Tixx’s Toybox(RNG)?
I’m hoping the box will at least let us choose. I’d also like an official response on the creation of last year’s minis. I can’t remember what mini game it was that gave us the parts, but I’m hoping the rewards are still there and we can complete our collections.
Its probably going to let you choose any one of the 5, like how the Mad King chest from the Clock Tower let you choose weight class and stats.
I had assumed it would be random when I read the notes, but I do really hope you get a choice (like the PS rewards where you pick one of so many) – that makes sense and would be really nice.
I posted this in another thread so forgive me; I own all of these minis.
I made 3 of them I think and paid 350 or so for the rest of them. I am missing 1 RNG mini despite the IRL cash I spent. Hope those make a come back as well.
I really hope they’re not RNG.
I’m missing the toy Golem for my newly created Asura. xD
The Toy’s were not RNG, and you’ll get one for the meta. There were a second set from gem store presents last year, those were RNG and you could make Festivus with them.
The Toy’s were not RNG, and you’ll get one for the meta. There were a second set from gem store presents last year, those were RNG and you could make Festivus with them.
Hey I understand about those mini’s that are not for sale again this year.
What I am saying is I hope that when you get the meta you get to pick which one as I already have 2 and have near enough mats to craft a third one before even getting the meta. But all of that will not work out like I think if those mats don’t drop again this year.
I kind of assumed we’d get to pick which Mini Gummy. Perhaps that’s foolish of me to assume though. Hadn’t considered the alternative until now. I hope we do get to pick..
This bothered me too. I made the golem and the gryphon. But I kept all the bits for the other three. I don’t want to open a box and get one of the things I’d already earned. I was hoping to make the others this year.
Not that minis really matter for anything until we get a mini slot.