Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: ccastiel.6931


Toypocalypse lasts about an hour, and the reward is 4 personalized gifts containing ugly wool clothing. U can get much more by doing the jingles or snowball mayhem, in half time.
I did enjoy it though, but it gets tedious and repeating after a while.

Tbh, I was expecting something more of a spectacular reward for the final event.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Exactly how I feel about it. In fact I used the same word to describe it in another thread. Toypocalypse just feels tedious.

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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Opt.3714


No sign you can earn more cogs from it? Twitter:
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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I thought it was a lot of fun. Although I agree that it’s a huge time investment and little in the way of tangible rewards.

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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: ccastiel.6931


I thought it was fun too, but I’d have more fun if it was half an hour, instead of one.

@Mr eX, no I ’ve finished it and didnt get any cogs. I wondered why they gave us 200, and was hoping from an extra 50 from toypocalypse.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Stormleaf.1769


You also get several gifts by opening the giant present every time you defeat Toxx. I was also getting a personalized gift at the end of every wave, on top of that.

But, like the other activities, it’s mainly something to do for fun. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Sure, it might have been exciting to get more glamorous rewards, but the lack of them isn’t an excuse to call the activity bad.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I want to know why i can join as a group

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: ccastiel.6931


You also get several gifts by opening the giant present every time you defeat Toxx. I was also getting a personalized gift at the end of every wave, on top of that.

But, like the other activities, it’s mainly something to do for fun. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Sure, it might have been exciting to get more glamorous rewards, but the lack of them isn’t an excuse to call the activity bad.

I’m not exactly concerned about the glamorous rewards, I just think they should be more judging by the time we spent in. And some people like me, really liked it but are not willing to spend an other hour in it to finish it. It should last less imho.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Laufey.5129


It was fun, but I agree that it dragged on a bit. I got lucky and we kept all Dolyaks alive so I won’t be doing it again.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Deepsheep.8735


After each round you can pick up personalized/giant gifts. I think the reward is good if you remember to pick those up.

The mini-game is fun and I don’t think it should be shorter.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Shaaba.5672


I didn’t realize that the gifts appeared at first. It’s not obvious and never has a pug I’ve been in said anything like ‘present here’. Maybe making the present drop where Toxx dies would make it easier for people to remember and realize it’s even there.

This is a fun mini game – I like it. but I will repeat what others have said – too long, no groups and no chest at end or otherwise appropriate loot. So yes, I am one of those that think the carrot is not big enough. I will play it again and have fun, but I much preferred the way the Mad King event worked. You could jump in and out as your time allowed and not screw anyone else over. I also liked the farmable aspect of it. It was nice to have an alternative and still get drops of reg items and holiday rewards.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Shaaba.5672


Oh – and I wasn’t crazy about the weapons. Felt really clunky.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Khey.4735


I loved the rifle with actual pop sounds (no idea why it’s an issue with the actual skin), and the Mesmer gun, I didn’t realize it lasted 1 hour, I thought it was around 30 minutes but I had fun so yeah.

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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: ConterK.3972


you get gifts for each Toxx round.. and u can get lots of achievment points

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: morphemass.2850


I had fun the first few times but became increasingly frustrated (my last team were actually competent for the most part but we still lost).

I had expected a few weeks of flowing exotics since the economy is totally knackered at the moment between the low rare/exotic drop rates and bots depressing the prices on farmable items. Instead we have a stream of ugly cloths and a Christmas event with near zero incentive to replay once the achievement is done.

I think the Risen have the right idea with this Tixxmas nonsense

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: itsshortstuff.7148


i agree. on my third/fourth try i finally was able to complete all 10 waves and keep all FIVE dolyaks alive. it’s a lot of work. i recieved 14 personalized gifts and 25 giant gifts collected throughout the entire event. and i just got sweaters from those.. but thats just luck.. still.. i felt as though i should get some grander sort of reward besides the achievement. but the achievement is cool anyways. =) sucks tho that they are changing it to where you only need to keep one alive…

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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Cant something just be fun? Why does every little tiny thing have to have virtual rewards- cant the event itself be a reward at least part of the time?

I think people get to caught up in what they get at the end and forget the journey. Not everything has to drop loot (even though this event actually does).

Just enjoy it for what it is.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


It’s cute but all of Tixx just feels like something went way wrong with event planning. This is grindish stuff that has lost the epic storyline like Mad King had.

Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


For me the reward isn’t the problem, it’s just that the whole thing feels boring.
The idea of setting up defenses is cool, but it’s pretty much just the same thing over and over again. Plus I don’t like the toy gun abilities at all.

I’m glad there’s not some big reward really. This way you can just do it if you like it, but skip it if you don’t.

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Toypocalypse, time spent vs rewards

in Wintersday

Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732

Urosh Uchiha.9732

I had a lot of fun in the activity, actually finished it with a random group to keep all 5 dolyaks alive (kinda sad that they are gonna change the achievement to only one dolyak cause I was really happy that we finally made it). But I was also expecting some decent reward.