is Zommoros feeling generious for wintersday?
Zommoros appears on many different worlds, on one is alternative name is Scrooge and known to say, “Bah! Humbug”
I’ve asked Zommoros, and he wanted me to relay his answer to you:
He then asked me if I was serious, and then he added a further:
and a
“No really, are you serious?”
Why bother with the MISTAKE toilet anyways? The x-mas joy will jinx it..
no joke…i got my precursor on Xmas of last year
the thing that got me thinking was that “It’s Xmas, maybe they snuck a drop rate increase in just for this day”…it took me 7 forges to get twilight, after not trying for about a month and a half
could be dumb luck…which im sure it was…but maybe Zommoros was just in the giving spirit since Anet nudged him to be a little nicer
Suuuuurre he is. He will up the chances to the roof! Drown all your exotics and rares into his toilet on the eve of Xmass, and if you dont get something nice, it only means that you were a naughty little kid. Try harder next time.
Also, Zomorros knows if you didnt buy all the gem-store items. Just a hint.
Zommoros doesn’t celebrate Wintersday, because he pre-dates its creation by a large margin. So, no.
Plus, tears of frustration and desperation are a delicacy to him.
This thread is good for a laugh… I would also agree your more likely to get a rate decrease then increase.
Generous? He take your gear and gives you crap back ( most of the time ).
Zommoros says:
“Ho ho NO.”
You must be crazy if you think the toilet troll is going to give us anything besides a large steaming pile of you know what. It’s his milieu to do so.
Yes, he will up the chances from .0001% to a whopping .0002%! Get your precursors while you can!
Yes, he will up the chances from .0001% to a whopping .0002%! Get your precursors while you can!
WOW! That’s DOUBLE your chances at getting a Precursor! You’d be crazy not to feed Zommoros more stuff!
Maybe lol. I was doing the Mystic Forgesmith daily the other day (for which I always put in dyes) and got an Abyss and Celestial in two tries.
I have consulted the Profit of Zommorros.
He says that if the previous chance of getting a precursor from exotics was 0.00003% the new chance is now 0.000030000001%.
Please note that the chance is derived from extended RNG testing, results are accurate plus or minus 0.000000000002%
Happy Wintersday.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
so, my chances of a precursor are now 30,000,001 out of 1,000,000,000,000 instead of 3 in 100,000?
….I like them odds!
I probably still have a better chance of getting my face mauled by three different species of bear in the same day, even though the only place that could happen is Alaska and a Zoo, but still. Those are good odds!