Party crashed- couldn't get back in

Party crashed- couldn't get back in

in Wintersday

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Our whole party crashed out of the game in the middle of the DR Tixx run- we could all log back in, go to the dungeon door, where it asked (each of us) if we wanted to rejoin our party, but clicking yes got us all the Code 19:9:18:1614:101 error. We had to drop the party and form up again (and start all over! Augh! Skritttttt!)

Party crashed- couldn't get back in

in Wintersday

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


the same goes for fractals, where a disconnected play can’t rejoin, though there the timeloss is a good deal greater.. I really hope for some kind rejoin mechanism for all dungeons (if the whole party leaves without the instance being finished, it should keep it alive for at least 15 minutes and let everybody rejoin or alternatively chose to create a new instance).