(edited by Moderator)
wintersday minigames not fun
All I read there was I wasnt good at these things the first time therefore they suck. Thats not a very good nor fair mindset to have.
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
snowball fight. cant get any points for the wintersday titles. either other team has present, and impossible to catch the carrier before they get to base (cant get stopper point), or someone else on my team has the present (cant get bringer points). the one time i managed to actually pick up the present, i didnt get anywhere before getting killed
- whine whine whine? I got it done pretty quickly. I REALLY don’t get how this event wasn’t fun. Maybe for you it wasn’t but for MANY of us it was.
bell chior. i know i suck at this one, but i just dont see how you can click the buttons fast enough to get the all or even most of the notes. even when i think i one, i still take damage. 34 notes so far, out of how many? 500? might be possible just randomly hitting keys, but its still not going to be fun
- Do you have lagging problems? I do know it can be harder if you have crap internet. Otherwise it’s actually a decently hard mini game. You have to learn timing and coordination. I remember messing up a lot at the beginning but I got better at it, i’m almost perfect at medium now and I’ve been able to finish my achievements easily for it.
timed jumping puzzle. no. no. no. i feel the game’s basically insulting me. “not good at jumping puzzles? too bad. here’s a time limit, go suck it” falling off in 3 hops isnt fun. having it wait however long it is before you can try again isnt fun either. and since you start taking damage. ive heard one remark suggesting you basically have to autorun the whole way to the end to make it in time.
- Can you not take a challenge? do you need to feel high on your epicness all the time? Try to actually train and try again. Pick yourself up off your kitten feet for once. By the way that’s not true, I can pause for about 5 seconds and still make it.
toypocalypse is better, but there’s basically no coordination/teamwork there with a random number of players, (as few as two, and sometimes like 6-7). i did manage to get 50 waves completed, but im pretty sure the title track counts several points for each actual wave, as much as 7:1. and since all the dolyaks die inside of 3 rounds because all the toys A) move faster than the players and go straight for the dolyaks, i have no idea how you’re supposed to get the canceled achievement.
- I’ll agree they should make it partyable. I was able to do a run with all dolyaks alive with pugs and with less than the max, you need to upgrade your turrets and have people shooting constantly.
- You don’t have any way to improve these events, so instead you prove to us how fast you give up. Seriously.. I don’t even kitten well get a lot of time to play this game and I still got my achievements! How is that for inspiration?
(edited by Lazmira.5408)
I will say this I cursed a ton at these puzzles, but also poked fun at myself alot. I actually had a blast at all the events and got everything done save for one being the gift stopper or whatever it was. I was horrible at the bells but people helped me to figure it out and I managed to get both of the achievements despise my severe handicap of having absolutely no ability to even clap in sync with a crowd.
The whinging about the toypocalypse is getting old, teamwork is easy just explain to people who are unsure and tough it out, if you fail, stick together and be better equipped for the next one. The party would be nice, but at the same time I can understand the idea behind it all and applaud it, it is hard, and well earned when you get the achievement.
Nerfing everything so it becomes fit to gain at the lowest skill and effort will ruin the game for those who actually like a challenge and can play still max relaxed for the fun.
Only thinkg I lack is giftstopper, I seem to really suck at stopping people in PvP, but the rest was rather easy.
Toypocalypse just requires a bit of teamwork, I got both achievements with the first group I joined. If your group sucks, too bad, try again later or.. gasp try to coordinate teamwork yourself.
The bells was tricky, but clicking? Seriously?
The keys are mapped so you can use both hands on the 1-0 keys like a piano.
You still need to work on timing, but once you got it, it’s very doable. You press the right key approximately as the notes entered the inner circle. As stated in the gamerules, topdown view helps.
Jumping puzzle was very easy, especially compared to the Mad King’s Tower. This one is timed, but it’s just straight jumps, so timing shouldn’t be an issue.
Anyway, I again had lots of fun, and I think you can too if you don’t give up immediatly.
For what little it’s worth…I agree with the OP. I know alot of people like this Wintersday event, and I’m not bashing on Anet or anything. But I just found it all rather ‘meh’. I liked the Halloween event better with Pumpkin Carving and Mad King Says. This Wintersday feels like a bunch of dungeons and timed events/games. I actually really enjoy difficult jumping puzzles, but not timed ones.
I know it’s personal preference, but I just think Wintersday would have been more fun and accommodating for ALL players if the activities weren’t all adrenaline-fueled button mashing contests and/or reliant on a group. One hunt/gather type quest for Wintersday goodies shouldn’t be too much to ask for.
All I’m doing this Wintersday is running around explorable zones collecting presents and running from killer dolls. lol
Just because you are bad at an event. Doesn’t mean the event is bad.
I’m terrible at bell choir. It’s a nice little mini game. But doesn’t interest me. So I do some thing that is fun to me: the jumping puzzle.
Focus on doing what you like instead of focusing (and complaining) what events you didn’t like. That’s the whole reason there is a variety of events.
I don’t think there really is a variety of events though. It’s either timed bell choir, timed jumping puzzle or combat that requires a group. If they incorporated hunt/gather quests, games like 9 Rings (GW1), etc. THEN it would have a variety.
In this GW2 Wintersday event, if you’re not good at (or just don’t like) timed events or group required dungeons, you’re out of luck.
I’m not saying Anet did a bad job (they did great in fact) but the events are only for certain types of players, not all. The players who enjoy them are certainly in the majority it seems, but events like these should include a little something for every play-style in my opinion. Especially a themed event that’s supposed to be a special holiday treat for Anet’s customers.
Dude, Im sorry. I agree the game has a kitten load of problems. But one of them is that they have already dumbed down the game if compared to GW (that, sir, was a good game).
The snowball fight requires patience, strategy and skill. I have entered it with the purpose of completing the achievements and nothing else (as I did in GW for gamer points). The minigame was actually fun. Took me a while to get used to it, chose my favorite setup and learn the shortcuts, but I had fun doing it.
The jumping puzzle was easy mode if compared to Halloween one. Mad King Tower took me hours of playing. This one took me less than 15 min. MKT was frustrating, I admit that it was even annoying. But the xmas one was just not challenging enough.
Tixx dungeons… well, it was fun on the 1st day. On the 5th just got annoying – way too long and repetitive for the same reward as day 1. But Id say it is great, except for the fact it became too long and more of the same. The map looks awesome, the mini towns are great stuff. I am a critic of GW2, but this, sir, was very well done. Had fun smashing the kitten out of the towns.
The bell thing, well, that was easy but boring. You have 2 hands, sir, with 5 fingers each (I guess). Use 4 of your left hand on 1234 and 4 of your right hand on 6789. If you arent more than 70 years old I think you can do it.
Toypocalipse… well, this one was fun to do 1 time. I wouldnt have the guts to make a 2nd time since rewards completly suck and makes no sense spending all the time it takes to grab such a kittenty reward for the effort it requires. But doing 1 time (2, actually, because on 1st I got a kittenty group and I wasnt sure about what I had to do). was fun. Not OMG!!!!!1!!! fun, but fun enough.
And please dont take this personal, but if you werent able to do ANY of those easily, then, sir, you REALLY need to improve your gaming skills or you should put more effort on what you do.
The whole event was very well done this time. Only thing i can complain about is the monotony and over the top repetitiveness of Toypocalipse. For a “grand finale” and center peace of the event, Toypocalipse was very anticlimatic for me to be honest.
Other then that particular event, everything else i loved to be honest.
I haven’t tried the snowball fight or Toypocalypse yet but I’ve enjoyed everything else.
With the bell choir I’m just wondering, you said “i just dont see how you can click the buttons fast enough to get the all”. Do you mean you’re clicking the symbols on the screen with your mouse? Because if you are that’s probably your problem. I’m not sure anyone could do it that way.
You need to have one finger on each keyboard button (it helps if you reset them to the defaults so they’re in a line) and then it’s basically just a matter of mentally associating each colour with a finger so you don’t have to actually think about it, which can be done through practice the same way you can eventually stop thinking “I want my character to walk over there so I need to rotate the camera like this and press this button and then let go….now.” After a while you just do it.
Same with the jump puzzle really. I’m not that great with them, I’ve done this one twice after about 4 hours of attempting it, but I’ve found it gets much easier if you stop trying to think about and line up every jump. Just do it and trust that you’ll get it right. A lot of the snowflakes are close enough together that you can actually jump from any part of it and land on the next one.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I have to agree on snowball arena. This thing is stupid. It doesn’t encourage any team play. If you have the gift ppl will just walk around you to get the gift when you drop it either from getting down or being KD. And if you help your ally to carry a present to the base you get 0 credit for it. I don’t know but i think that is just insane imo.
You really should have named the thread “I don’t like wintersday minigames”, or “I don’t find wintersday minigames fun”. The way you say it sounds like they are simply badly designed and not fun for anyone, but I think the majority would say otherwise. :<
I don’t even play pvp normally, but after trying out snowball fight for a half hour or so I got all my achievements for them. I had fun playing it when I don’t like pvp.
I loved the choir of the bells, I was really happy they brought a minigame in like that! It’s all about timing, really, you just have to get used to the game.
I finished the jumping puzzle in like half an hour as well. It seems to me like you’re trying new things and getting discouraged because you don’t do well immediately. Just give them a longer shot, maybe they will surprise you (:
I enjoyed snowball fight and got all my points just by playing normally. You want to stop people from running away with presents? Choose support and knock them down with #3, finish them with #1, then steamroll (snowroll?) them over. No need to stomp them, just roll over them repeatedly and they are done. There. Want to be able to run away? Choose scout, since it is made for running.
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken
snowball fight. cant get any points for the wintersday titles. either other team has present, and impossible to catch the carrier before they get to base (cant get stopper point), or someone else on my team has the present (cant get bringer points). the one time i managed to actually pick up the present, i didnt get anywhere before getting killed
bell chior. i know i suck at this one, but i just dont see how you can click the buttons fast enough to get the all or even most of the notes. even when i think i one, i still take damage. 34 notes so far, out of how many? 500? might be possible just randomly hitting keys, but its still not going to be fun
timed jumping puzzle. no. no. no. i feel the game’s basically insulting me. “not good at jumping puzzles? too bad. here’s a time limit, go suck it” falling off in 3 hops isnt fun. having it wait however long it is before you can try again isnt fun either. and since you start taking damage. ive heard one remark suggesting you basically have to autorun the whole way to the end to make it in time.
toypocalypse is better, but there’s basically no coordination/teamwork there with a random number of players, (as few as two, and sometimes like 6-7). i did manage to get 50 waves completed, but im pretty sure the title track counts several points for each actual wave, as much as 7:1. and since all the dolyaks die inside of 3 rounds because all the toys A) move faster than the players and
go straight for the dolyaks, i have no idea how you’re supposed to get the canceled achievement.
not going to rag on the tixx dungeon, since that was actually pretty well done (if a bit repetitive.) so thumbs up there
overall its really a good effort, getting better at events, but these minigames just arent fun.
i dont really have any good suggestions to improve them, and its kinda too late to do anything about it now, but maybe if there were more presents in snowball fight (for better/any chance of getting points there)
maybe if you could click on the notes (i certainly keep trying to)
maybe if there wasnt any time limit on the jumping puzzle(or could immediately start over)Moderator edit: removed infraction form post
See, I’m the opposite. I felt that all of these minigames were just so easy they were no fun, except the toypoccocrap, it was just boring and the majority of pugs aren’t good enough for it. All in all, this wintersday was pretty bad. The only thing worth doing was the jumping puzzle because it had the best rewards by far. I got perfects in the bell choir and it was just so boring after doing it 3 times. The jump puzzle was easy, but still I despise timed jump puzzles. It punishes people for moving a bit more slowly because they are new to it and such blah blah blah so on and so fourth. The snowball fight….. this one’s easy, support OP as hell. PvP mini games or PvP in general with an OP class is not fun. I know that very well, I played WoW for a long time and don’t even get me started on that. The minigames were part of the reason why this wintersday sucked, but what really got on my nerves was the one time only present from Tixx was soooooo garbo that it really kitten me off.
All and all, this wintersday was pretty much no fun; Playing a boring PvP minigame with an op class, playing pretty much Guitar Hero on my keyboard got boring fast, a jump puzzle that got boring the fastest, toypoccocrap that is too challenging for a pug, Tixx’s one time gift and the worst rewards on the planet. This event really turned me off to future holiday events. Halloween was so good, but then they dropped something good to something awful. I will no longer do holiday events unless my friends tell me that they are worth it.