Updated every Monday
No presents more often now?
Updated every Monday
Seems to me presents inside the presents…umm…have slacked off. I noticed the same thing beginning a few days ago, and have since stopped bothering entirely. Perhaps just a fluke, but apparently the fluke’s not just hitting me.
Getting the same thing, but it doesn’t seem like DR, it just seems like some presents are spawning. Maybe thats intentional? I dunno.
I’ve noticed that more often than not, there are no presents from these boxes being unwrapped. Even the enclosed “toys” you fight rarely drop anything now.
The sad thing is I was hoping to see the “toys” engage the enemy npcs in certain areas so opened a few. For instance, in Queensdale I opened a present in the middle of a Centaur stockade, but the toys did not aggro the Centaurs and both of them took out after me.
However, on a hill with those rapters the toys started taking them out once the present was unwrapped. Why in one place but not others?
This is a fun game to play if it worked all the time. Especially since there does not seem to be hardly any gift drops involved any more.