Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: VikToRiuS.5426


Having played Guild Wars 1 I would have sworn that A-Net was one of the best game designers in the world, but this company, as it exists now, isn’t very good at what they do.

Wow, and all this because they didn’t make one activity perfect on the first try? Who are we to decide that a game company can’t make small mistakes too at times? They are only human.

In my opinion the one and only real reason why people are upset about getting in already running games is the achievement.

Sure, it would be fun to do with a group of friends too. And I hope they’ll implement it at one point. But I seriously doubt that this one activity would be a game breaker for any reasonable person.

Only real problem I have with it game design wise is that it takes too long to complete, and the pause between waves isn’t enough to do anything. It needs some more balancing.

And the achievement and dead doylak problem could be remedied easily as well by resurrecting all of them after each wave and giving out points for every good wave, as I’ve stated before already.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Mors Subita.5802

Mors Subita.5802

Why? Why is having the option for people to play the way they want a bad thing?

The “option” isn’t bad, assuming they keep Pugs and Premades seperate, and keep rewards equal for solo and groups.

But you’ve missed the point completely. Some content is simply not made for you to play with in a pre made group. As a solo player, I’m constantly expected to just live with the fact that much of the game’s content will never give me an option to play my favorite way. While I have no problem with you wanting extra options, it is extra work for the devs to give those options,.

I just find it in bad taste that solo players are often left out of many of the game’s most important content, such as the highest rewarding instances, and even the end of the “personal story” and that seems perfectly ok to group players…. but when things are switched and you have to que for something solo (not even play solo, just que solo) you’re all bent out of shape about it. And then, for you to imply there is hypocrissy on MY PART is just nonsense.

Except that this isn’t a “solo” activity… Or it is about as solo as pugging a dungeon.
What they’ve done is said “Ok, you are going to go do a dungeon… but we won’t let you go in with your guild/group/friends/insert-noun. Instead we will pair you up with random people, enjoy.”

If you can do this content you can do any content in the game, all you need to do is enter the zone and look for someone saying “LFM X” and /join on them.

I reject the premise of your post. This is NOT a solo event, this a group event. They have just made it so that you cannot play with your friends if you choose to, and the way they set up their point system means that most random PUGs are going to be terribad.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aye.8392


You have no problem with the choice to make this content using a format that wouldn’t allow groups when the systems exist that DO allow groups? You have no problem with Fractals being built using a system that doesn’t allow reconnection when systems exist that DO allow reconnections? You have no problem with the way that fractals and ascended gear have been introduced, and the splintering of the playing communities that comes with that? Those things are design issues. I’m not even talking about the implementation of the instances, I’m talking about the decisions being made about what infrastructure to use to create the instances. Choosing which system to use and how to go about getting it into the hands of the players. And right now this company is not good at it.

It’s like hiring a construction company to put a new bathroom in your house and the foreman says, “Hey, we’re installing new content at the back of this house and we need to pump water there to make it work. Let’s use the ceiling A/C and heating ducts. Those are already in place, and it’ll make our job easy.”

Looking at the recent design decisions I don’t understand the choices that they’ve made at all.
Sorrows Furnace

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


Halloween also kinda fell into this but in different ways so does Wintersday. People may have complained about the Clock tower but it was purely optional. You needed to stick to your guns and keep that level of hard jumping puzzles around. It didn’t give any special gear to do it. Just give people more time with it like you did with the Wintersday puzzle and maybe take race into account when grouping people. As a single Asura with around 7 Norn really stinks as it becomes more about muscle memory and luck then fun ‘n’ skill.

~The skins for Halloween were amazing and giving people the recipes to craft them was a good idea for later in the year. Just drop the mat requirements out of mini-legendary but still keep it harder to craft. Also put it up in the gem store for X amount of time during the holiday giving people every option to get the item during the holiday Should they not with all those options? Tough cookie!

~Keep the quality differences in the skins the same. During Halloween each skin was amazing in that it stood out from the others. Especially the chainsaw yet all the Wintersday skins are pretty much exactly the same. I know keeping them all the same makes quote -everyone happy- but in truth it makes us all clones and hampers your creative juices.

(This one is rather long.) ~RNG has it places out in the world during year round things and with things that are not soulbound/account bound. It does not however make anyone happy to be denied any fair shot at all with the pets like with your Wintersday boxes just because you want to cater to the whales.

Which do not lie that is what it is really about super greed in burst profits instead of steady long term. You had it right with Halloween in letting us get 3 pets for X amount of gems. You even made it so people could combine pets to get another cool pet from that box. It was also at a price that didn’t make you feel ripped off as you got THREE pets. Wintersday hits and you make each toy cost the same as 3 pets gotten during Halloween for a single! Then you cater to the whales by putting even more in a bloody pets in a RNG box.

It’s like you want your loyal fans to stinking quit just so you can make a quick flash buck. That is how that makes me and everyone I’ve talked to feel. It makes me look at you instead of a developer trying to change things for the better but instead a gaming copy of COMCAST. That or yet another terrible Korean (Well aware of your parent corp) company catering to addict Asians that never leave their kitten homes instead of the rest of the bloody world. This is how they treat their kitten customers! Be more Valve less EA/Ncsoft. That or become as irrelevant as SquareEnix in the western market when people get tired of the same abuse.

I do not understand why as an MMORPG you lack things at release such as group play for this holiday event. You said it yourself that MMORPG’s are social games that should bring people together. Not make us bitter to see them because our friends are forced away from us.

I completely agree with the comments on the gem store RE: Wintersday. I too feel as if they they are so obsessed with seeing how much money they can squeeze from the few individuals willing to drop $100+ dollars/month that they just don’t care how many fans they drive from the game. I spend $20-$40 a month to “support the game”, but apparently they don’t want people like me playing and paying.

It may be exciting to be able to laugh with fellow employees about how “one person this month actually spent $300 in the gem store”, but many of those people are starting to express that even after spending $100 on things like RNG and black lion keys, they have come away feeling they were completely ripped off and will never buy again. Why would you sacrifice a stream of steady income from happy customers just to chase the flash in the pan big spenders? Is the new business model to fund the game by fleecing those with deep pockets and impulse control? Or to tap into the members of the playerbase with actual gambling addictions? (We all know the RNG boxes are just lottery tickets).

Who ever runs the gem store just doesn’t get that the box price and the expectations of fans for a AAA MMO means that they have to design the store to provide long term value and ongoing incentive to contribute among a wide swath of loyal fans. This is not a F2P game where for every sucker who gets disillusioned and leaves, another two stumble in the door of a “free game”, being nothing more than the “next mark” to the publisher of the game. Keep treating loyal customers as if they are disposable and it won’t be long before this game has no sustainable revenue to stand on!

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: CoolConfidence.4935


Like Snowball Mayhem and the Bell Choior, the Toypocalypse is an activity. They are using the same systems, and these systems do not permit joining by party. Unfortunately due to technical limitations and time constraints before the holidays, we cannot change it. We understand that this is not ideal for people who wish to play in the same party and who are finding it difficult in random groups. We will be adjusting the “Toypocalypse Cancelled” achievement so that you will need to keep only one gift dolyak alive. We do not have an ETA on when this change will be live. Thank you for your feedback. We have been listening, and we will take your comments on board for future game updates.

Thats ballkitten ! Don’t change this achievement !

Its really easy to do, even with noobs pick-up !

You can add a new achievement for “noob player”, a new achievement how require to keep 1 or 2 dolyak alive till the end, ok.

But don’t change the Toypocalypse Cancelled achievement !!!!

Agree. Don’t change the achievement!!! It’s totally doable and not hard.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


Having played Guild Wars 1 I would have sworn that A-Net was one of the best game designers in the world, but this company, as it exists now, isn’t very good at what they do.

Wow, and all this because they didn’t make one activity perfect on the first try? Who are we to decide that a game company can’t make small mistakes too at times? They are only human.

In my opinion the one and only real reason why people are upset about getting in already running games is the achievement.

Sure, it would be fun to do with a group of friends too. And I hope they’ll implement it at one point. But I seriously doubt that this one activity would be a game breaker for any reasonable person.

Only real problem I have with it game design wise is that it takes too long to complete, and the pause between waves isn’t enough to do anything. It needs some more balancing.

And the achievement and dead doylak problem could be remedied easily as well by resurrecting all of them after each wave and giving out points for every good wave, as I’ve stated before already.

It’s just one more example of what appears to be a great company falling into a serious slump. It gives the impression that some designers/developers just have no pride in their work and are oblivious to the customers they are supposed to be designing content for.

They seem to like to insure us that they did indeed anticipate some of the issues ahead of time, so we don’t think they were blind to the obvious, but then that always raises the question “Then why didn’t you do it the right way from the start”?

I’m very happy that this rather large event was pretty much bug free. They also did listen to some of our input from the Karka disaster and from Halloween. That’s good and I applaud them. However, this tendency to do things they apparently know are going to cause ire among the community is just baffling and is the next major flaw that needs to be addressed with the live teams.

Look at things from the player’s perspective and design to them. If you really do realize in advance that a design decision will annoy and anger, usually for no good reason, than redesign it or avoid such designs in the first place!

It was obvious that friends would want to play this together. The universal lack of grouping support for activities is baffling to begin with and should be addressed. These are activities you play for fun, there really isn’t much reward associated with any of the activities we have seen since launch. They pretty much all have much more appeal to players if people can join with friends. So, the design flaws related to this go back a long ways and have only skated by unaddressed for so long because of the general lack of the promised number of activities that were hinted to be available at launch.

The best investment of resources might have been to fix that flaw of the activity system so that Toypocalypse could have been a party supporting activity. Barring that, it should never have been set up as an activity in the first place and should have been set up in the same exact frame work as the various other Tixx instanced events!

We all know it was doable. Why it wasn’t done properly is the question that digs at the fans and sours what should have been a fun experience.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Boo. So basically players are going to be given both achievements for just completing the event? I and some of my guildies put in serious effort to finish that thing with all 5 dolyaks alive. We achieved the achievement.

What is the point of even having achievement’s if you are just going to care-bear give them away to everyone? If the achievement system is just going to be trivialized by setting the bar to the skill level of the lowest caliber player, then the entire thing should be removed because there is no merit in it. “Yeah I accomplished that thing and can prove it!” becomes “Meh, I was there when this thing happened. Didn’t really need to do much, but this orange bar filled up”.

The side effect of this BTW is going to be players not bothering with event achievements until the end of events just to wait and see if there is a nerf that makes it so they won’t need to work as hard or spend as much time on it.

Such a pity.

The Kismet

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nox.4830


While I’m also disappointed with the fact that you can not enjoy the Toypocalypse event with friends/guildies, I have to say that the volume of complaining about this one issue has certainly surpassed the actual level of severity.

We have complained. Anet responded.

It’s not the end of the world… literally. ^.~

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


I have to say that the volume of complaining about this one issue has certainly surpassed the actual level of severity.

We have complained. Anet responded.

TBH I didn’t mind the event. I thought it was a nice tower-defense style mode. Being able to play with friends is always a plus and would be nice in the future.

Complaining about an entirely optional, free, temporary event is really silly in the grand scheme of things. Wanting and suggesting improvements is one thing, but straight raging over a mini game just seems…petty.

What bothers me is the solution to the problem of people having a hard time. There were two achievements: an easy one for just completing the mini-game, and a hard one for completing it in a perfect fashion. That’s the way achievements should work. That’s the way they work on every other achievement platform that exists. So to quell everyone, they are just going to give the easy and hard achievements to people for just finishing. There are game wide implications to that attitude and how people will play. Horrible, horrible precedence to set.

The Kismet

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

What’s horrible is having to try to get into a game where all dolyaks are still alive, and failing again and again, basically spending all my time looking at loading screens.

Hot join games with irreparable objectives are stupid.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Having played Guild Wars 1 I would have sworn that A-Net was one of the best game designers in the world, but this company, as it exists now, isn’t very good at what they do.

Wow, and all this because they didn’t make one activity perfect on the first try? Who are we to decide that a game company can’t make small mistakes too at times? They are only human.

In my opinion the one and only real reason why people are upset about getting in already running games is the achievement.

Sure, it would be fun to do with a group of friends too. And I hope they’ll implement it at one point. But I seriously doubt that this one activity would be a game breaker for any reasonable person.

Only real problem I have with it game design wise is that it takes too long to complete, and the pause between waves isn’t enough to do anything. It needs some more balancing.

And the achievement and dead doylak problem could be remedied easily as well by resurrecting all of them after each wave and giving out points for every good wave, as I’ve stated before already.

We are costumers.
Since FotM insane grind (boring leveling all the way to 10, then to 20) I was putting my hopes on these content patch.

Boring dungeon (but ok) with no group oriented events. Pugging is just hellish.
Snowball Mayhem or Toyapocalipse would be really fun to do with my friends.

And this is a huge mistake.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Reihert.1509


I have to say that the volume of complaining about this one issue has certainly surpassed the actual level of severity.

We have complained. Anet responded.

TBH I didn’t mind the event. I thought it was a nice tower-defense style mode. Being able to play with friends is always a plus and would be nice in the future.

Complaining about an entirely optional, free, temporary event is really silly in the grand scheme of things. Wanting and suggesting improvements is one thing, but straight raging over a mini game just seems…petty.

What bothers me is the solution to the problem of people having a hard time. There were two achievements: an easy one for just completing the mini-game, and a hard one for completing it in a perfect fashion. That’s the way achievements should work. That’s the way they work on every other achievement platform that exists. So to quell everyone, they are just going to give the easy and hard achievements to people for just finishing. There are game wide implications to that attitude and how people will play. Horrible, horrible precedence to set.

Not playing with friends takes the online aspect of GW2.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Blude.6812


The level of whine from the self-proclaimed “pros” that don’t want anyone “noobish” getting the achievement is tear-tasting delicious.

Get over yourselves.

Right on, agree with you 100%.
I got my stuff from talking toTixx in LA, and I am awaiting the ‘fix’ before doing the last instant, but from reading this thread as well as others, I probablay won’t be bothered.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Conner.4702


While I don’t think lowering the achievement to just 1 dolyak. I do think 2 or 3 would be better. I say this having kept all 5 alive and can be proud I did it the hard way.

I also agree this should have been group based dungeon where you can easily play with your friends instead of grouping up with randoms you don’t know. This has led to a good bit of frustration as a lot of people aren’t really good enough and have to be carried. Carrying 1 in a group is fine 2 if they rest is really good, but if you have to carry an entire group, well it is pure frustration.

To be honest I can’t fathom what the people that approved this were thinking. I guess it’s because Anet has grown to massive that they start to fail to see the bigger picture. That was something that they were quite good at during GW1 which had a much smaller team.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nibiru.1423


Only want to play this for the achievement which is going to be very hard.

> Random noobs
> Keep being put in groups that have already lost half the dolyaks.
> Join one and before 2 others joined 1 dead dolyak.

OK OK, With above in mind, I just tried again. After finaly finding a game at the start we did this very easy, all dolyaks had 98% life at end, lowest they got was around 60%.

Build snow wall around the entire inner circle first, worked for us


Magic Find + Common Sense + Consideration = Happy Party + Nice Loot

(edited by Nibiru.1423)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: VikToRiuS.5426


To be honest I can’t fathom what the people that approved this were thinking.

It’s supposed to be a tower defense game where you survive waves after waves. Simple and fun. You get rewarded after every wave, if you make it to the last one, great, if not no biggie. That’s what they were thinking.

If it wasn’t for the achievement, no one would care this much if they finish all 10 waves or not, and if it’s with all 5 dolyaks or not.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: VikToRiuS.5426


Only want to play this for the achievement which is going to be very hard.

> Random noobs
> Keep being put in groups that have already lost half the dolyaks.
> Join one and before 2 others joined 1 dead dolyak.


You could do what I did, and stick it out with one team whatever happens. And when it ends you’ll be there from the start of the next game, with people who did a run with you already. Maybe some will leave but with a bit of luck you wont have problems if you do everything right from the start.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I just want…

Your entire argument boils down to this. It’s selfish. Many players just want to jump in and play without dealing with premades. That’s why some content is made for pre made groups and some content is not.

The real problem is you pre made group players expect EVERY bit of content in the game to cater to you. Lucky they don’t listen to you, because if everything was forced grouping you’d see the game flop in a matter of weeks.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I reject the premise of your post.

You can’t reject a premise you didn’t follow. I’m not just talking about THIS event. I was talking about the other guy’s post in which he complained that he can’t take his premade group into basically everything, including the SnowBall mini game.

Toypocalypse would have been fine to allow pre made groups as long as balance wasn’t effected for pugs, but for some content it would ruin balance for anyone who didn’t already have an established group.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I think you’re missing the point of the second “M” in MMO.

I think you’re missing something more important than a pointless acronym.

And if you want to play solo go grab Plants Vs Zombies or something. Don’t come to a game designed to be played with friends and complain that people want to play with friends.

If you want to play a game that forces grouping, go grab some asian grindfest or something. See, guild wars has never been a series which was “designed to be played with friends”. It’s always been a choice, and I like it that way.

I’m not the one complaining that every bit of content needs to be designed for my personal taste. I take the game as it comes. I solo the things that can be soloed, and skip the group stuff. That’s my point here. If you can’t be bothered to play in a pug… just skip it. Not all content is made for you and your personal playstyle.

Ps. I enjoy the game immensely. Why would I play anything else?

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Conner.4702


To be honest I can’t fathom what the people that approved this were thinking.

It’s supposed to be a tower defense game where you survive waves after waves. Simple and fun. You get rewarded after every wave, if you make it to the last one, great, if not no biggie. That’s what they were thinking.

If it wasn’t for the achievement, no one would care this much if they finish all 10 waves or not, and if it’s with all 5 dolyaks or not.

Please don’t take things out of context. I was commenting on having strangers being forced to group up over friends in the last part. Not the minigame itself.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Boo. So basically players are going to be given both achievements for just completing the event? I and some of my guildies put in serious effort to finish that thing with all 5 dolyaks alive. We achieved the achievement.

But you didn’t receive the achievement for playing well. You received the achievement for being put into an instance where the other random players also played well. In short, once you’ve done your part, whether you get the achievement or not is based purely on luck or grinding. And luck/grind achievements are just as meaningless as free achievements. Nobody considers you to be highly skilled for having that achievement right now, they just think you’re very lucky/patient and it can’t be proved either way.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Mors Subita.5802

Mors Subita.5802

To be honest I can’t fathom what the people that approved this were thinking.

It’s supposed to be a tower defense game where you survive waves after waves. Simple and fun. You get rewarded after every wave, if you make it to the last one, great, if not no biggie. That’s what they were thinking.

If it wasn’t for the achievement, no one would care this much if they finish all 10 waves or not, and if it’s with all 5 dolyaks or not.

I think everyone is so focused on the achievement that they are missing the big picture…

Let me pose a question: Why are people having trouble completing the achievement in PUGs?

Answer: Because most of the people are more interested in killing with the weapons for points and extra gifts…

My question is why make a tower defense game where you are penalized in the standings for building towers and defense? If you only reward people for attacking with weapons, that is all they will do. I don’t know whether you get a whole bunch of bonus loot for completing 10/10 or just the achievement, and I think most other people playing it don’t know either… It doesn’t state it clearly anywhere… So instead of going for that carrot, they do what they do everywhere… Try and rack up points and be top on the leaderboard. That means not playing in a way conducive to actually winning.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Voonith.2561


I agree completely. I also really wish I could do Bell Choir Ensemble with friends.
I do like Snowball Mayhem as it is, but an option for doing it with friends would also be cool because it’s a real shame that friends and I can’t enjoy participating in these holiday activities together.

For future Wintersday events, it would be amazing if parties were just at very least put in the same instance.

As for the Toypocalypse event, I had a very easy time getting the 5 Dolyak achievement with a PUG so I can’t comment there.
Though I do think I would care to play it more than once if it 1) let me play with friends, and 2) actually rewarded my playing it.
I do feel slighted that ArenaNet is lowering the achievement requirement though.

All’s fair in love and Wuv.
[ART] Gate of Madness

(edited by Voonith.2561)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Venirto.4208


I enjoyed this event till toypocalypse. I can’t play with my guild anymore, instead I have people who doesn’t listen to any advices, or cooperate.

Arena, why didn’t you made it an instance instead of activity? Why?

(edited by Venirto.4208)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


It seems they’ve simply lost the concept of what an online MMO game is.

Anet you need to stop overusing the ‘Activity’ mechanic. It’s ruining all these social activities you’re putting in the game. In fact I’d highly suggest doing away with it completely for any future content. I’ve not met anyone in-game who likes it.

(edited by Reverielle.3972)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: neon.4863


Again, I have the achievement, I don’t feel slighted. The fact other people will get it with less effort does not negate the work I had to do to get it. It’s an achievement, not a reward that has any impact on gameplay, and the whole point of an achievement is to acknowledge your effort – once your effort’s been acknowledged, why does it matter if the requirements for the achievement are made easier? You still got it the old way. The sense of having achieved it isn’t lost.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I guess I was lucky. I jumped into this when I first logged on mid-to-late afternoon and all 5 Dolyaks were still standing in the center. The game had not started yet so apparently I got in at the beginning.

No one communicated but it appeared that most had an idea of what to do…more than I did. Having run with friends in various situations, I did what I usually do with them and just jumped in to support whatever they were trying to accomplish.

So I decided to just attack all the red names I could find and protect whomever I could as I found them. As I said, I was lucky. We won not only the first round but the second round as well so got both achievements.

Being a noob in gaming, I knew better than to just stand there like an idiot…fortunately I have great guild mates who like to discuss tactics in WvWvW and such. So I had a pretty good idea what to expect.

I’ve only run a couple of dungeons in the game so far but did not see how the techniques were much different than in this one. The only downside would be if you joined mid-run for these. That would have been frustrating as many of the posts have pointed out.

There did not seem to be any way to begin at the start of this. That would have actually helped a lot but I did not see any way to determine that.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kagosin.8521


What I don’t get is why don’t people stick around, since it restarts right then and there when it fails? It refers to my patience line earlier. The 2 that i failed from my earlier example, was cause of people starting to learn it, but by sticking around, you understand how to do things. This is by no means an excuse for what’s put in place, but to me some have to learn how to adapt to current situations, send note to devs, and work around for that moment.

Oh I can answer that one – it’s because the achievement is for keeping 5 yaks alive that I didn’t stick around whenever a yak died. I wanted the achievement, not completion, and less than 5 yaks alive wouldn’t give me what I wanted, so I instance-hopped whenever a yak went down.

To put this into perspective, these take about 30-50 minutes a run depending on your group. I instance-hopped 23 times total until I finally got a group that did it. If I had stuck around that’d take me anywhere from half a day to a whole day. I indeed don’t have that kind of patience.

It’s more so of just asking for people to restart by letting the yaks fall. Did that with a few PUGs and it was easy enough to wipe the slate clean and restart.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Khayle Zerker.3675

Khayle Zerker.3675

so… after trying for 2 hours with dolyaks dying, I finally got a good pug. We were at 9/10 rounds, half way in. Our pug was VERY organized, but one dolyak died just before we finished.
This achievement is god kitten hard to get… And I can’t get my coordinated friends to join me to actually get the achievement. The one good pug-group I had was good, but not good enough.

I see what you did there, anet. Changing my word into “Kitten”

(edited by Khayle Zerker.3675)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Illiander.8049


It seems they’ve simply lost the concept of what an online MMO game is.

Anet you need to stop overusing the ‘Activity’ mechanic. It’s ruining all these social activities you’re putting in the game. In fact I’d highly suggest doing away with it completely for any future content. I’ve not met anyone in-game who likes it.

That would be a good use of time. Fix the “Activity” PvP stuff to allow parties to enter together. Maybe they could take a look at the sPvP tournement code for some ideas? I think that already has everything they’d need.

Playing on Gentoo.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: ragingpuma.4618


for the points “fiasco” if you want to win plus get points for killing. you can always just run around whacking toys with your toy smasher, while you go for the items to rebuild. you still get a point when they die.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Drafell Moraxi.7543

Drafell Moraxi.7543

It is a real disappointment in a game which is considered to be an MMO that you cannot play with your friends. I wanted to play through the Wintersday events with my wife, to help out and have fun together, only to find that none of the events (except the dungeon) support this.
This is something that needs to be addressed as a priority because the reason we both own Guild Wars 2 is to play together and we originally met in GW1.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Burn.5401


This is the biggest blunder I’ve seen in this game for a while. The least thing you can do is just remove the achievement. It’s so flawed it’s not even funny. You tried to make a tower defense mini-game but you failed miserably. We play with random people who most of the time just stand there AFK or leave instead. We can join games that are still in progress with 1 dolyak alive at wave 1. No time for preparation after each wave which basically kills the whole concept of tower defense. I’m writing this after 60 or more failed attempts which I think is a solid number for something “you’re supposed to be doing for fun” in the winter event.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I am hearing about how hard the Toypoc Cancelled achievement is for keeping the Doylaks alive and the first group I joined did it on our first go. I was probably lucky. I agree it’s lame that you can’t join Toypoc or the CTF styled wintersday PVP game with friends. That’s weird design to me. You have two very team based game modes for the holiday and you can’t enter with your team. That would be like logging onto Battlefield 3 and not being able to play a match with your friends on your friends list.

I feel the need to edit and add that the changes made from Mad King and Lost Shores to this event were all good. They listened to feedback about the one time events and so on. I am sure that in the future on future events you will be able to join things like these with your party.

(edited by DaddyBoJangles.6012)

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


For future events like this please make them party based and a lot shorter. Now the best thing about Toypocalyse is that after finishing it you don’t have to do it ever again.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kazumas.3528


I think the hardest thing about this event is not that we can’t do parties, its sort of a nice Idea to be able to get in right away instead of having to wait forever for a team of five, Its that most people it seems don’t know the first thing about long term defence and just set of a bunch of level 1 stuff all over the place.

In fact one person went one to say that is is how you win it. Yeah as we went down to 2 dolyacks within 5 minutes.

That’s the real problem.

So a good compromise is you form a party as many as you can get and people that don’t want to wait get tacked on to the openings, everyone wins

In the end since GW2 is quite a bit different from the first, their still seeing what works, what doesn’t, and how it can be changed or improved, so patience is the key

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: GreyFeathers.8175


The event might have been fun but I prefer playing with friends not random people. I really wished we had seen this earlier as we sat aside time to do this as a group ( I belong to a small guild ) and it was disappointing to find we can not even do this as a group. So much for planning game time with friends. The open world gives me enough randomness that I seriously don’t need it with events, dungeons or other areas that will actually require some team work and communication.

Not wasting time with random groups just to experience it. Wintersday has been fun but the finale for it has left a lot to be desired. I guess if you wanted a rating for Wintersday since it’s drawing to an end I would give you all a 70% since the end event and the acheivements attached to it came to such a poor close with this event.

Honor is limited only by the limitations that we place upon ourselves.

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


TBH the event has been out long enough for people to learn how to play it to win. Those that are still attempting it and doing thigsg wrong themselves r ether ..trolling, have only just started the winter events and is new, or stupid.

The 1st and 3rd r the most likely at his point. And there r plenty of both running around the MMO scene.

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