(edited by smiley.1438)
[API Suggestion] Colors API
I like this. At the very least, the response should include the “Hue” which the color is organized by in the game’s own dye picker UI, no?
- Material (vibrant, natural leather, natural metallic)
- Set (starter, common, uncommon, rare, Flame and Frost, Tequatl Rising)
- Hue (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown gray)
I’m not familiar with this, but I want to help if possible. From my brief research, can’t ‘hue’ be computed from the RGB values?
As for material: what are you referring to when you say ‘vibrant’? Is there some in-game concept that I can cross reference for this?
I’ll inquire into the ‘set’ suggestion. My initial look indicates we probably can’t provide much detail there.
I think “hue” is a bit misleading, i changed it in the example due to Ish’s suggestion, but it’s basically the tone of the color, and yea, we could try to get that from the HSL values. These are the values of the sort options of the hero/dye panel ingame and we’ve categorized the colors by these in the wikis – would make it easier to sort and assign without any computing.
I’m trying to generate a color list by tone, so that i can help the french and spanish wiki to easily create all the related color articles.
(edited by smiley.1438)
As for material: what are you referring to when you say ‘vibrant’? Is there some in-game concept that I can cross reference for this?
Open up the dye screen, click the options cog, and sort by material. It will sort the dyes into “Vibrant”, “Natural Leather”, and “Natural Metallic”. You can also sort by hue here.
We’re talking about the groups that dyes are placed in by the in-game dye panel, where you can group them by hue, set, or material.
- Set is mostly based on the rarity. The Starter set is automatically unlocked on all characters (can’t check the rarity on them), the Common dyes are all fine rarity, the Uncommon set are masterwork, and the Rare set are rare. The special Living Story-related sets (Flame and Frost / Tequatl Rising) are also rare, so there’s no obvious differentiation there.
- Hue does appear to be based on the actual RGB values of the dye color, although I have no clue what the breakpoints are between e.g. Red and Purple or how you would identify dyes in the Brown or Gray groups.
- Material is the most mysterious. Supposedly, it would identify which armor material the dye was designed to look best on – Natural Leather and Natural Metallic, obvious, for leather and metal respectively; Vibrant for cloth or “everything.”
The wiki currently knows these properties for every dye in the game, but it would be convenient for non-wiki sites to have this data available from the API.
The wiki currently knows these properties for every dye in the game, but it would be convenient for non-wiki sites to have this data available from the API.
It’s still missing the material for the new 6 dyes that were introduced with Tequatl’s Rising Patch and the only way to see it is buying the 6 dyes and sort them by Material in the Dye View (Hero Panel).
(edited by White Wolf.3291)
I don’t think the data on the wiki is actually accurate to the way colours behave in the game, either. Just look at the Deep Maple starter colour – it shows up as a reddish brown in terms of RGB values and so on, and sites show it is as such, but if you apply it to armour, you will see that in actuality, parts of the armour will be reddish brown, parts red, and parts green! Whereas if you apply a different reddish brown, say Caramel, or Clove, it will just dye the armour different shades of reddish brown (whether pale or deep, according to the armour). I can provide screenshots to illustrate this, if that’s helpful.
So it’s clear that there is more going on with dyes in GW2 than merely the superficial/initial RGB and HSL values.
Thats the reason why there were just the HSL values on the intial release of the colors API. The precalculated colors were added later and the base color [128,26,26] was used for the precalculation, while everything where colors applied to seems to have its very own base and so it results in a different color in the end.
See also: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/api/How-To-Colors-API/first#post2148826
(edited by smiley.1438)
I don’t think the data on the wiki is actually accurate to the way colours behave in the game, either.
You’re talking about how the colors are actually applied to specific items, which is really outside the scope of this thread (and has been discussed in-depth before, see Smiley’s link). The wiki’s data is accurate in terms of hue/set/material groups (except for the material on Tequatl dyes, as White Wolf noted) and in terms of the base cloth/leather/metal RGB values provided by the API.