Why are there no special events for Xmas/New year?
I think they are trying to be more considerate of their player’s schedules vs. be here at a specific time or miss out. One-time events are awesome when you can make it, but they really suck when you can’t.
It doesnt have to something that gives advantages, just some firework shows on 31th of december or something would be cool ;0
Fireworksstuff or something would be cool. Just be patient. Their announcement doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t some little surprises, I think. Just let’s wait whats coming.
Let’s not forget we can find fireworks in game too. i know i have some stockpiled in my bank somewhere.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.
Because so many people are away during the actual Chrismas Days, it would be better not to have the special events at that time. It would only make many people sad.
Besides, surely Arena.net people deserve a Christmas break too.
No christmas/new year celebration would make me feel like somethings missing i think :/
I think we only know what they want us to know and don’t know if we know all that there is to know, you know?
The other thing is that this is a time of year when many people are away from home – I won’t be able to play GW very much over the holiday period as I’ll be visiting various branches of my family. Not many people travel for Halloween in the same way so it makes more sense they can rely on their player base being around!
Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia
The other thing is that this is a time of year when many people are away from home – I won’t be able to play GW very much over the holiday period as I’ll be visiting various branches of my family. Not many people travel for Halloween in the same way so it makes more sense they can rely on their player base being around!
That. Having strictly timed events directly between the two holidays when a lot of people will either be travelling or just plain busy would be a bad decision.
Besides, as also mentioned earlier in the thread, the people at A-net deserve a holiday vacation too. I would imagine they’ll be taking the week of Christmas / New Years off at the very least, so they wouldn’t be around to run any holiday-specific events (sure, they could time it and have it automatic so no one would need to be around, but bugs and such are sure to pop up and without devs around we’d be stuck with them).
Guild Wars traditionally does not celebrate any religious holidays, the player base as a whole gets in a angry nerd rage when anything religious is mentioned, so to save themselves the headache they celebrate all the holidays in a Guild Wars style for the weeks called Winters Day.
As for New Years, the western version is grouped into the Wintersday event and the Eastern world is grouped into Cantha New Year; since Cantha isn’t released yet you will have to make due with Wintersday. It’s quite genius on a business model really o.o
p.s. $20 says ill get infracted for saying nerd rage :rolls eyes:
Fort Aspenwood
Also, just because we have only gotten the schedule up to the 20th, doesn’t mean there won’t be any events after the 20th.
failure is still a monumental success, assuming
losses remain within acceptable parameters.
I think they’ll still do special scene events, but seriously.. No one likes missing out on something very specific … I’m happy there aren’t any super special events this time.
Fireworksstuff or something would be cool. Just be patient. Their announcement doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t some little surprises, I think.
Just let’s wait whats coming.
This. We don’t know everything that is going to be in the game yet and who knows maybe they will do some little things like fireworks or something to celebrate. But there are a lot of people who won’t probably even log on Christmas Day and who will be partying for New Years. I imagine they will do something, but just be patient.
Also gotta remember – not everybody celebrates Christmas or has the same New Year. Food for thought.
Fireworks on the 1st of January would be a bit late :p <- Aussie
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
p.s. $20 says ill get infracted for saying nerd rage :rolls eyes:
I’m going to admit. I nerd rage… hard. :P
Everyone does, even if they say they don’t.
Though to be honest, I won’t be able to play much and checking the 10am times on the wintersday stuff, that makes it around 6-7am in the morning for me, the following day – Since i’m in NZ.
I already missed out on the Karka event because of the time it was set up
I hope in the future they can set it up where it runs for a while like Winters Day will be doing (Hopefully the toymaker is in each zone for the whole day so I can visit it when I get up and have time lol)
I think they are trying to be more considerate of their player’s schedules vs. be here at a specific time or miss out. One-time events are awesome when you can make it, but they really suck when you can’t.
My question then is what was wrong with the 2-3 week events with the 36 hour “finale” from GW1? I enjoyed doing the repeatable missions for the gift boxes and the hats are always great (if only we had a cosmetic slot or wardrobe selection).
p.s. $20 says ill get infracted for saying nerd rage :rolls eyes:
I’m going to admit. I nerd rage… hard. :P
Everyone does, even if they say they don’t.Though to be honest, I won’t be able to play much and checking the 10am times on the wintersday stuff, that makes it around 6-7am in the morning for me, the following day – Since i’m in NZ.
I already missed out on the Karka event because of the time it was set up
I hope in the future they can set it up where it runs for a while like Winters Day will be doing (Hopefully the toymaker is in each zone for the whole day so I can visit it when I get up and have time lol)
It’s been confirmed repeatedly that Trixx is in each city for a whole day. Also, once he gets to LA you can replay any day’s events and get that day’s rewards. ANet really went all out on making sure no one could complain about being left out.
Im slightly dissapointed by this, dont get me wrong. i love wintersday and every event from gw2 since launch. im not one of those whiners that complain about everything but i would have liked something special for christmas and new year (especially new year, cuz wintersday is mostly christmas style anyways)
what do you guys think? ;D
This IS something special for xmas and new year! You ARE whining and complaining! How can you claim to love an event that has not started (at the time of writing)? “anyways” is not a word.
They probably don’t want to risk any of the bad publicity they got from the last two events.
The last event in particular probably scared the hell out of them since it put an awful lot of trial players off buying the game.
Money, especially a perceived loss, is the best kind of motivation for companies like A.net.
The whole Wintersday event includes themes from Christmas. Even the old game didn’t distinguish actual Christmas or New Years days, they just celebrated the season. Considering only a third of the people in the world are Christian, it makes sense to not try to make this too much about Christmas day.
The celebration does last 3 weeks with the toymaker remaining in LA for anybody who wants to come play. The “event” happens at the beginning rather than the end, at least according to the information they’ve given so far. Perhaps they will have a special send off when Tixx leaves, perhaps not. Either way, it is not that much different in spirit than it was in GW1
I’ll log and whisp you happy new year, if you truly are planning to log on your local new year at midnight. No thanks, i have better stuff to do.