(edited by Arikyali.5804)
The poor Skritt of Wintersday.
I think anet is racist. I mean why only hit skrits in the achieve? there’s also kodan, humans, quaggans, tengus…
I’m also guilty for picking on that little guy. He’s easy target :X.
I took pity on him and used my Hallowed Ground, allowing him 12 seconds of immunity from snowball knockdown. But then those bullies started to throw snowballs at ME!
The poor skritt! After the reset happened I took pity on him and blocked as many shots as I could from him and cast stability skills whenever I was able to. Got lots of very angry PMs from racist skritt-haters.
bad player/10
Well the little guy laughs his head off every time you hit him. I think he’s having fun.
He’s not as innocent as he looks – he knows where you all live.
He’s not as innocent as he looks – he knows where you all live.
Yes and in the end they are going to steal your christmas presents, even if you didnt throw snowballs at them.
He still laughs/giggles doesn’t he?
Please give us a keyring…
I wish they’d let us peg that little quaggan….. he’s up to no good.
Poor Skritt.
They have spent much of their history locked in a genocidal war with the inventor race, suffered most when Primordus awoke and now we are treating them like Punchballs.
Someone has to stand up for our furry friends. Tyria needs a skritt welfare organization.
Stopp alchemagical experiments on Skritts!
Right to a fair trial for Skritt-Thieves!
End Skritt cruelty now! For a Wintersday in wich Skritts don’t have to steal presents!
Well the little guy laughs his head off every time you hit him. I think he’s having fun.
Maybe the first few minutes he was having fun, but how do you know that laughter isn’t really him gasping for air in the cold freezing snow?
I’d say by now the guy is probably insane or braindead from so many snowballs to the head and that’s why he’s laughing.
I don’t abuse the Skritt hanging around the fountain. Its those thieves that get it from me.
That said, as Wintersday goes on more and more, less people are going to be paying to start the events. Already its to the point where you end up waiting around for maybe 5 minutes before enough people pay to start the event, and that’s only going to get worse. And its going to go on for 5 more weeks, so I suspect little relief for the poor Skritt by the fountain. Someone should buy him a helmet. And a coat. And maybe a force field.
I just wish he’d say (at least occasionally) the normal Skritt stuff – “Skritt I’m hit!”
Please give us a keyring…
He still laughs/giggles doesn’t he?
Victims of assault often laugh nervously as a subconscious attempt to diffuse the tension. Doesn’t make them any less victims ;) See: Nervous Laughter
The skritt laugh is creepy however I’d say he’s having fun. Even the baby Quaggan coos when you faceplant him into the snow.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
You wouldn’t wanna hear the protests if Anet Chose the quaggan…
kitten , i didnt know of that skritt, and missed an easy archi-…i mean shame on you all for abusing poor fellow! He-uhm.. he tries to make an honest living.. standing around as an NPC for the 3 coppers a week he is payed, and you put him through all this. For what? For a meek 1 archivement point!
This is not one Skritt these are many of them. :P They are part of the Skritt thieving squad and they take shifts to train. ^^ They just change when noone is watching.
I have no heart for the skritt, nothing but a bunch of thieves the whole lot of them.
(reminds me to much of those kitten magpie’s near my house)
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
They’re into getting snowballed. They fall down and giggle.
No harm done. Now, as for the Dolyak attacking ones, I feel bad for them. They’re just upset that no one gave them gifts. It wouldn’t be hard to find a gift for them either. A simple empty bottle or shiny scrap of metal is enough to bring them joy, but no one bothers.
Frankly, I had a LOT of fun sticking around after I got my achivement and trolling other players for a bit XD
You always knew where to find someone who’d actually get hit by your snowball
Skritt have a hive mind, so maybe when you hit one skritt you hit them all? We will be overrun by vengeful skritt!
I have no heart for the skritt, nothing but a bunch of thieves the whole lot of them.
(reminds me to much of those kitten magpie’s near my house)
I like the skritt, and I’m sure there are groups of skritt that have adapted a more acceptable lifestyle of not stealing and instead have turned to scavenging. Basically, they’re recyclers and as long as they’re not stealing from others, I don’t see a problem with that. Just saying, not all skritt are bad.
Thieving skritt should of course be dealt with appropiately but overall I see less harm in them than for example those disgusting barn animals that are known as centaurs.
save the skritt from more harm lay down and protest in lions arch til this abuse ends all. its way past time to demonstrate