Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
The puzzle is very forgiving, time wise.
You can let others jump away and then just do a chilled tour on your own.
Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
in Wintersday
Posted by: Mr Crazy Moose.5760
You’d think this would be why they did the three starting points.
One for Charr and Norn, another for Sylvari and Human and the last for Asura.
At the beginning, stand to the side to see yourself and get ahead of the others. That has done wonders for me.
So, the jump puzzle is a timed event. Except it’s hard to see where you’re jumping when there’s giant characters on the snow flakes completely occluding your body. It’s basically jumping blind until they fall. The puzzles overly hard as it is, without having to basically do the first half blind.
Put the big races on their own island.
This is a very poor excuse of those that are generally bad at jumping because you dont need to see your character to jump properly. As a matter of fact asuras are easiest race to complete anything jump-related because they suffer less from camera issues (for example just try to do Troll’s End with largest Norn or Charr).
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Achievements are Account wide. If you have a Norn or Charr character, it might be worth using them rather than your main.
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- Tarnished Coast Server
So, the jump puzzle is a timed event. Except it’s hard to see where you’re jumping when there’s giant characters on the snow flakes completely occluding your body. It’s basically jumping blind until they fall. The puzzles overly hard as it is, without having to basically do the first half blind.
Put the big races on their own island.
This is a very poor excuse of those that are generally bad at jumping because you dont need to see your character to jump properly. As a matter of fact asuras are easiest race to complete anything jump-related because they suffer less from camera issues (for example just try to do Troll’s End with largest Norn or Charr).
Pretty much, I’ve tried jp’s with all sizes of characters and by far the hardest for me was my full size Charr.
I like how the language used is “discriminatory” as an appeal to our reactionary 21st century media-hype wired minds.
You know, in stead of making a post stating you personally find it challenging with your asura, you in stead state that you’re being victimized.
Then you end the post with a call to racial segregation of innocent non-asura.
That’s pretty smart.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
So, the jump puzzle is a timed event. Except it’s hard to see where you’re jumping when there’s giant characters on the snow flakes completely occluding your body. It’s basically jumping blind until they fall. The puzzles overly hard as it is, without having to basically do the first half blind.
Put the big races on their own island.
This is a very poor excuse of those that are generally bad at jumping because you dont need to see your character to jump properly. As a matter of fact asuras are easiest race to complete anything jump-related because they suffer less from camera issues (for example just try to do Troll’s End with largest Norn or Charr).
Pretty much, I’ve tried jp’s with all sizes of characters and by far the hardest for me was my full size Charr.
It’s actually hard for Charr not because of the character size but because the hitbox remains the same regardless of their bipedal or quadrupedal running stance. So when you’re running on all fours it’s easy to brain yourself or get stuck on ledges with your invisible vertical hitbox. Drawing your weapon so you’re bipedal helps.
Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
in Wintersday
Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248
This is a very poor excuse of those that are generally bad at jumping because you dont need to see your character to jump properly. As a matter of fact asuras are easiest race to complete anything jump-related because they suffer less from camera issues (for example just try to do Troll’s End with largest Norn or Charr).
This is so true. I always do the jumping puzzles on my asura. It’s way easier. I wasn’t able to do the halloween jumping puzzle on my Charr but got it with my asura. They do suffer fewer camera issues. It also helped me to STOP staring at my character. It’s a bad habit in jumping puzzles and fighting games.
The three paths helps to thin out the group. It was a great idea.
I found this puzzle easier with my Asura and completed it over 70 times with her…….What is your actual complaint?
Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
in Wintersday
Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012
I have done this JP everday since launch I have done it with a sylvari, human, and asura. What works for me on the asura is just waiting a second and letting everyone go ahead of you. Good luck
Jump puzzles are way easier with an Asura, the only issue that ever arises is other players blocking your view. And, yes, it was remedied this time around with multiple paths. Heck, on my server (Jade Quarry), I only encountered 3 other people in the JP at 3:00 PM when I was doing my daily (and the reward glitched but w/e).
Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
in Wintersday
Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284
Bah, Asura are the easiest to complete JPs with.
First off, less camera issues.
Second, you can have the camera closer without having too much of it filled by your character.
Third, they’re the easiest to judge jump height since they jump about as high as they are tall.
And lastly, they’re Asura, which automatically makes them the best anyway.
Indeed… the Asura r easier due to having less camera issues. There size is irrelivant jump wise beoucse all races/sex can jump the same distance.
And as people have stated u dont need to see where your character actually is all the time. This wintersday JP is nothing even if ur constantly under a norn or char. The halloween one was much more challenging ,,but even that got easy after enough completions.
People need to stop making excuses for simply being bad ..or not so good jumping puzzles… its nothing to be ashamed about ..untill u start moaning about the JP being wrong in some way shape or form ..then ur just in denial and look rather pathetic.
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CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
It’s pretty easy to do most jumping puzzles with Asura. I find Charr the hardest if you aren’t able to draw a weapon or hold something. Love their running and running jump animation but sometimes it’s easy to forget where your center of mass is while jumping.
You could wait maybe one or two seconds if the big guys are blocking your view. Most people will fall to their doom after that initial set of snowflakes. For the most part you don’t need to see your character, just their feet or a general idea of where your feet are.
As an Asuran, I can say it’s not fighting the other characters. Really It’s fighting your own skillset. The JP took me 3 days to complete. But, now, after more than a week. I’m a pro.
So I have faith in you! Because we have the best race there is! And you will make it too
Having now completed the jump puzzle using an Asura, a Norn, and a Human multiple times, I feel pretty confident it doesn’t freakin’ matter.
It’s hard in a muddled mass even if you are twice the size of everyone else. But you have two choices to make it easier:
1) Be faster than anyone else. If you’re out in front, you can see your feet just fine.
2) Be slower than anyone else. If you’re in back, you can see your feet just fine.
Also, don’t stop to wave at the people who already fell and are now watching from the balcony. You just cannot make up that much time (I know…I’ve tried)
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?
You shouldn’t really be looking at your character when you’re doing a jumping puzzle anyway. As long as you have a general idea of where they are you don’t need to know any more.
In this puzzle it’s even easier because most of the snowflakes are positioned so that you can jump from any part of them and land on the next one, as long as you get the angle right and jump while running. (Seriously, that’s my biggest problem, I jump in place then run off the edge because I mis-timed the buttons.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You would not believe how many times, as a annoyingly huge charr, I hit my head on snowflakes or my view clips so I totally lose sight of what I’m doing.
This is incredibly forgiving, compared to the Mad King’s tower. You can afford to jump a flake behind, or try and get ahead. I’ve had many Asuran friends tell me they have no idea how Charr even gets halfway through some of these because of our size. There’s pros and cons to both sides. If I had a choice I’d get a spell in JPs that mini’s me.
Charr have difficulty with JPs too, just diffrent ones. While it does kinds kitten to have a big character blocking your view, not all of them are unsympathetic. I recall during the mad kings clocktower I would have my charr do the puzzle topless just because that big trenchcoat flapping around was probably ruining anybody’s ability to see jumps.
At least the winter one isn’t as time critical, you can always run it a little behind the rest of the folks. If it’s hard to see the next snowflake because a big race is standing on it, try aiming between the charr or norn’s legs, they have to be standing on something.
I am excited that most of these Endless Wintersday Tonics turn you into things that can jump. I am a full height Charr and have experienced some difficulty with jumping in the past. But now I can turn into a Princess Doll and have no camera issues! If only it would me change when I am in the Winsterday puzzle :\
I am excited that most of these Endless Wintersday Tonics turn you into things that can jump. I am a full height Charr and have experienced some difficulty with jumping in the past. But now I can turn into a Princess Doll and have no camera issues! If only it would me change when I am in the Winsterday puzzle :\
So true, got princess doll tonic (with 25th try) for my norn as well.
Too bad princess transformation (“Moon Prism power MAKE UP!”) cant swim =\ but doll mini can and have proper swim animation. (bug?)
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Topic: “Wintersday JP discriminatory to Asura”
Last sentence: “Put the big races on their own island.”
Just brilliant..
I actually had more trouble completing it with my male norn than my smaller characters.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
So, the jump puzzle is a timed event. Except it’s hard to see where you’re jumping when there’s giant characters on the snow flakes completely occluding your body. It’s basically jumping blind until they fall. The puzzles overly hard as it is, without having to basically do the first half blind.
Put the big races on their own island.
You get my yes and you get my noooooope.
As someone who farmed the puzzle for gifts, no, the jump puzzles aren’t too hard, but they ARE problematic as they do discriminate people who are not good at jumping. I’m all for a skillbased game, but perhaps add some difficulty settings to puzzles like these. Make the 3 paths easy, medium and hard. Give the achievement for completing any, and scale the rewards a bit up for medium and hard. This way everyone can be happy.
The point you are absolutely right on is the view problems. Even though I’m always in front, a few times someone might be just as fast. I’ll guarantee if it’s a norn or a charr, I’m gonna fall.
As someone who farmed the puzzle for gifts, no, the jump puzzles aren’t too hard, but they ARE problematic as they do discriminate people who are not good at jumping. I’m all for a skillbased game, but perhaps add some difficulty settings to puzzles like these. Make the 3 paths easy, medium and hard. Give the achievement for completing any, and scale the rewards a bit up for medium and hard. This way everyone can be happy.
I’m not sure how you can make the jumping puzzle any easier without taking all the jumps away from it. I think the primary problem are the candy bars but that’s most likely because people try to jump directly forward as opposed to jumping in angle which would make it a lot easier to actually hit the bar since they are longer than they are wide.
The other reason is panic: people try to jump it way too fast. There is no need to rush. You can stop and actually time your jumps. I stop at times to readjust my jump range if I get “out of sync”. The snowflakes last quite long so there’s no need to rush and there are points where you can easily jump faster if you are slowed down in others.
Also I suspect some people try to jump using keyboard for turns. That’s a recipe for disaster. It would be extremely hard to do a jumping puzzle using keyboard for turning.
I personally prefer jumping with my Sylvari. I can also jump through it with my human and Asura but I’m hopeless when it comes to jumping with a Norn or a Charr.
What I found amazing is that the fastest jumper on our server (piken square) is a charr. I find charr to be ridiculously hard to jump with and this guy (or gal?) just breezes through the puzzle. Even after around 3 gift stacks worth of jumps I can’t compete with him when it comes to jumping speed.
Completed JP from all three points on Norn.
It’s a non-issue.
As someone who farmed the puzzle for gifts, no, the jump puzzles aren’t too hard, but they ARE problematic as they do discriminate people who are not good at jumping. I’m all for a skillbased game, but perhaps add some difficulty settings to puzzles like these. Make the 3 paths easy, medium and hard. Give the achievement for completing any, and scale the rewards a bit up for medium and hard. This way everyone can be happy.
And Bell Hero discriminates against people who aren’t good at coordination/rhythm. Toypocolypse discriminates against those who aren’t good at tower defense/RTS games, Snowball Fight discriminates those who aren’t good at PVP, the entire game discriminates against those who aren’t good at RPGs etc. etc.
You can’t make everything work for everyone. But the beauty of games like this is you don’t HAVE to do everything. You can even get the overall Wintersday title without doing all the activities. So people can pick and choose the stuff they are good at/want to learn to do and ignore they stuff they don’t like or can’t do.
I haven’t even been in to the Snowball Fight because I know I don’t like PVP and I’m not that good at it. I don’t want to waste my limited time with this event doing something I won’t enjoy. But I’m not going to ask for it to be removed, or a PVE version added because of that.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Just for a bit of fun today… I took my character ..turned it into a ghost so it was almost totaly invisible …then went and done my first run of the day of the Wintersday JP.
Completed it first time.
U really dont need to see much or any of your character to complete the JP :P
Just wished i had bothered to record it doubt there will be sceptics saying ‘no u didnt’ :P
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Personally I think you who farm these are amazing, cause i think the farthest ive gotten was the mints stage of things. Im still trying to corrdinate between key board turning on some parts and mouse turning/running on other parts.
Personally I think you who farm these are amazing, cause i think the farthest ive gotten was the mints stage of things. Im still trying to corrdinate between key board turning on some parts and mouse turning/running on other parts.
Never keyboard turn. Ever. Mouse turn all the way. Keep right-click held down the entire time so you don’t even have to worry about clicking to turn, you can just move the mouse and turn any time.
Either that or keyboard turn 100% of the time (though that seems much less intuitive, at least to me).
Switching between the two seems like the worst possible thing to do, because thats a whole additional thing to try and accomidate in addition to timing your jumps and your actual movement. You want to minimize the number of things you’re having to switch between, not add more things you need to try and keep up with (Do I mouse turn here, or keyboard turn here?).
The keys you use to turn would be much better used to strafe. That way if you jump a little too far to the side, instead of trying to turn the camera to readjust, you can just strafe left / right mid-jump.
As for the whole “Asura get their views blocked” thing… I didn’t see the problem in the Clock Tower and I don’t see it here. You don’t need to see your character to jump accurately, just remember that the center of the screen is where your character is (or put a little piece of paper / sticky note on the screen where your feet are).
Or as others have said, hang back a little. The timing isn’t nearly as strict here as the Clock Tower, as long as you stick just a little behind you’ll be able to see yourself (as long as others aren’t trying to do the same).
If you’re using the keyboard to turn in timed puzzles (or anything where time is a factor) you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you’re alternating menthods you’re making it overly complicated, which is also putting yourself at a disadvantage.
The way I do this puzzle I use 5 fingers and 3 of them don’t move. I’m left-handed so I have my left hand on the mouse and my right on the keyboard. I use my left index finger to hold down the mouse button and my thumb and ring fingers to steer it. My right middle finger is on W to run and my index finger is on \, which is jump (I remapped it specifically to make this set-up comfortable.)
None of my fingers move from those positions for the duration of the puzzle so that I don’t have to think about it. I’m not thinking “The next snowflake is over there, so I need to turn, how should I do it?” then trying to get my hands into position. I keep the mouse button held down the entire time and just slide the mouse around to control the camera and the direction I’m going. So all I have to do timing wise is press two keys, usually at the same time.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Wintersday JP difficult for me to complete with an Asura
in Wintersday
Posted by: mobile storage.1294
What i did for this JP and halloweens was to begin as a human to get the feel of the puzzle then completed the puzzles with all the races.
Yes the Asurans do get blocked by other races but its great to see them fall off as you progress to complete it.
I even advised my friend to use a human character to do these timed JP instead of his asuran but with his persistence he did complete and it helped that he did the puzzle later as the instance thinned out as reward was not worth redoing except forpresent farmers
I’m sorry, but you’re just not very good at the puzzle. Finished it on my third try, and only because I didn’t know which path to take on the presents the first time around. Halloween puzzle took me a grand total of 15 tries, too.
I actually find my Norn much harder to complete jumping puzzles with.
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma
I don’t mind difficult puzzles. The problem I have with this jumping puzzle is the time limit. I like to puzzle stuff out, not jump like crazy. This JP is more a dexterity test than a thinking test.
I don’t mind difficult puzzles. The problem I have with this jumping puzzle is the time limit. I like to puzzle stuff out, not jump like crazy. This JP is more a dexterity test than a thinking test.
That’s true of a lot of the jump puzzles though. Once you’ve found the start (or in my case gone past the start and suddenly realised you’re doing a puzzle) a lot of them are more about making the jumps than figuring out where to go.
There’s even timed puzzles in the main world, and others that don’t exactly have a time limit but where you need to defeat enemies and then jump before they respawn or they’ll mess it up, so I don’t think this one is really any different.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I understand the aggravation and have endured it myself a time or two. That said, I have completed it about 5 times with my Asuran. A few tips:
1) Stay behind or ahead of the big guy
2) Run it in the morning (EST) and you’ll barely have anyone with you
The puzzle is very forgiving, time wise.
You can let others jump away and then just do a chilled tour on your own.
I agree.
My character is a norn. And I often wait and let everyone else go first, a) because I know it can be frustrating for others like the OP’s said, and b) because the jumping puzzle is indeed forgiving, time wise.
Take your time and get some space, you don’t have to rush all the time with it. This puzzle on the whole I think has been done very well.
You would not believe how many times, as a annoyingly huge charr, I hit my head on snowflakes or my view clips so I totally lose sight of what I’m doing.
This is incredibly forgiving, compared to the Mad King’s tower. You can afford to jump a flake behind, or try and get ahead. I’ve had many Asuran friends tell me they have no idea how Charr even gets halfway through some of these because of our size. There’s pros and cons to both sides. If I had a choice I’d get a spell in JPs that mini’s me.
Happend too me to with my asura, especially in the beginning. It’s just a learning process
I think jumping puzzles require the perfect storm;
You need a computer that lets you get more than 10 fps
You need to be familiar with your character’s true hitbox
You need to be coordinated enough for time trials
You need to practice and not rage quit after the third attempt
I created a full size female charr warrior, and completed all the world’s jp’s with her, including Halloween and now Wintersday. This is because I played her since launch, I know where her actual hitbox is so knowing my feet can “hang off” of tiny jumping objects is a non issue these days, it’s not even a thought, it’s just instinct. I’ve overcome tight camera spaces where I would basically be staring through the back of her head because I was against an invisible wall and the camera was squished, I just “know” where to go.
When I try jumping puzzles on my alts it’s always a longer procedure because I’m no where near as familiar with their true hitboxes compared to where you see their feet, so at that point it’s less instinct and far more concentration. I had to take off my norn’s skirt the other day when doing the quaggan nursery for the nth time because the puffing it does when you jump was messing me up so badly. Lol
Jumping puzzles are meant to be fun, if you don’t find them fun, just pass on them. If you like them and are having difficulty, just do them with your most familiar character, regardless of race or size. You’ll probably have an easier time!
Altaholic, can never have just one!
I personally do the jump puzzle on my asura just because. Usually if you wait a fraction of a second, the larger characters will run off ahead and eventually fall off, leaving your path clear.
I think I saw this on someone’s “Big Dog” T-shirt before.. It said If you’re not the leader of the pack then the view is always the same and had a picture of a bunch of dog butt’s.
This applies to you, original poster.