Tonic abilities?
plush griffon…
you can use a skill that causes 5 seconds fear with only 5 seconds cooldown
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
That sounds enticing! What about the other abilities?
1) Doll’s Arrow → Score one hit on a brawler. Range: 800, Cast time: 1/2, Cooldown: 1
2) Doll’s Devastation → Score one hit and knock them back. Range 800, Cast time: 3/4, Cooldown: 6
1) Toy Centaur Assault → Score one hit on a brawler. Range: 800, Cast time: 1/2, Cooldown: 1
2) Toy Centaur Blast → Protects you from brawl hits for 5 seconds, Cast time: 1 3/4, Cooldown: 7
1) Toy Soldier Quick Shot → Score one hit on a brawler. Range: 800, Cast time: 1/2, Cooldown: 1
2) Toy Soldier Aimed Shot → Score one hit and cripple for 5s (-70% movement speed). Range: 800, Cast time: 1/2, Cooldown: 4
1) Griffon Lunge → Score one hit. Range: 115, Cast time: 1/2, Cooldown: 1
2) Griffon Swoop → Score one hit and daze for 3 seconds. Range: 200, Cast time: 1/4, Cooldown: 3
3) Griffon Screech → Score one hit and fear for 5 seconds. Range: 1200, Cast Time: 3/4, Cooldown: 5
The Princess and Soldier models have emotes, the Griffon and Ventari models do not.
When the toy soldier fires his gun, it makes a little blast of confetti which is cool.
Awesome! Thanks for the info. Sounds like the griffin could be awesome. Another question, do you have to remain still for activation time on skills? also which skills are ground target or cones?
Both skills of the Princess and Soldier use ground targeting (an arrow to indicate the direction in which you fire the projectile), as well as Ventari’s first skill. Ventari’s 2nd skill is a self cast. The griffon’s first two skills are just your regular melee attacks, and it’s 3 skill is a channel that immobilizes you (so you can’t move).
1) Punch -> Score one hit. Range: 170, Cooldown: 1
2) Whirl -> Score one hit and launch enemies. Range: 500, Cast time: 1, Cooldown: 3
The first skill seems to be stationary, as you can’t move. The second skill is rather unclear, as you can move and the progress bar continues, yet no animations or sounds show.
The Golem model doesn’t have any emotes.
Edit: The 2nd skill of the Golem seems to cancel when you move, thus making this model quite useless in Brawl, as the enemy can easily dodge both skills.
(edited by Late For Tea.1846)
When you use these tonics and have assumed one of the forms, can you use a different tonic to switch to that different form? Assuming that’s possible, will doing that pull you out of brawl or reset your champion streak?
I’m just thinking about what kind of combos would be possible by jumping between forms. Griffon already looks absurdly good, I’d hate to see something like that comboed with Soldier’s cripple and Doll’s knockback.
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633
Thanks a lot for all the info, Late For Tea! Really helpful =D
I’ll try to make them all hahah, already got Griffon and Soldier.
When I get another frame for the princess I’ll try to make, then me and my mini pet princess will walk around together
Thanks for the info!
Made a post asking about this that can hopefully just be ignored now!
Ha ha, and I just responded to that post. Will ignore it in the future.
When you use these tonics and have assumed one of the forms, can you use a different tonic to switch to that different form? Assuming that’s possible, will doing that pull you out of brawl or reset your champion streak?
I’m just thinking about what kind of combos would be possible by jumping between forms. Griffon already looks absurdly good, I’d hate to see something like that comboed with Soldier’s cripple and Doll’s knockback.
You can switch forms just by using another tonic, you do not have to leave your current form first. Neither do you lose your costume brawl progression. It’s the same as when you leave your form to go back to your original, the custom brawl progression remains until you use the 5th skill of any brawl form (which makes you leave costume brawl).
So yes, it is possible to make combinations. I have used the Princess to knock people back, and then switch to Griffon to fear them into the water! =D