Wintersday JP Rewards
Random loot is random.
Alright, didn’t know the karma reward was random if it is thanks for the info
didn’t get anything for my dailies either – and I don’t think the karma is random, it looked much more like a fixed loottable to me (getting the same stuff every day, except today). Azure Power, where did you get your information from? Was there a dev post stating that the JP daily loot is random?
would be nice to have something confirmed here >.> ANet, anything to say? fill us in a little?
odd I’ve gotten the karma gulp the first day and haven’t seen anymore since, so I’m guessing random chance
didn’t get anything for my dailies either – and I don’t think the karma is random, it looked much more like a fixed loottable to me (getting the same stuff every day, except today). Azure Power, where did you get your information from? Was there a dev post stating that the JP daily loot is random?
Going by doing the JP daily every day. Some times you don’t get a Karma item at all. Some times you do and what type is random.
Wintersday JP rewards are daily. Been doing it every day and got 5 gulps, 1 jug, and 1 flask of karma + some random booster each time.
What I’ve been getting is
1 karma item (gulp, flask, jug)
3 [level scaled] Wintersday Gifts
x [random] Snowflakes
1 seasonal tonic OR 1 booster
I got a Jug yesterday instead of my usual Gulp. I’ll see what karma item I get today before I know whether or not the rewards were buffed.
didn’t get anything for my dailies either – and I don’t think the karma is random, it looked much more like a fixed loottable to me (getting the same stuff every day, except today). Azure Power, where did you get your information from? Was there a dev post stating that the JP daily loot is random?
Going by doing the JP daily every day. Some times you don’t get a Karma item at all. Some times you do and what type is random.
well, that’s not really reliable information then.
I’ve only ever read/heard of people getting the same types of rewards, with the exceptional empty chest (not as in a few items missing, but every single one of them). it seems much more probable that the daily reward indeed is fixed, but there are some issues which will cause it to be zero…
much more reasonable than the very low probability of all the posters to have experienced an empty chest while others manage to get a half-empty chest and decide to never post… (and going by this forums, they would’ve certainly posted their findings)
Jp rewards are daily and random.
So the first time in a day you get a random karma (jug,flask,glup), 3 presents, snowflakes and a tonic or a gem store booster.
If you do it again in the same day you only get 3 presents.
In the next day you will get again the daily reward i mentioned above.
After 1 week of that jumping puzzle and you people still havent figure that out?
just did the daily and got nothing for it and after the second time then i get the 3 gifts
well since the event started i have been doing the jp everyday and always got the daily reward i mentioned.
If other people are not getting those rewards then must be some kind of bug.
just did the daily and got nothing for it and after the second time then i get the 3 gifts
This is some thing that I think is unintended how ever. Experienced this myself today.
just did the daily and got nothing for it and after the second time then i get the 3 gifts
This is some thing that I think is unintended how ever. Experienced this myself today.
I had the same issue today as well. Did the puzzle for the first time (on this day), opened the chest and got absolutely nothing. I stared a little in disbelief and then told the other guy who was standing next to me (who also just finished the puzzle with me) that my chest was completely empty, and he said it was the same for him!
Either this is an amazing coincidence, or the chest itself may be temporarily bugged concerning the daily reward.
Btw. I completed the puzzle again right after this and got my usual 3 gifts.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)
Jp rewards are daily and random.
So the first time in a day you get a random karma (jug,flask,glup), 3 presents, snowflakes and a tonic or a gem store booster.
If you do it again in the same day you only get 3 presents.
In the next day you will get again the daily reward i mentioned above.After 1 week of that jumping puzzle and you people still havent figure that out? kitten
Um karma bit was exactly what I was asking about because from my experience it looked like it just decreased in size daily. Instead of being a kitten and indirectly stating that you think us idiots, could’ve cut the last bit of your post out. And obviously there seems to be an occasional bug effecting random people.
Jp rewards are daily and random.
So the first time in a day you get a random karma (jug,flask,glup), 3 presents, snowflakes and a tonic or a gem store booster.
If you do it again in the same day you only get 3 presents.
In the next day you will get again the daily reward i mentioned above.After 1 week of that jumping puzzle and you people still havent figure that out? kitten
Um karma bit was exactly what I was asking about because from my experience it looked like it just decreased in size daily. Instead of being a kitten and indirectly stating that you think us idiots, could’ve cut the last bit of your post out. And obviously there seems to be an occasional bug effecting random people.
When i made that post i was not aware of the bug of not getting rewards in the chest.
Im sorry for being jerk but in that time i was not to happy because i wasted 5 gold to make a endless toy soldier tonic and didnt have any luck.
is random every day…first day i got flash of karma…yesterday i got jug of karma…but today i got nothing lol