progress in the sPvP match format.

Holiday events reward holiday awards because the rewards are indicitive of what you’re doing: participating in a holiday event.

What you’re not doing is participating in the sPvP match format. It’s the same reason you don’t get glory for WvW. WvW is PvP, however WvW is not the sPvP format. Glory isn’t PvP currency, it’s sPvP currency.

While they share similar scoreboards and top player callouts (because why would you redesign those?) WvW and sPvP don’t operate on the same currency. Holiday events, being a separate gametype from the domination style rules of standard sPvP matches don’t award glory because glory is directly related to sPvP cosmetics. Allowing someone to amass a lot of glory during holiday events effectively removes glory as the sole currency for sPvP rewards, and allows people who’ve never stepped foot in to sPvP to amass large stacks of PvP skins without actually playing the gametype those items are specifically used to reward.

PvE has an overlap with holiday events, and sPvP has its own glory-related overlap with holiday events, however these two systems are separate. Holiday events are much more akin to WvW than sPvP in that they’re a PvP extension of PvE rather than the completely closed game that is sPvP.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

Please do not take this a personal attack, PopeUrban. I just felt there was a lot of flaw with your reasoning. That said, I am happy to have you giving the other side of it. It’s discussion. It’s actually what I wanted as it is the only way for me to learn. So thank you, in advance, for your responses.

I think the major issue with glory rewards for holiday pvp is what Glory is used to purchase: Cosmetics that serve as an indicator of progress in the sPvP match format.

Taken from the

“Glory is a currency that players can spend on reward chests filled with random loot, while rank is a measurement of your total accumulated glory. As your rank increases, you unlock new tiers of reward chests, and thus access to more impressive looking equipment.”

So basically, Glory is rewarded for time and effort. Even a really bad player can earn lots of Glory over time. Why is this holiday event with specific rules and structured game play of less value than a normal sPvP event with it’s specific rules? Why is the time in Snowball Mayhem so different than that of the regular everyday sPvP events? Why are my wins, my working with my team, my learning my roles, my using the terrian to my advantage and my scoring points in this event unequal to all that being done in Kyhlo or Foefire or Silent Storm? I don’t think I would consider Glory an indicator of “progress”. Rather it’s just an indicator of a willingness to do lots of sPvP and hopefully it also shows that you enjoy it.

Holiday events reward holiday awards because the rewards are indicitive of what you’re doing: participating in a holiday event.

Going to hand this one back off to Aedelric:

I see no reason as to why glory and presents need to be mutually exclusive. You mention in it’s defense that presents are tangible rewards PopeUrban, yes it is a more physical, immediate reward but in no way is it a substantial and rewarding replacement for glory.

One must not forget for an activity to feel rewarding it must grant a reward appropriate to the effort used. Unfortunately this is not the case with the pvp events, the presents are few and the time spent could easily net much more presents by other means. Granting full glory for these fights, would in no way imbalance the game as pvp deserves a pvp reward. Nor would traditional pvp become defunct as these events are only temporary over a few weeks a year. Nor would the reward be excessive, essentially normal glory with a few presents would only make it all feel more rewarding and special.

Why would anyone not want glory?

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

(edited by Ian Smith.8690)

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

What you’re not doing is participating in the sPvP match format. It’s the same reason you don’t get glory for WvW. WvW is PvP, however WvW is not the sPvP format. Glory isn’t PvP currency, it’s sPvP currency.

While they share similar scoreboards and top player callouts (because why would you redesign those?) WvW and sPvP don’t operate on the same currency. Holiday events, being a separate gametype from the domination style rules of standard sPvP matches don’t award glory because glory is directly related to sPvP cosmetics. Allowing someone to amass a lot of glory during holiday events effectively removes glory as the sole currency for sPvP rewards, and allows people who’ve never stepped foot in to sPvP to amass large stacks of PvP skins without actually playing the gametype those items are specifically used to reward.

PvE has an overlap with holiday events, and sPvP has its own glory-related overlap with holiday events, however these two systems are separate. Holiday events are much more akin to WvW than sPvP in that they’re a PvP extension of PvE rather than the completely closed game that is sPvP.

The flaw I find in this thinking is that unlike WvW you are put on completely equal terms in the holiday sPvP events. You are given not only the health but the armor and stats equalization, just like normal sPvP. You have access to all possible weapons and abilities, just like normal sPvP. These are team events, there is no solo play for a successful win, just like sPvP. You are placed into a specific set playing field rather than an open world. You have a singular objective as you do in sPvP. So what part of this event is more like WvW than sPvP? Capturing the presents and returning them to base is not “domination”? Is there such a thing as PvP without “domination”? How else do you determine the winner.

It seems like your only real objection to holiday PvP events giving Glory is that they are holiday events. They take time, skill and practice as the normal sPvP “format” does. So why not reward as you would a normal sPvP event.

As a side note, I think it might be prudent of them to also award “holiday rewards” in the normal sPvP events. I mean, in order for those sPvP-ers to get holiday rewards, don’t they have to come out of their “sPvP world” to get the holiday rewards. Seems a tad unfair to them, too.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

(edited by Ian Smith.8690)

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Is there such a thing as PvP without “domination”?

Just going to note here that “domination” refers to the domination game mode common in video games, which is getting points for controlling areas of a map.

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

Is there such a thing as PvP without “domination”?

Just going to note here that “domination” refers to the domination game mode common in video games, which is getting points for controlling areas of a map.

I thought it was called “conquest”? I suppose that is interchangeable though.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Is there such a thing as PvP without “domination”?

Just going to note here that “domination” refers to the domination game mode common in video games, which is getting points for controlling areas of a map.

I thought it was called “conquest”? I suppose that is interchangeable though.

Either one works really, though I think technically conquest uses the ticket system, where control of points and kills causes the other team to lose tickets, rather than you gaining points.
It’s effectively the same thing, but whatever.

No Glory in Snowball Mayhem

in Wintersday

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I’m not really emotionally attached to either side of the discussion, I just kinda see it from a perspective of glory being a closed currency in the same manner that dungeon tokens are specific to their respective dungeons.

It wouldn’t really bother me if glory were rewarded for holiday events, but I feel like it’d be very similar to handing out, say, ascalonian tears for doing world events or something. From that angle I just thought I’d phrase logically why I’m fine with things the way they are.

The reasoning of glory not rewarding “skill” but time spent, I feel is accurate, but at the same time glory specifically rewards time spent in the sPvP format, xp rewards time spent in PvE, holiday items reward time spent in holiday events. While the holiday events thusfar have had an overlap in termps of PvE and holiday rewards, that overlap had been in the form of rewarding a “bonus” to PvE rathar than a “bonus” to holiday specific content.

In all of the above, a more “skilled” player accrues that currency faster than a player who doesn’t do very well. It is an indicator of progress, but not necessarily one of skill. if we’re really looking for equity it’s my personal opinion that it’d be much more equitable to add holiday drops directly to sPvP and leave the holiday PvP activites untouched.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

(edited by PopeUrban.2578)