Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


Happy holidays GW2 community

This will be the first event i could join, so i was wondering about the requirements. Do i have to be in a specific area? Do i need to be a certain level?
This really is bothering me…so much i can’t sleep thinking “man i don’t want to lose those presents”.
I only have been able to go on the fields near the Black Citadel, so if I have to travel a long way i would give it a try…no matter the complications.

Thanks for answering and as i said before Happy holidays, fill your heart with good memories XD

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: WolftheAngel.4089


Well, from what I know a lot of the event is going to be in Lion’s Arch (which is the main city), but Tixx is visiting each of the other cities as well. Lion’s Arch is easy to get to and can be accessed by all levels. There should be an Asura gate where you are that leads to Lion’s Arch. The event it for all levels from what I know.

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: NightShadow.1429


That link has all the information you need to know regarding the when and where of Tixx this holiday season!

Have a good day

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


Got it, i’ll check that out. Thank you, and enjoy the holidays. Gotta love the snow XD

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nemui.6753


you can also easily access all the other capitals from lion’s arch (there’s a central asura gate hub). that way, you can catch tixx in every major city, if you so desire.

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Dreadflame.6823


Interesting…so all i need is to find a gate in the black citadel that can get me to lion’s arch? I must have missed it, gotta explore my city a bit more XD. Thank you all for the useful info. Best wishes

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Encaladus.5291


Interesting…so all i need is to find a gate in the black citadel that can get me to lion’s arch? I must have missed it, gotta explore my city a bit more XD. Thank you all for the useful info. Best wishes

crossed swords icon at top left of screen (PVP)…hit the ‘enter the heart of the mists’ button…do the short tutorial (5-10mins tops)….go through the asura gate in front of you…. you are now in lions arch

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Even easier – hit B, click Go To WvW, pick your server’s borderland, find the Lion’s Arch gate, and go through.

Wintersday yeah! Small question :P

in Wintersday

Posted by: Encaladus.5291


Even easier – hit B, click Go To WvW, pick your server’s borderland, find the Lion’s Arch gate, and go through.

good point… forgot about WvWvW