(edited by Moderator)
Time Schedule: 10AM All Week Long?
But they do last the entire day. It’s from 10am until 10am the next day.
I think it does. “Hovers over the city for one day only” does imply a day, not an hour.
For the 17th at The Black Citadel, it mentions he’s there for one day only. No reason to believe that Black Citadel is the only one honoured enough to have him the whole day
No, some portion of the whole event (like "you can still do the jumping puzzle!)wont cut it.
What? The airship will appear above each city and remain there for exactly one day. This isn’t an event that only happens at 10am and that’s it, this event spans the entirety of a day, from 10am until 10am.
I’m wondering this as well (at least if I’m reading the OP right). Do the events for each city last till for the whole day till the next city’s starts?
Please give us a keyring…
I’m super impressed that they released an EXACT schedule with different timezones listed, and descriptions of everything. It’s what people asked for, so kudos to them.
I personally don’t like it, as I’d rather be surprised. Knowing that his toys are going to go berserk is kind of a “spoiler”. Oh well, as long as it makes more people happy, I’m cool with it. Very excited about this event.
oooh ok nice nice. I thought this was gonna be like those 1-time events as well. I just can’t take waking up at 3-4am/not sleeping till 5-6am a few days in a row anymore >.>
All of the previous events will be accessible while he’s in Lion’s Arch, according to the news.
So you can do everything whenever you want (from December 20th to January 3rd).
All of the previous events will be accessible while he’s in Lion’s Arch, according to the news.
So you can do everything whenever you want (from December 20th to January 3rd).
This ^
According to the page:
Lion’s Arch
Toymaker Tixx finally arrives at Lion’s Arch! As the Wintersday guest of honor, Tixx and his workshop will remain in Lion’s Arch for the rest of the holiday. He has a special Wintersday gift for everyone who visits him while he’s in Lion’s Arch. So, stop by, play through all the previous toy events inside the workshop, or try out the new Toypocalypse event!
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Anet has gotten so much hate about missing events, they have changed it up completely. I’m hoping, even though it will cause much hatred, that some special items will be available for the people that visit each of the cities when his ship is there.
I was about to say, uhm I don’t typically wake up by then so they are also missing the crowd that doesn’t work with this one but if it lasts all day okay then.
Does this mean the stuff on the 14th in Lion’s Arch will appear at the same time as all the other events? Could the stuff on the 14th appear at the daily reset time (1900 EST)?
Read it again slowly…it lasts all day in each city and then when it gets to Lion’s Arch, you can replay all of the previous cities’ events. They are trying to not leave people out this time.
I think they’re doing a really good job with this so far. Lots of advance communication, events run for a full day, and there’s the chance to catch up if you miss something. Looking forward to the JP.
I’m really pleased with the way they’ve set up the event this time around. Having the event in each city take place for a whole day gives people plenty of opportunity to access it, and in case of an emergency, they can still access all the events from Dec 20 to Jan 3 (two whole weeks!) once Tixx arrives in LA. Well done, ANet. I’m glad you listened to our feedback.
The one thing I’m somewhat concerned about is they didn’t mention if there would be any one-time events when Tixx arrives in each of the cities. Things like special dialogue, cinematics etc. I probably won’t mind missing these too much if they’re just like the Mad King’s first appearance though.
as per others already mentioned, it’s 10am to 10am the next day, at least it’s fair enough compared to the karka mess
I personally don’t like it, as I’d rather be surprised. Knowing that his toys are going to go berserk is kind of a “spoiler”. Oh well, as long as it makes more people happy, I’m cool with it. Very excited about this event.
Wait… something(things) built(mass produced) by an Asura is(are) going to go on a berserk killing spree?
Is that really a spoiler?
The transition of the airship departing and arriving is at 10 AM PST each day , but all of the actual content is available at-will, all day long.
Oooh, so there IS a cinematic/mini-event of the airship arriving/leaving a city? I might have to try and make at least one of the events despite the disgustingly early hour just to see it in person.
To clarify, there’s no cinematic. But you can see it happen.
I do hope that eventhough it isn’t in the schedule, that there will be a big finale event Something in the spirit of the BWE finales (but this time everyone turning into toys or one massive snowball fight in a Wintersday themed WvW map or just a specially designed map) or ofcourse a traditional GW1 type of finale.
But I’m not too worry about that because I can’t imagine a GW event without a big finale. Just hope the one-time-only event whiners didn’t scare you off too much…
(edited by Wesley.4590)
Thank you SO much for scheduling Wintersday to run like this! I work as a nurse, and have crazy hours, expecially with all the Christmas time shifts I have to do. Having the ability to enjoy the content on EITHER the day of the Toymaker Tixx’s visit to one of the cities OR experience the content over a two week period is fantastic.
I personally appreciate the thought put into the scheduling for this holiday event, and thank you all very much for listening to your players’ feedback!
~ A Very Pleased GW2 Gamer
This will be interesting.
Can’t wait to try this event out.
Do not click this link!
Can someone change the english pages to use UTC/GMT for the european timezone. This has been the standard right up until this event.. I really do not see the need to change this now, all you’re doing is causing more confusion.
For the non-english pages CET is fine..
Why would it cause confusion really? The game is rated PEGI 12 so we can assume that all the players are at least 12 and a 12 year old should be able to either add 6 to PST or to subtract 1 from CET, it’s not magic or something. Sure GMT/UTC would be more logical to use, because Europeans also use this themselves, but work your brain a little Or just use Google :P I think Anet has better things to do than add timezones.
I personally don’t like it, as I’d rather be surprised. Knowing that his toys are going to go berserk is kind of a “spoiler”. Oh well, as long as it makes more people happy, I’m cool with it. Very excited about this event.
… he is Asura. What did you expect of his toys? Did you notice the similarity between nearly all DEs involving Asuras? ^^
I’m impressed that he will be getting to LA before I leave to go to my parents house (1 day before, but still).
I had assumed that like almost every Wintersday in GW1 I’d get to do the first few things and miss the main event completely because I’m never at home from before Christmas until after New Years.
(The one time I did get to do the finale it was still out-weighed by the fact that I was home because I had to work on New Years Day. )
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
wow I will be able to play all events in the end (I will miss many due to work/RL) very good idea!!! Happy Grevcat is happy
I will greatly miss this event. I usually go back home during winters break (after finals) and where we live it is almost impossible to get internet access. We will in the middle of a forest that is to far out for cable line and the trees would interrupt the satellite signal. So sadly I will not be able to take part in this lovely event sequence. I will sadly miss every thing that is added unless they keep anything. I return the 5th of January so I will have no way to have fun.
I hope everyone else gets a chance to play and enjoys the game. I am not complaining about my situation. I would rather spend time with my family during the holidays than ignore them and play a game. But I will miss no being able to participate. Oh well. Happy Wintersday everyone.
So when does the event start on Friday (14th)? (I was gonna create a new thread, but it seems like I could get an answer here) Hopefully its not 8:30PM server time again.
Please give us a keyring…
So when does the event start on Friday (14th)? (I was gonna create a new thread, but it seems like I could get an answer here) Hopefully its not 8:30PM server time again.
My question exactly. The time for the 14th isn’t listed on the schedule of events.
Why would it cause confusion really? The game is rated PEGI 12 so we can assume that all the players are at least 12 and a 12 year old should be able to either add 6 to PST or to subtract 1 from CET.
Because up until this event… every time given for a European timed event in GW2, has been given in UTC/GMT, and NOT CET. Quite a few people will have no clue what CET is and how it applies to them.
For the sake on consistency, GMT should always be used for English European timings. CET should be used for French/German/whatever else language European timings. Mixing and matching between the two, is just adding more confusion to the mix.
Because up until this event… every time given for a European timed event in GW2, has been given in UTC/GMT, and NOT CET. Quite a few people will have no clue what CET is and how it applies to them.
For the sake on consistency, GMT should always be used for English European timings. CET should be used for French/German/whatever else language European timings. Mixing and matching between the two, is just adding more confusion to the mix.
If someone doesn’t know what CET stands for and how it compares to GMT they could just look it up and learn something new. I wouldn’t care if they only gave us the times in PST (although I never use that myself), because if I’m having doubts I can always use Google. You only need one timezone to check what time it starts for you and as I said earlier GW2 players should be able to do the math.
Don’t forget that the teams working on events vary (if I read that correctly) so it could differ who is working on an event page. Probably that person is more familiar with CET and that’s why they gave us the times in CET this time. Be glad they even took the time to give us a European timezone aswell, normally you only see the American timezones in online gaming because that’s the server time.
(edited by Wesley.4590)
If someone doesn’t know what CET stands for and how it compares to GMT they could just look it up and learn something new.
CET has daylight saving. GMT doesn’t. That means that GMT is much easier to convert in your head because you only need to track the dates of when DST goes on an off for your local timezone, while CET requires you to know its DST dates as well.
That is the reason why GMT is the superior timezone to use when giving a time to an international audience.
Thanks for the clarification Anthony! makes the event that much more enjoyable and workable for me
Was dreading having to bring my netbook to work every day and telling all the little kids and visitors to kitten off for an hour x)
Fort Aspenwood
4:00am for East coast Aussies every day, pretty bad, half the event is finished each day by the time we get to play..
@Dante: East Coast Aussie here too. Don’t worry too much about it. The events are instanced like the Ascent to Madness dungeon during Halloween, and once Tixx arrives in Lion’s Arch on 20th December, you can repeat all of the events of the preceding days for 2 weeks. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to get all the events done.
They cannot cater to ALL time zones/locations in the world to where players are situated all the time for all events, but i believe this is the first major event they have attempted to cater for at the least.
I am exceptionally glad that all the days from each cities events will be playable/repeated once Trixx gets to Lion’s Arch – i believe this is Anet’s way of saying “hey you missed the first flight, but don’t panic theres plenty to come soon”.
The Karka/lost shores was terrible timing for me, but i think they obviously took all that info on board with this event.
I would love to be up at 5am to see trixx fly that giant thing into the cities (no crashing!, cos if theres a crash i would of loved to screenshot them!) but i guess thats just something i will miss. hopefully can catch the weekend fly ins.
+1 Anet – good to see your all trying to cater to your player base different locations.
what a TERRIBLE time. really? in the morning when ppl work?
what a TERRIBLE time. really? in the morning when ppl work?
oh if only you would read previous comments, you’d know the answer to your question.
So when does the event start on Friday (14th)? (I was gonna create a new thread, but it seems like I could get an answer here) Hopefully its not 8:30PM server time again.
My question exactly. The time for the 14th isn’t listed on the schedule of events.
It’s answered in this thread by a Dev.
All arrivals and departures are 10AM PST.
what a TERRIBLE time. really? in the morning when ppl work?
oh if only you would read previous comments, you’d know the answer to your question.
Reading is so hard for some people ;(
Think about how many jobs would be lost if people bothered to use logic and read o.o!!
Ah well, that’s the world we live in, a world filled with illiterate, over sensitive, kittenized, and selfish people. x)
Fort Aspenwood
what a TERRIBLE time. really? in the morning when ppl work?
No it’s 7PM (and it is between 6pm and 10pm for a huge chunk of the playerbase)
But it would also be worthwhile to read things like the actual announcement about the schedule, previous posts in the thread incl. dev posts and such, might save you some facepalm moments in the future.
They already stated any reward will be available throughout the entire day/event so what’s the problem there? Would you rather have another fail one-time event, or event that actually lasts all day/night and rewards you whenever you decide to show up?
I definitely like the all day event rather then the one time event at some time that happens to be early in the morning for us Aussies. I’ll still probably set my alarm for just before 4 am each day so I can see the Blimp roll in and then go back to sleep before joining the event, probably.
Still I wish an official time in GMT was posted with the different times (Had to check the times on the wiki for that to make sure of the time since it has the GMT listed) as not everyone likes trying to figure out people’s daylight savings offsets and then applying their own if they have one. There are a lot of players outside of the US you know.