Appreciate ascended armor you dang kids!
I enjoyed the Iron Mines of Moladune, every time I did it. Although. why there weren’t any Dredge in a place called Mole-a-doin’, I’m not sure.
I tell you right now you ungrateful little brats, back in the day we couldn’t just grab us a roll of cloth and smear some blood on it and call it ascended or infused or whatever you dang kids are calling it these days. We had to do it like MEN! We stormed up a mountain in the middle of winter carrying the gear we wanted to infuse with us just to talk to some old hag so ugly she’d make your eyes puke, only to have her direct us to some vile, nasty beast we had to kill, slice open and carefully remove some despicable organ full of some reeking goo and carry it back to the hag so she could smear it on our gear while we stood around in the bone chilling cold waiting, then wear that stinking gear back to town while it dried! Half the time half the party would wind up half dead, and the other half wholly half dead! We did it like MEN and were proud of it! You brats have it easy these days! Now git off my lawn! I’m going to take a nap and expect QUIET!
LOL !! oh goo ol’ GW1 times oh I hated doing that just so I wouldn’t get kitten d by the Muursaat
[…] some old hag so ugly she’d make your eyes puke[…]
You must be joking. The seer was really old and a bit wrinkly, but she wasn’t ugly at all. For a proto… I mean, for a seer, and for her age, she was quite the looker.
Now you are gonna tell me that forgotten were ugly too.
People don’t seem to remember how hard it was to get max stats in GW1.
- +50 health rune was prohibitively expensive. Very people I know could afford one, let alone multiples for their characters and heroes.
- Runes & insignias popular in the meta were expensive and sometimes the NPCs ran out of them. When the game first came out, you couldn’t even get these on demand.
- Getting the right weapon stats was extremely difficult. There was no NPC who sold inscriptions no for prefix or suffix slots, so you either searched the wiki for the NPC who sold the right weapon and farmed the relevant trophies (often a pain), or you waited around one of the outposts to buy one, hoping to pay market rate or less. (And every minute spent looking for a seller was a minute that you weren’t playing the game.)
Getting level 20 max armor and level 20 max weapons was easy, but updating them with the stats you wanted was far more frustrating than the current system in GW2.
Yeah, I’d prefer to skip the time gating and I’d prefer all max stat items to be available on the TP (the game shouldn’t force people to learn crafting). And yeah, for all that trouble, I’d prefer getting more than a +5% stat boost and I’d like to be able to choose the skin. But all that said, I wouldn’t trade this system for that of other popular MMOs and I certainly don’t want to go back to the GW1 system. GW2’s system has its faults, but like democracy, it’s (so far) still better than the alternatives.
The only thing GW1 lacked was a weapon upgrade trader. Other than that the system was quite fine, specially since in PvP you could make all gear on the fly. And anywhere else you only needed some specific build for those silly speed clears and farms that should have never existed on the fist place. An elementalist healing more than a monk? A monk tanking as if they were a warrior or an elementalist? A puny mesmer doing more AoE damage than an elementalist? An assassin holding against entire armies of enemies? Come on! They were insane.
+50 HP runes where prohibitive at the start, but their prices stabilized around 30-50K, and the limit of the trader has been always 100K, so they could never go higher than that.
Still one of the main reasons runes got so expensive was because the ones getting more golds were those who were farming or power trading. And when farming they got so much gold they didn’t have to bother with traders. And those powertrading went around the system, selling the stuff directly instead using the trader.
And as for weapon stats, well, most of the most used ones are all found in Uniques from bosses. There’s traders that have each inherent property in their weapons. And collectors too.
Now, getting the weapon stats IN the appearance you wanted, that was an entirely different thing.
The one thing I’ll never understand is why they hell they never upgraded Prophecies and Factions to the inscription system.