Suggestion: use GMT as well

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i can see that the schedules are posted with PST and CET but where is GMT?

please post the time in GMT as well.

would be convenient for ppl used to GMT time zones.


Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


I agree, it would be better, but here for your perusal…


I agree it can be confusing.
Until I started watching Gamebreaker I`d never heard of PST or CET or variants, yet I`ve played other MMOs & online games (all of those gave times for the time zones the players were in, not for some random zone I`d never been in ;p).

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

(edited by Fishbait.6723)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

ah thanks so at the moment it is +8 hours from PST oh?

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Evil Geek.6904

Evil Geek.6904

GMT is CET minus 1

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Plunder.8195


GMT is CET minus 1

But most of Europe is in CEST (summer time) in the summer which is GMT +2, and thus the confusion starts. (ok, this is not a problem now, but maybe in the future)

I agree that adding a GMT time would be nice, since it is the global reference time after all.

Some thought provoking quote

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


GMT is CET minus 1

But most of Europe is in CEST (summer time) in the summer which is GMT +2, and thus the confusion starts. (ok, this is not a problem now, but maybe in the future)

Um… Europe is in summer time in the middle of winter? – Are you sure :p

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Nah, he just said that during summer, most of (central) Europe actually is GMT+2 Nothing to do with the event.

Being CET, I’d still prefer GMT times. I’m just more used to that ^^°

Polka will never die

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Plunder.8195


I just wanted to point out that using CET/CEST could be confusing. Especially for people playing from countries without summer/winter time.

Some thought provoking quote

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Esya.3427


English are even confused about GMT. All the English members in my guild refer to their time as GMT, event when it is BST. Then I have to tell them it is BST during the summer and not GMT and they lose the plot .

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


I just wanted to point out that using CET/CEST could be confusing. Especially for people playing from countries without summer/winter time.

Same logic, GMT can be confusing for people who live in countries with summer/winter time. You either know your basic time zones or you don’t(and, c’mon, Europe has 4 of them, it’s not rocket science). Besides, CET is local time for most countries which should actually make it easier…

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Bartho.7896


I live in a CET country, but i think the times should be in GMT

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Noviere.7309


Maybe they should just link to a website that does the conversion for people… since this comes up whenever any sort of time is posted.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Funset.7893


I think CET is fine since it covers bigger territory and population in Europe. Ppl that live west of CET can just -1 from the current CET, and ppl that live east can +1. Simple…
Also i think servers are located in CET country?! Not sure about this one tho.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Bartho.7896


I think CET is fine since it covers bigger territory and population in Europe. Ppl that live west of CET can just -1 from the current CET, and ppl that live east can +1. Simple…
Also i think servers are located in CET country?! Not sure about this one tho.

Even tho this is true. GMT is the so to say “correct” time, that everyone (At least everyone in Europe, dunno about US) learns in school etc.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

I prefer server time

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I think CET fits more because it fits my time.

Gotta love it.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: UKNightWatch.5742


HI all,

I would say that the times given on the Wintersday page are very good!

So often we get only one time (zone) listed for events by games companies and the headaches thereby caused when we have to figure out the correct local time. In this instance we have two more or less common time zones listed to work from.

Working out our local time using either PST or CET (whichever suits best) is, I think, much better than having to work that time out from just the one listed time.

Yes! I will freely go along with the suggestion that a link to an online ‘world clock’ would be nice. The thing is, it is not difficult at all to find a world clock or local time clock for a given ‘zone’ online.

We can easily find PST>GMT or other such ‘convert x time to y time’ websites too.

Most sites that give time conversions or such in a manner relevant to this discussion also factor in regional variations such as Daylight Savings Time or British Summer Time for examples.

So! Why no GMT? I would say because we do not need it as it is easy to find websites that do the conversion work for us. Besides, we all know that GMT has been replaced by UT1 right?

No rig in my sig? Only posted if needed!

(edited by UKNightWatch.5742)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


English are even confused about GMT. All the English members in my guild refer to their time as GMT, event when it is BST. Then I have to tell them it is BST during the summer and not GMT and they lose the plot .

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. Timezone pedantry FTW!

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Signed, indeed please post GMT!

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Munrock.3092


GMT/UTC is the international standard. It’s just baffling that it isn’t used.

CET/CEST is just as inconvenient to someone living in Asia as PST/PDT is. Any timezone that shifts at arbitrary points in the year is.

What’s the point in using a time code (or two) where the vast majority of the world has to Google to check whether daylight savings is active for that zone and then mentally make two conversions: one into the prime meridian and another from the prime meridian into theirs. Why not just make announcements using the prime meridian?

GMT/UTC is good enough for the U.S. Navy and every last business that has to coordinate internationally, why isn’t it good enough for ANet?

Seriously, why? I’ve been looking for a reason for ages.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sammet.6542


Best idea in a long while. I just had to use a converter to check what time 10AM PST would be in GMT. So, hopefully they will start using that timezone as well for future events and such.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zeone.4627


Here’s a tip. In game push F11 and set the in game clock to use server time. That’ll be the time in PST. Then flick it back to local time.

The difference will be the +/- you need to know when preparing for the event.

This should work whatever time zone you’re in. Or you could just leave it on server time if you’re hanging around for the event to start.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Akaahn.2180

Enter the time and timezone and it will automatically convert it to your local timezone.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: marnick.4305


GMT is the basis for all other time zones, CET and PST are both calculated from GMT. Without GMT, is just making it needlessly complicated. Last time I tried to calculate from PST to GMT+1 (summer time) I ended up in a 2 hour window where everything was possible.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: stof.9341


They should use something like that :

This kind of link makes it easier for everyone to understand when the event starts

Hey, they even make countdowns now :


Edit : stupid forum breaks all links with a “&” in them. Just cut&paste the first link text to make it work.

(edited by stof.9341)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


They should just use UTC (GMT) and have a link to a count down from or wolframalpha. I didn’t even know what CET was til yesterday, I converted the PST (UTC -8) to my timezone AEST (UTC+10) of course I forgot what the timezone offset for PST was and had to look it up.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Mizuki Kusanagi.6584

Mizuki Kusanagi.6584

Is PST the same as the “server time” that can be shown on the map radar?

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: cherrie.8907


This suggestion is repeated each and every event and I really can’t wrap my head around why ANet PR team keep ignoring it or decide to use CET.

Guys, you are doing business worldwide, global timezone standard is GMT. Use it.
If you don’t feel the need to use it, spend 30 minutes of your time researching how complicated time zones actually are and why you should do it because for me, your ignorance is simply baffling (I can’t think of any other reason for you continuously refuse to use or add GMT time to your release notes than ignorance).

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

(edited by cherrie.8907)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

WHY NOT a Counter for how much Hours left for the X event? Like Headstart?

PFft soo many mess with timezones a countdown DOESN’T have timezones and it would be right for everyone.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zeoli.3402


Once you understand time zones its actually not hard. CET is GMT + 1 except for summer where it is CEST which is GMT + 2, by this time, we (the Brits) are on BST which is British Summer Time which is GMT + 1. right now we are GMT which is CET – 1
so if it is 7pm CET it is 6pm GMT. additionally keep in mind there is always a 7 hour time difference between PST and GMT… except for summer…. :P

Since Time is kept and recorded at Greenwich, London (GMT), the rest of the world goes by this time kept (synchronises every X time with GMT) maybe a little respect for the Time Lords? :P

p.s. GMT is the same as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time to which everyone syncronises to and adds and takes away the respective hours based on where they are)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: microdark.7013


A counter would be nice, not that i have problem with having it on CET. When its only on PST thats a problem, i get really confused whit that time zone. I live in a GMT zone so its easy to the the mat even in summer as most countries in europe have summer time.
Its better to do a script that when you introduce the time in GMT on the forum, it will automatically convert to the time zone where you open the forum on the browser.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: cherrie.8907


Once you understand time zones its actually not hard. CET is GMT + 1 except for summer where it is CEST which is GMT + 2, by this time, we (the Brits) are on BST which is British Summer Time which is GMT + 1. right now we are GMT which is CET – 1
so if it is 7pm CET it is 6pm GMT. additionally keep in mind there is always a 7 hour time difference between PST and GMT… except for summer…. :P

I hope this is sarcasm post, or, with all due respect, you win the “most self-centered poster” award for this thread. Do you really think this is about making it easier for you Brits? LOL.

Noone (who’s not living on the Isles) cares what time you’re on.
It’s about the standard that lets everyone easily calculate when the events start, no matter is their country observes summer time or not or what day precisely do they start / end this, and this differs A LOT. So please…

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

(edited by cherrie.8907)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Since I’m always forgetting daylights savings and it’s a pain to calculate, I use both Windows 7’s multiple clocks, and use this to check local time zone to set alarms.

That way when they make mistakes in one of the times, I can see the actual time.

No exceptions!

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zeoli.3402


Once you understand time zones its actually not hard. CET is GMT + 1 except for summer where it is CEST which is GMT + 2, by this time, we (the Brits) are on BST which is British Summer Time which is GMT + 1. right now we are GMT which is CET – 1
so if it is 7pm CET it is 6pm GMT. additionally keep in mind there is always a 7 hour time difference between PST and GMT… except for summer…. :P

I hope this is sarcasm post, or, with all due respect, you win the “most self-centered poster” award for this thread. Do you really think this is about making it easier for you Brits? LOL.

Noone (who’s not living on the Isles) cares what time you’re on.
It’s about the standard that lets everyone easily calculate when the events start, no matter is their country observes summer time or not or what day precisely do they start / end this, and this differs A LOT. So please…

Actually, the post was outlining the fact that its easy to work it out. and that maybe conforming to the UTC would be better which is what ALL time is worked around.

not self centered, and slightly sarcastic.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Tyrian Unified Global Time.

ArenaNet should create a site here that translates TUGT to local times. Maybe a little globe to drag and spin.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zeoli.3402


Tyrian Unified Global Time.

ArenaNet should create a site here that translates TUGT to local times. Maybe a little globe to drag and spin.

This would actually be awesome, or even to have a script that translates any TUGT to your local time when you mouse over it.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


If GMT why not the other 40?
Server time is fine, I live out in Florida (split in 2 time zones depending which part of the state i am that day) and with spending 2 seconds of basic elementary math I can find out what time everything is, OR i can spend 1 second by flipping server time on. People were able to play Guild Wars 1 and be on time for every event with out any issues (Mad King, Lisa vs Grenth, Cantha New Years)

How I have things set up:
Clock set to display on my Windows Task Bar (does not matter what O.S. they all have that feature all the way back to ’9o’s series)
Server time set in game on the map

now all i have to do is look at the bottom right of the screen and compare times
Genius i know ^-^

The mini globe thing would be cool for on their website or their future application, but I don’t think it would serve a real purpose in the game it’s self. The image of Pokemon Pearl and that annoying globe with hundreds of people around it come to mind x_x

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

You can google what is 2pm pst time in gmt…not hard. I have to google for my timezone too…

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Well, if server time was synchronized across all servers, since we have the server time in-game, that could be used too.

No exceptions!

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Eli The Yahoo.9782

Eli The Yahoo.9782

agree, please add GMT- i keep confusing between the times (event with world clocks) :/

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


since you support GMT why not the other 38 that are neglected hmmmm?

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Groovy.6749


English are even confused about GMT. All the English members in my guild refer to their time as GMT, event when it is BST. Then I have to tell them it is BST during the summer and not GMT and they lose the plot .


That’s pretty much me :p
Probably because I live in London and greenwich park is like 30mins away from where I live so to me it’s GMT every time, everyday xD

Since Europe is a fairly big portion of their customers, a GMT clock would be really appreciated. We know the US always get the lead way in pretty much everything related to media, but there is no need to rub it in our nose :p

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Encaladus.5291


since you support GMT why not the other 38 that are neglected hmmmm?

why what time zone are u in?

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nashaan.3160


i can see that the schedules are posted with PST and CET but where is GMT?

please post the time in GMT as well.

would be convenient for ppl used to GMT time zones.


Seriously you cant subtract 1 hour from CET? lol

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Doesn’t matter what timezone im in, im on the side of
“Quit crying and use the tools already provided by anet an thousands of others for time zone conversion”

If you must know though; it depends where I am since Florida is split into 2 time zones See my above post for more information.

simple point being, if your going to add another time zone to the list so a couple people feel better, why not do it for the other 38.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Wolfey.3407)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nashaan.3160


English are even confused about GMT. All the English members in my guild refer to their time as GMT, event when it is BST. Then I have to tell them it is BST during the summer and not GMT and they lose the plot .


That’s pretty much me :p
Probably because I live in London and greenwich park is like 30mins away from where I live so to me it’s GMT every time, everyday xD

Since Europe is a fairly big portion of their customers, a GMT clock would be really appreciated. We know the US always get the lead way in pretty much everything related to media, but there is no need to rub it in our nose :p

Pretty sure as the UK and Portugal are the only countries in Europe that use GMT (I think .. geography never was my strong point lol) , I would imagine Europeans would be content with CET lol

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: stof.9341


Well problem is, somehow, I don’t know what is CET. I know I’m in GMT+1 or GMT+2 depending on daylight saving changes but the “alias” CET isn’t something I remember :p

Best anyway is to give a link to a website that does the conversion automatically into the user timezone.

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nashaan.3160


Well problem is, somehow, I don’t know what is CET. I know I’m in GMT+1 or GMT+2 depending on daylight saving changes but the “alias” CET isn’t something I remember :p

Best anyway is to give a link to a website that does the conversion automatically into the user timezone.

Central European Time = GMT +1

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Including GMT/UTC is a must for all international games.
It is trivial to add and saves a whole lot of effort and frustration for customers not in the two main zones.

If ArenaNet really are interested in growing their customer base outside America and Europe, then they need to start including GMT/UTC times for events.

(edited by Zenguy.6421)

Suggestion: use GMT as well

in Wintersday

Posted by: MeateaW.3519


…If ArenaNet really are interested in growing their customer base outside America and Europe, then they need to start including GMT/UTC times for events.


Im in Australia. I don’t know what CET time is (well I do now from this thread, GMT +1 is what it is) I don’t know what PST is (google says is GMT -8)

See what I am getting at?

AEST (australian eastern time) is GMT + 10
When we are on dst, we are GMT + 11

I never ever ever write my timezones in CST + 9
or PST +19

All timezones have a known reference point to GMT. By all means, “help” your primary regions by providing a timezone THEY know (PST / CET), but for everyone else that doesn’t slot nicely into your timezone knowledge, GMT would be great.