Repeating City Tours
When you enter his dungeon, there is apparently a control panel you can use to select which event you want to start.
Ben, there is a chest to Tixx’s right (your left as you face him). You open that, even if it’s open already, and get a number of gifts in your loot bags – you should have about 5 slots open for the gifts. If you don’t get the gifts, file a support ticket. You only get one set of gifts per account.
The gifts are in your mail, check your mail box, make sure it’s not full.
You need to get into the Tixx dungeon with a party. Once in, there’s a control panel a party member will select. All party members need to vote, and the dungeon for the toy with the highest votes will start.
You repeat the " city tours " as you called them by entering the dungeon that is in Lion’s Arch. Once you enter the dungeon there is a toy control panel where you select which toy you want to see made in the dungeon. By doing this you set the dungeon up for the visit for that particular city. They can be done in any order as well but you will only get the toy frame and goodies the first time you do those. If you repeat them the end chest will still spawn but there will be no toy frames, cogs, glue or things like that the second time around.
If you wanted to see what it was like when he visited the Grove you would select the ventari toy or the toy soldier for the Black Citedale, ect.
Hope that helps