Rare mystery Wintersday boxes
From the patch notes:
Rare mystery Wintersday boxes will have a chance to drop throughout the world. They will also be available in the consumable category of the Gem Store. They will contain gifts available in-game, plus a random item only available in the store.
Has anyone had one of these drop?
Not so far, no.
Nope. Not one, and I haven’t known anyone to get one yet outside of the gem store.
Nope, not I nor anyone I know has had one drop yet.
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger
I was questing in Gendarran Fields and noticed a big box falling.
I finished killing some mobs and ran up to it an opened it…Out popped 4-5 mobs, killed them and then got a present.
In the present I got some stinky socks and some other undesirable…but I guess these are a form of currency for holiday items.
So yes, this is happening, but not sure how often.
I was questing in Gendarran Fields and noticed a big box falling.
I finished killing some mobs and ran up to it an opened it…Out popped 4-5 mobs, killed them and then got a present.
In the present I got some stinky socks and some other undesirable…but I guess these are a form of currency for holiday items.
So yes, this is happening, but not sure how often.
You’re thinking of the wrong present. We’re talking about the one you can purchase on the gem store.
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger
Farmed 200+ boxes in open world encounters last night. Not once did I get anything other than standard boxes.
Either I’m exceedingly unlucky, or the chance of a store box dropping is very very low.
I understand they cannot just give them away, as they wish people to buy them with gems, but if they’re advertised as a drop, it would be nice to have seen at least one. Right now I’m wondering if they even do drop) Perhaps a mistake has been made somewhere.
Same I know of 0 People that have had them drop.
None for me or anyone that I know.
I saw someone got an endless tonic
Really….so 1300 people have seen this and not one has found one of these rare boxes?
Maybe they should look at the drop rates on these…
Someone posted earlier on a different thread that they got the unbreakable choir bell from opening a box in the map. Probably was the mystery one.
Nor me or anyone on my guild has seen one drop…
So how rare should this be? Because right now it seems impossible to get…
Someone posted earlier on a different thread that they got the unbreakable choir bell from opening a box in the map. Probably was the mystery one.
Nope. The bell can be gotten from a giant wintersday present. I’m talking about the box that can be bought from the cash shop, but is supposed to be gotten from drops as well.
Nope. Haven’t seen one yet and neither has anyone in my guild.
Me nor my 100+ person guild has seen this type yet. =/
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS
I’ve farmed quite a few boxes and have yet to get one of these.
Got one..
Shortbow skin
Got one..
Shortbow skin
From a Rare Mystery Wintersday Box that dropped from a mob? Or from the present boxes that everyone is confusing with these?
Got one..
Shortbow skin
Can you tell us where you got the box? Drop off a mob? From the present event? PvP?
I got a “superior sigil of generosity” from one. It gives “60% chance to transfer a condition to your foe on critical hit (cooldown 30 seconds)”
I got a “superior sigil of generosity” from one. It gives “60% chance to transfer a condition to your foe on critical hit (cooldown 30 seconds)”
Did you get it from a Rare Wintersday mystery box, or a wintersday gift?
is not the same as
If it was from a Rare Wintersday mystery box, did you buy the box or find it?
Got one..
Shortbow skin
I think you’re talking about the regular Wintersday gift, not the rare version
Not see a gem store box drop. SUPER kitten RARE. Meh.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.
I got a “superior sigil of generosity” from one. It gives “60% chance to transfer a condition to your foe on critical hit (cooldown 30 seconds)”
Did you get it from a Rare Wintersday mystery box, or a wintersday gift?
is not the same as
If it was from a Rare Wintersday mystery box, did you buy the box or find it?
Got mine from a Gift. Guess I should learn to read :p
I haven’t gotten one. but i have noticed that you get better, more varied drops from actual event npc drops than from the presents laying around the landscape. On higher level maps, I’m more likely to get presents from npc’s than the boxes. It’s possible that the super rare ones get dropped from teh meta events
I’d already started a thread about this earlier today here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wintersday/Mystery-Wintersday-Box-Not-Dropping/first#post1011027
And the same results: Nope.
I don’t think anyone in the entirety of the game has seen one of these things drop yet. It’s come to my attention that it looks like they don’t drop at all, which would either be a bug (hopefully), or they flat out lied in the patch notes (hopefully not).
More likely the droprate is just very low (as expected, nothing wrong with that). Black Lion Chest keys work the same way, very low droprate (from mobs, seen few drops myself since launch) but they do definitely drop.
More likely the droprate is just very low (as expected, nothing wrong with that). Black Lion Chest keys work the same way, very low droprate (from mobs, seen few drops myself since launch) but they do definitely drop.
That’s all well and good, but this is a limited event, not three months. I can probably safely say that even though black lion chest keys are super rare drops, just about everyone has gotten one at one time. Unfortunately with short term events like this, that’s pretty ridiculous to think that more than a handful of people are even going to be able to enjoy the drops, which is pretty sucky especially for a holiday based on giving dont you think?
Commander on Blackgate
Hi everyone,
We have an ongoing discussion of this issue here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wintersday/Mystery-Wintersday-Box-Not-Dropping/first#post1011027
Please feel free to join the thread.
Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed