please remove presents from wvw
I don’t WvW much anymore, but I agree. Seeing that is annoying. It was the same with the candy corn nodes.
So far the only good they have done is when we set an ambush next to a present. That doesn’t even feel right.
Actually, that sounds amazing =P
I agree with this, I don’t really feel like they have a place in WvW.
- aka The Iron Baby
Personally I love it!
It brings spice and fun and crazies into WvW! We need more of that
Then again, having an explosion after each successfull event htat burst out a few presents.. Then again, then people would just get back to “Karma farming” but for presents.. right?
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I seem to recall them saying that they wouldn’t be adding event nodes to WvW this time…
So much for that then.
Yeah I hate it when everyone is so objective focused 24/7. Relax and enjoy it, I personally stay away from WvW most of the time. I like to get on and help out a little get my monthly kills in that they force me to get . I also need to get badges there if I ever want a legendary.
However I’m the type that likes to play around exploring, doing the jumping puzzles.
Am I not welcome in WvW if going after Keeps/Towers/Camps the whole time isn’t fun for me?
Yeah I hate it when everyone is so objective focused 24/7. Relax and enjoy it, I personally stay away from WvW most of the time. I like to get on and help out a little get my monthly kills in that they force me to get
. I also need to get badges there if I ever want a legendary.
However I’m the type that likes to play around exploring, doing the jumping puzzles.
Am I not welcome in WvW if going after Keeps/Towers/Camps the whole time isn’t fun for me?
You misunderstand what I wrote. There is nothing wrong with having fun, but wvw isn’t supposed to be about abandoning your team in order to collect presents. Make them drops/prizes whatever from doing the actual objectives that wvw is about. Adding in event nodes actually encourages people not to accomplish the very thing that wvw is supposed to be about.
There is nothing wrong with the presents being there as long as they are a part of the objective. I wouldn’t complain if they dropped from kills, or if they were part of a reward system for taking/defending keeps. That is what wvw is supposed to be about.
Let me put it a different way. Let’s say you just spent an hour going through a hard dungeon. Further say that some members of that party dropped a few gold just to get you that far. Now say you are fighting this hard boss, and you look over and one or two of your party are collecting presents instead of fighting with the rest of you.
That’s not an exaggeration on the money either. It cost money to upgrade camps,towers, and keeps. You can’t buy it with karma, or badges. When I’m defending a fully upgraded camp and I look over and see a few guys getting presents while I’m trying to protect this camp from a larger group it sucks. You can say what you like, but my idea of fun is helping my server win. I enjoy it. I spend the time farming pve just so I can help accomplish that. Yet this node system is hurting it. Make it so that they can still get presents, but make it so that you have to do something wvw related in order to get them in wvw. I don’t care what they do in pve.
My Op wasn’t some type of insult to players that enjoy that, so please don’t take it that way.
the presents are awesome. for those of us that wvw a lot it’s nice to get the presents in wvw too. plus you are bound to get some good small scale pvp at presents. i’ve personally had some really great 1v1’s and small group skirmishes around them. love it.
I still don’t get why ANY PvE content is in WvW. Why are there even creeps? You’re running away from a zerg and then suddenly HELLO I AM RAPTOR YOU ARE NOW CHILLED
really bad engineer
I still don’t get why ANY PvE content is in WvW. Why are there even creeps? You’re running away from a zerg and then suddenly HELLO I AM RAPTOR YOU ARE NOW CHILLED
Thats because WvWvW is no true PvP. It`s PvE with open map playerkill and bases…
There, now I said it.
If you want to PvP, try sPvP. And yes I know what you are going to tell me now, I heard it all before… I did not make the game
Don’t remove it from WvW, how else will theifs get free backstabs while players grab presents?
I agree on removing the presents, its pretty much the same as the candy corn nodes during halloween.
Although it would be funny to ambush an enemy that opens one and gets ganged by skritts.
After having played some more, I can only conclude that this was a complete screw up by someone. There is just no reason people should be rewarded for not helping their team in wvw.
Either way, I hope you all have a good wintersday. It’s obvious Anet doesn’t give a damn about wvw except giving pve players another place to farm at others expense.
I like to play World versus World! It is a lot of fun but I wouldnt want to miss out on the holiday spirit and rewards either! So I am very glad the presents are actually in WvW. I dont get forced to PvE to get them and that makes me very happy!
I think it’s a lot of fun. Me and my brother were getting gifts in wvw and we’ll find some fun PVP on the way.
Given that World vs World is where a lot of players spend almost all of their time in the game, it makes sense that Wintersday rewards should be available to those players as well. Otherwise there’d be complaints that the player population in World vs World had gone off a cliff and nobody could get a decent team together.
In short, ‘multiplayer’ means not everyone has the same priorities as you. If that bothers you, there are lots of single-player RPGs out there in which only your priorities matter
I like to play World versus World! It is a lot of fun but I wouldnt want to miss out on the holiday spirit and rewards either! So I am very glad the presents are actually in WvW. I dont get forced to PvE to get them and that makes me very happy!
Yes you are actually. You are either a heavy PvE player, or somehow didn’t notice that you aren’t getting the presents for doing WvW. You are getting the presents for running around doing PvE. Keep that crap in PvE.
How dead are things that their only way of trying to attract people out of LA is by giving them a prize every few feet. Anet should know that we were there for WvW, we didn’t need a damn prize every few feet. The prize was in winning.
Again I haven’t seen one valid argument for why the presents shouldn’t be removed as nodes, and added as drops when defending/taking an objective or kills. Plenty of reasons to make it that way.
I think it’s a great idea to have them in WvW. It gives WvWers a chance to participate in wintersday events without having to leave WvW. If you are having problems with people abandoning the fight to gather presents, the problem is not in the presents themselves, but the discipline of the people. If nobody pops the present, it will still be there after the fight.
If you want players to prioritize killing players in wvw, make them more appealing than a mystery box. No point running headfirst in to enemy forces if you only maybe get one ‘Badge of Jumping’ and a blue every 10 minutes. :\
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”