if RNG is technically gambling.....
RNG per say is not gambling.
It can be used for gambling though.
Do you even lift, bro?
RNG isn’t necessarily gambling in the sense you’re meaning. In this case, you’re simply choosing to receive a random prize from a predetermined list, but you are not going to be in a situation where you receive no prize at all, nor are you able to win real life money (because gems don’t convert back to real world currency.) It’s more of a grab bag than a gamble, because you know in advance what the options are for your virtual prize, and you’ll get something from that list even if it doesn’t happen to be the thing you want most.
That said, I personally have no interest in RNG and am not buying the opportunity to test my luck. It’s not worth it to me, and I don’t enjoy it, so I’m not doing it.
Implying that it’s all some nefarious plot by ANet to corrupt minors into gambling is pretty absurd even so.
There’s a clever method game companies get around gambling laws.
When they offer you a RNG item, all they need to do is make sure the “boobie” prize is at least worth the price of the random box. That way, you are getting something that is worth at least the price of the RNG item. So technically it’s not a gamble, since you’re guaranteed to get something “worth” your money in return.
Have you wondered why you always get a buff item? Have you wondered why these buff items sell individually for the cost of the RNG item alone? This is why.
RNG is not gambling.
RNG is like gachapon in Japan.
Gachapon: Those small ball capsules in machine where you put 300 yen of coins to get a random toy. You may not get what you want too. There’re also rare toys among the capsules. These gachapon are commonly played by elementary children and teens.
It’s not illegal if you always get something in return.
RNG in GW2 – chance of getting something of value for nothing wagered.
Gambling – Wagering something of value to get something of more value, with possibility of losing the wager.
Now, do those sound the same?
Updated every Monday
I was basing my assumption more off of the potential addictive’ness of it….“maybe if i just spend 10g more ill get a mini” haha
You bought an RNG chest and received a prize. Three Mystery Tonics? An Endless Mystery Tonic? A minipet? A karma boost? All prizes. You bought a chance box and received a random product.
You didn’t place your money on the table, lose, and receive nothing. You paid money for a box of chance and got a prize. People’s complaints are that they didn’t win what they wanted.
Imagine if everyone who played the lotto did that. “Boohoo I didn’t win 34 million dollars!”
Atleast they put the weapon skins in the cash shop like people asked AND allowed in-game Wintersday weapon skins to be rewarded through in-game methods, or purchasable through the Trading Post for a cheap price dictated by the players themselves.
Atleast they allowed you to get 2 of the 5 Wintersday minipets for free. The first Guild Wars didn’t even sell pets or add any new ones for Wintersday, only the EXTREMELY rare miniature Polar Bear that was also an RNG item in-game.
I don’t like the RNG boxes so I don’t buy them. I don’t spend my real cash on them. Sure if I get a Black Lion Key drop or one from the personal story I’ll use it during the Holidays but that’s it. You don’t have to buy the RNG boxes either, nobody is forcing you but yourself. Want a baby Quaggan? A snowman pet? Risk it or do the smart thing and don’t get involved with RNG items. It is not gambling, you still receive a prize so it is perfectly legal. Those miniatures do not help in combat nor do they give the player any advantages so what’s the problem?
If ArenaNet placed them in the cash shop by themselves, sure I’ll buy them with real cash, but ArenaNet obviously wanted Festivoo the Quaggan and the other RNG minipets to be rare and prestigious, so they placed it into RNG chests. You can still buy the Doll, Griffon, Golem, etc straight from the gemstore while having all the endless Wintersday tonics.
TL;DR: It’s not gambling.
It prolly does not fullfill a juristic definition of gambling, in a way you can compare it to gambling at a funfair where you gamble only for small prices and which is allowed for underaged too. And ofc you get something for your money, but thats not the reason you bought it for, right?
Still I do not like it because you end up pretty likely with more money you spend than you intended before and than you would not have spent if you had known the real price in advance.
Btw there are other way to make a item rare and prestigious for example giving it a high price. But the chances are high many people wouldn’t spend any money on it right?
It’s not gambling – the US courts certainly have considered this (in the context of the physical equivalent – those ‘gumball machine’ type things for kids that give out a random toy). Basically I think the distinction was that you’re purchasing a random product (which of course may be of high or low value) but with gambling you pay money and have a random chance to receive money (directly) in return.
Basically I think the distinction was that you’re purchasing a random product (which of course may be of high or low value) but with gambling you pay money and have a random chance to receive money (directly) in return.
Yeah, I think that’s an important distinction.
In this situation, you actually do know exactly what you’re getting: a virtual product with no real world monetary value (since gems can’t be converted back to cash.) The fact that the virtual product you receive is being selected randomly from a predetermined list rather than purchased directly doesn’t change that fact. There’s no possibility of any other outcome.