[API Suggestion] Guilds
And maybe earned influence
Being able to get the emblem would be nice too, depending on how it’s stored, and whether it could be converted to a blob that’s returned in the object.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
I’m definately waiting for this one. Guild chat is maybe one of the more complicated ones, since it would require for other guild members to authenticate before being able to have access to the chat implementation. Except if the webmaster parses the data and makes the chat public, but I’m not sure if that’s how it should be working.
Thinking about it, chat (and anything else that involves interactivity) probably requires a lot more planning to be done correctly, so maybe main focus should be, for now, on guild features that are read-only. I could indeed use a guild member list for our guild page.
Member of Silver Sunshine.
(edited by Aether.7095)
I’m much more interested in data that i cant see ingame but im sure that is stored in some database, like the last online feature or gained influence for the guild per user.
might be another API guild_members_details? I’m really noob when it comes to coding and working with this stuff so i leave that to those with knowledge to judge that
I’m much more interested in data that i cant see ingame but im sure that is stored in some database, like the last online feature or gained influence for the guild per user.
might be another API guild_members_details? I’m really noob when it comes to coding and working with this stuff so i leave that to those with knowledge to judge that
The last online information could probably just be stored within the main guild JSON, similar to the WvW objectives.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
(edited by Moturdrn.2837)
Current active guild events like guild bounty, rush, etc.
Once the actual event has kicked off it’s in the API already. Rushes are “Complete the guild rush course.” while bounties begin with “Subdue and capture” (except for Brekkabek, his event is swapped as “Capture and subdue Brekkabek.”).
I assume what you’re looking for is whether or not a specific guild has one of those missions active, and if so with which targets and their completion status.
(edited by zeeZ.5713)
Ah yes, showing individual members’ influence gain. I’m looking forward to some kicking related drama this will eventually generate in those elite guilds
Could guild chat be done via XMPP?
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
Ah yes, showing individual members’ influence gain. I’m looking forward to some kicking related drama this will eventually generate in those elite guilds
That’s not available in-game, it’s not going to be available via the API.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
Shouldn’t this be merged with the “Guilds” Suggestion Thread?
And in the Authenticated world, having access to the current Guild mission info would be pretty cool.
Whether or not it’d be imbalancing to allow apps which autolink to Dulfy’s guides, however, would be another matter. I could easily see an App built where a Guild logs in for a Trek, and then it pops up the list, sorted by Map and Zone, and people “call” which ones they are doing.
… not that even Tier 3 Treks are that hard for 10-12 people to quickly clear anyways.
eh, I’d say autolinking would be no more unfair than the existence of the guides in the first place or using VOIP in the first place. If the program automatically distributed the trek locations and told people the waypoint and direction they need to head in, THEN it might get a little unfair. But then again, if that capability is freely available to everybody anyways, it’s still fair. Just completely subverting the design of the mission.
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun
Ability to download roster and bank logs…
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink
Ah yes, showing individual members’ influence gain. I’m looking forward to some kicking related drama this will eventually generate in those elite guilds
That’s not available in-game, it’s not going to be available via the API.
though, this is stuff that should be available in-game. So it would be great from them putting it in an API to give guild leaders some more possibilities of managing their guild
Once the actual event has kicked off it’s in the API already. Rushes are “Complete the guild rush course.” while bounties begin with “Subdue and capture” (except for Brekkabek, his event is swapped as “Capture and subdue Brekkabek.”).
good to know
Hmm maybe make it so that the Api responds how many Guild members are currently near a bounty (even if not a target). That would help organizing Tier 3 events. Ofc bounty targets like Sotzz,… (those that can’t be searched beforehand) should not be affected by this.
Ah yes, showing individual members’ influence gain. I’m looking forward to some kicking related drama this will eventually generate in those elite guilds
That’s not available in-game, it’s not going to be available via the API.
though, this is stuff that should be available in-game. So it would be great from them putting it in an API to give guild leaders some more possibilities of managing their guild
That would terrible idea considering how Influence is earned.
Just for attendance it’s
10 Influence per character for the first 20 characters.
5 Influence per character for the next 30 characters.
1 Influence per each additional character.
if 21 people logged in how do you determine who earned how many influence? If you use timestamps to determine who is in the first 20 then does that mean one member is better than another just because they choose to log on at a different time of the day?
For events it’s
2 Influence/event if only one guild member is present.
20 Influence/event if two or more guild members are present, regardless of whether they are in the same party.
If 3 guild members are at an event, who is the dead weight?
Even split results in fractional influence gain per member with diminishing returns with each additional guild member per event meaning you should try to avoid playing with guild members for maximum influence gain.
Assigning 20 per person at the event(assuming at least 2 members present) results in totals that do not reflect reality. Bugs section is going to be filled with “Member A earned X Influence, Member B earned Y … influence so why was my guild influence earned less than X+Y?”
Dungeon and PvP earned influence have similar issues.
well the influence gained would just be a informal thing.
I dont think anyone in his mind in the right place would use that to judge his members.
But anyways, this goes back to a complete different issue that you mentioned aswell, the way Influence is earned. Imo that system isnt the best but as I said, thats a different issue.
well the influence gained would just be a informal thing.
I dont think anyone in his mind in the right place would use that to judge his members.
But anyways, this goes back to a complete different issue that you mentioned aswell, the way Influence is earned. Imo that system isnt the best but as I said, thats a different issue.
You would be surprised. Last online can also cause issues.
You would be surprised. Last online can also cause issues.
What Issues would that possibly be other than a fast and accurate way to filter out inactive people in the guild?
You would be surprised. Last online can also cause issues.
What Issues would that possibly be other than a fast and accurate way to filter out inactive people in the guild?
Some say. The flip side of that is that login requirements would made for guild members. A lot of people do not like this mostly a lot of GW1 players did not like to see it re-appear in GW2 and there is little need as there is a high guild cap. But then again perhaps the high Guild Cap will make it so that less guilds have a activity requirement. There is another thread about people requesting for this and you will see the controversy on that.
From what I saw on the suggestions board on this topic was, that it is very well wanted.
But I do agree, this is one of the many issues the GW2 Guild System has, it is imo one of the worst i’ve seen in an MMORPG so far.
but on a side note, if people aren’t active (im now talking about people not logging for 2+ weeks of sudden disappearance), they dont need to take a slot in a guild anyways :P
You would be surprised. Last online can also cause issues.
What Issues would that possibly be other than a fast and accurate way to filter out inactive people in the guild?
Some say. The flip side of that is that login requirements would made for guild members. A lot of people do not like this mostly a lot of GW1 players did not like to see it re-appear in GW2 and there is little need as there is a high guild cap. But then again perhaps the high Guild Cap will make it so that less guilds have a activity requirement. There is another thread about people requesting for this and you will see the controversy on that.
I’ll derail this a bit further. This is a matter of the guild, their rules and I don’t see any reason why ArenaNet should force me with their UI design into having inactive people on my roster if I don’t want them there.
Sure, they already try to force some things via their design choices, but I don’t like devs forcing me to play the way they want me to play their game by throwing hurdles under my feet as I run.
What’s happening is that the leaders who do want actives are now keeping tabs on members with “pen and paper” instead of a simple UI feature.
Now back on track: if they have the data and plan to update the game UI at some point, I don’t see why the data couldn’t make it to the API first. The API dev cycle is different thing and I’d say much easier as you just need to pull the data from the database and don’t need to worry about graphics, testing etc.
It would be also interesting to be able to get the roster data including race, profession, known crafting disciplines…
Example: Our forums implement a plugin that is based on Anet Guild API. I need some advice from a guardian. I look up lvl 80 guardians and PM them on the forum with links to builds etc. to get their opinion. Convenient? Very!
EU-Piken Square
Now back on track: if they have the data and plan to update the game UI at some point, I don’t see why the data couldn’t make it to the API first. The API dev cycle is different thing and I’d say much easier as you just need to pull the data from the database and don’t need to worry about graphics, testing etc.
If they have the data. I am ok with them making it available in the API after and only after it is made available in the UI. Many have requested for it to be made available in the UI many have spoken out against it.
What I would like to see is the ability for the system to report a player current status Representing/Online etc… Then if some programer wants to make a program to report the last online information from that so be it.
The Big things for me as a large community manager are:
Status (Online, Away, Offline)
Last Login
Home Server (Non-Guesting)
The HUGE part is being able to get Last Login either in game or out. Management of a Large Community is a nightmare without it. It’s responsible for many grey hairs on my head.
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant
I thought it was common knowledge now that last online can more or less be determined from the achievements leaderboard? ok, not quite last online but last time an achievement point was earned (and you can barely sneeze in this game without completing part of the dailies).
We’re using this information to find the 100 or so guild members we have that haven’t logged in since they started tracking for the leaderboards or within a few months.
It’s not instant kick, we set them to an inactive rank first, and if we see them online promote them out of it. Just in case there are some people who manage to play without accidentally stumbling over an achievement point. After a couple weeks we remove anybody still inactive.
Anyway, for a proper API, last online would be nice, but if absent it could be determined by querying status at regular intervals. A representing flag would be nice too. Somebody may be online 10 hours a day, but if they never rep they might as well be offline. Last represented is more useful than last online.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
OK, so for the first guild API release, this is what I’m considering:
Would return name, tag, and emblem data.
The emblem would be in the form
“%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i”
background ID, foreground ID, flags, color 0, color 1, color 2
flags define things like flip image horizontally or vertically
like “1,62,0,114,114,93”
At some point we’d like to be able to render images on our servers so that you don’t have to, but that’s not available yet. I know there are some emblem creator websites and apps already — is this enough information to feed into those so that you can generate emblems?
Also, if you have any other ideas for public information that would be useful that could go into this API, let me know. Your ideas for authenticated/private APIs are good — this thread will be a useful reference for when we have the ability to implement them.
From what I saw on the suggestions board on this topic was, that it is very well wanted.
But I do agree, this is one of the many issues the GW2 Guild System has, it is imo one of the worst i’ve seen in an MMORPG so far.
but on a side note, if people aren’t active (im now talking about people not logging for 2+ weeks of sudden disappearance), they dont need to take a slot in a guild anyways :P
That is also misleading, nobody(or very few people) is going to be spamming the suggestions section with piles of “please don’t change X” posts.
Anyway a last online is fairly useless for what you described. You need a last represent. Then you need a how long where they representing.
Also, if you have any other ideas for public information that would be useful that could go into this API, let me know.
Is there any way to list what World(s) the Guild plays on?
For the most part, my guild identifies itself with SoR. Something like 95%+ of our players have it as their home world, and all of our influence/builds/etc are there. We do, however, have a couple members who are based on other worlds, so that would potentially mess things up. I suspect many guilds are like mine in this regard: Mostly identify as one world, but have a few from others.
Another question:
Are you planning on having a “guild list” api, like you did for items and recipes, such that all guilds are discoverable, or are you only allowing them to be linked to?
I have also have a one person “storage” guild that I’d slightly frown upon other people looking at, but would more be annoyed at sorting through the thousands of other such guilds that people have made.
Keep in mind that to start with, this will likely just be for WvW info, but later, when Authenticated APIs come out, there will be a fair amount of PvE info as well.
Is there any way to list what World(s) the Guild plays on?
I think so. I’ll look into it. Like you said, it might get kind of bloated with stale information.
Are you planning on having a “guild list” api, like you did for items and recipes, such that all guilds are discoverable, or are you only allowing them to be linked to?
Not at the moment. For now you’ll need to get guild IDs as a result of something like the WvW status API.
I really would recommend making the match_details.json additionally return the clear guild names and tags, otherwise one has to send way too many requests for getting a match and it’s guilds.
From what I saw on the suggestions board on this topic was, that it is very well wanted.
But I do agree, this is one of the many issues the GW2 Guild System has, it is imo one of the worst i’ve seen in an MMORPG so far.
but on a side note, if people aren’t active (im now talking about people not logging for 2+ weeks of sudden disappearance), they dont need to take a slot in a guild anyways :P
That is also misleading, nobody(or very few people) is going to be spamming the suggestions section with piles of “please don’t change X” posts.
Anyway a last online is fairly useless for what you described. You need a last represent. Then you need a how long where they representing.
I see your point.
But someone that is not representing but active can be talked to to figure out the nature of his nonrepresenting, while someone that is not active cannot be talked.
After all, as kaspi said already, it should be up to the guildleaders how they want to manage their roster and the rules for their guild. So giving out this information would be essential and I personally see no reason why it should be denied?
also the representing might be more missleading than the last online. Last online is really something to clearly say: okay this guy is not active he does not need to be in a guild.
a “guild_roster.json” with guild_id as required input should give out these informations:
- Account Name (string)
- Rank (string)
- last online (dd.mm.yyyy)
- last representing (dd.mm.yyyy)
that information of course only authenticated and accessable if your accountname is listed on the roster.
Tough i’m not sure about the last representing, I think that might be enough to give a boolean wether he’s representing (= 1) or not (= 0) at the time the “last online” was recorded.
OK, so for the first guild API release, this is what I’m considering:
Would return name, tag, and emblem data.
The emblem would be in the form
“%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i”
background ID, foreground ID, flags, color 0, color 1, color 2
flags define things like flip image horizontally or verticallylike “1,62,0,114,114,93”
Thanks for the response, Cliff!
We currently have a page where our guilds can submit their emblem details (part of a get to know which Guild’s banner is flying in WvW initiative) which generates a image like so: http://www.gunnars-hold.eu/emblemtest/index.php?emblem=002&col1=25&col2=7&eflip=0&bk=19&bkcol=5&bkflip=2 (the way the forum links stuff seems to break it, turning the & into & so you’ll need to copy and paste.)
The foreground and background IDs for this match the order on the wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_guild_emblems). Do you know if the IDs returned by the API will match these or will there be another order for them?
Additionally in our example the colours are hard coded on a range of 1 to 26. Will there be another API linking colour IDs to hex codes/colour names?
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
(edited by Moturdrn.2837)
Also, if you have any other ideas for public information that would be useful that could go into this API, let me know.
The main thing I can think of is “Active WvW Fort Buffs” – this is already public information in the sense that you can go to a claimed fort and check which buffs are active.
After all the main reason why you care about knowing which guild claimed something is to ask them if another guild can take over the claim when they they no longer have buffs active, as well as guild pride to show everyone how you’re trying to help the server in more ways than fighting.
The other big thing I would like, but that would be for the WvW API probably and isn’t currently public, is knowing the account name of the user who claimed a structure. As it is you really wouldn’t have any known points of contacts for smaller guilds who claimed objectives. Alternatively a list of guild leaders might work.
(edited by Uttar.2341)
The foreground and background IDs for this match the order on the wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_guild_emblems). Do you know if the IDs returned by the API will match these or will there be another order for them?
The numbers I assigned to them for the wiki are simply sequential based on their file ID order within Gw2.dat. I seem to remember that this matched the order that they appear within the in-game emblem designer, so it may very well match up to the in-game IDs (although I wouldn’t count on it).
Each emblem actually has 3 textures, a composite texture showing the full emblem and one texture for each of the two color channels. The backgrounds are a single texture. All of them are alpha-channel masks, no RGB data at all.
I like the first guild API proposition and I am perfectly ok with this being the first release. I’d like to voice the wish to release a roster endpoint for the API with the “last online” info.
@Uttar: I’ll be the killjoy of the party and say that imo Anet already pushed it a bit far with showing the claiming guild id in the API. If you look at the map in-game, you can only see some upgrades (waypoints, merchants…), which team has it, if it’s contested.
The more info we get in API, the less scouting is needed and the servers that sucked at scouting will get an easy way to get all the information they need. I feel that proper offensive and defensive scouting is an integral part of warfare (WvW) and therefore a significant part of the skill-set of the armies.
It’s further dumbing down the game. A common trend in gaming nowadays
Yes, I don’t like swag claimers who want to show of their emblem. Yes, I would like a way to contact them, but in the UI. Make it e.g. a conversation option with the lord/supervisor.
EU-Piken Square
From what I saw on the suggestions board on this topic was, that it is very well wanted.
But I do agree, this is one of the many issues the GW2 Guild System has, it is imo one of the worst i’ve seen in an MMORPG so far.
but on a side note, if people aren’t active (im now talking about people not logging for 2+ weeks of sudden disappearance), they dont need to take a slot in a guild anyways :P
That is also misleading, nobody(or very few people) is going to be spamming the suggestions section with piles of “please don’t change X” posts.
Anyway a last online is fairly useless for what you described. You need a last represent. Then you need a how long where they representing.
I see your point.
But someone that is not representing but active can be talked to to figure out the nature of his nonrepresenting, while someone that is not active cannot be talked.After all, as kaspi said already, it should be up to the guildleaders how they want to manage their roster and the rules for their guild. So giving out this information would be essential and I personally see no reason why it should be denied?
also the representing might be more missleading than the last online. Last online is really something to clearly say: okay this guy is not active he does not need to be in a guild.
a “guild_roster.json” with guild_id as required input should give out these informations:
- Account Name (string)
- Rank (string)
- last online (dd.mm.yyyy)
- last representing (dd.mm.yyyy)that information of course only authenticated and accessable if your accountname is listed on the roster.
Tough i’m not sure about the last representing, I think that might be enough to give a boolean wether he’s representing (= 1) or not (= 0) at the time the “last online” was recorded.
It should return current status (offline, online, away, lfg), a representing flag, and current location as well.
Possibly also the other character information visible on the in-game roster (character name, class, crafting professions, achievement points), though that could possibly be from another API call with account name as a parameter.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
dont forget it might be we’ll also get a character API where informations like crafting professions and current location are better placed.
current location…. crazy I imagine live-maps in the web
current location…. crazy
I imagine live-maps in the web
Well, I meant which map they are on (just as it is on the guild roster in game).
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
At some point we’d like to be able to render images on our servers so that you don’t have to, but that’s not available yet. I know there are some emblem creator websites and apps already — is this enough information to feed into those so that you can generate emblems?
I dabbled with that around release: http://dragonwatch.net/fancyemblemexperiment/#21;23;1;1;6;0;0;0;0;16
We can get to the emblem parts and figure out their ID, and from what I remember applying a color is just a hue shift (or that least that’s how I did it). Of course pre-rendered images would save us some computations on our side :P
Is there any way to list what World(s) the Guild plays on?
I think so. I’ll look into it. Like you said, it might get kind of bloated with stale information.
Are you planning on having a “guild list” api, like you did for items and recipes, such that all guilds are discoverable, or are you only allowing them to be linked to?
Not at the moment. For now you’ll need to get guild IDs as a result of something like the WvW status API.
I would suggest a simple:
This would return:
This call would help a lot of API developers easily find their guild id without having to claim something in wvw and hunt for the right one. Should be a fairly simple script.
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant
The foreground and background IDs for this match the order on the wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_guild_emblems). Do you know if the IDs returned by the API will match these or will there be another order for them?
The numbers I assigned to them for the wiki are simply sequential based on their file ID order within Gw2.dat. I seem to remember that this matched the order that they appear within the in-game emblem designer, so it may very well match up to the in-game IDs (although I wouldn’t count on it).
Turns out that YES, the emblems are displayed at the Emblemer in the order of their internal ID, and since my numbering matched the display order, the numbers on the wiki match the internal IDs.
Unfortunately, when I numbered the backgrounds, I forgot to account for the “blank” background, so the numbers on the wiki are (ID – 1) instead of matching the ID exactly. Still, it’s a systematic difference.
I’ve zipped up the game textures (converted to PNG) with the correct IDs, and you can grab them over here (File->Download or Ctrl+S to download). Use in conjunction with colors.json to build guild emblem wizards!
Edit: see Moturdrn’s post below for download with background IDs corrected – bg ID 9 doesn’t exist
(edited by Dr Ishmael.9685)
The foreground and background IDs for this match the order on the wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_guild_emblems). Do you know if the IDs returned by the API will match these or will there be another order for them?
The numbers I assigned to them for the wiki are simply sequential based on their file ID order within Gw2.dat. I seem to remember that this matched the order that they appear within the in-game emblem designer, so it may very well match up to the in-game IDs (although I wouldn’t count on it).
Turns out that YES, the emblems are displayed at the Emblemer in the order of their internal ID, and since my numbering matched the display order, the numbers on the wiki match the internal IDs.
Unfortunately, when I numbered the backgrounds, I forgot to account for the “blank” background, so the numbers on the wiki are (ID – 1) instead of matching the ID exactly. Still, it’s a systematic difference.
I’ve zipped up the game textures (converted to PNG) with the correct IDs, and you can grab them over here (File->Download or Ctrl+S to download). Use in conjunction with colors.json to build guild emblem wizards!
Edit: had a sync error on my GDrive, link is fixed now
Nice! I’m glad that worked.
The foreground and background IDs for this match the order on the wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_guild_emblems). Do you know if the IDs returned by the API will match these or will there be another order for them?
The numbers I assigned to them for the wiki are simply sequential based on their file ID order within Gw2.dat. I seem to remember that this matched the order that they appear within the in-game emblem designer, so it may very well match up to the in-game IDs (although I wouldn’t count on it).
Turns out that YES, the emblems are displayed at the Emblemer in the order of their internal ID, and since my numbering matched the display order, the numbers on the wiki match the internal IDs.
Unfortunately, when I numbered the backgrounds, I forgot to account for the “blank” background, so the numbers on the wiki are (ID – 1) instead of matching the ID exactly. Still, it’s a systematic difference.
I’ve zipped up the game textures (converted to PNG) with the correct IDs, and you can grab them over here (File->Download or Ctrl+S to download). Use in conjunction with colors.json to build guild emblem wizards!
Edit: had a sync error on my GDrive, link is fixed now
Thanks for that, Dr Ishmael!
I have noticed something else with the background IDs – it seems there is no number 9 within the editor, so everything that’s 9 and upwards is incremented by an additional 1. As an example https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/guild_details.json?guild_name=the%20secret%20society returns a value of 21 for the background ID, which is 20.png within the directory.
I hope you don’t mind, I’ve made the changes to the file names and re-uploaded them here: link.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
(edited by Moturdrn.2837)
Ah, okay. I hadn’t checked through every background, I just assumed the pattern would hold after the first 3. Never expected there to be a gap.
I did exactly the same to be honest. It wasn’t until I checked the linked guild’s information that I realised something was up.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
Well, I’ve got something that almost works for creating emblem images. I’m probably doing something wrong when applying the alpha masks.
In-game emblem:
My version:
(those aren’t working in preview, will they work when I save? edit: nnnnnnnope)
Emblem ID: 58 (textures: base color, primary color mask, secondary color mask)
Foreground primary color ID: 617 “Green”
Foreground secondary color ID: 139 “Violet”
My Perl script: @GitHub
The most obvious error is the hard edges between the two color zones, but there’s also some odd shading within the secondary color zone (middle of the octopus’s head). Anyone have any idea how this is supposed to work?
Well, I’ve got something that almost works for creating emblem images. I’m probably doing something wrong when applying the alpha masks.
In-game emblem:
[img]http://i.imgur.com/2HjBl4j.jpg[/img]My version:
[img]http://i.imgur.com/EtHfAnR.png[/img](those aren’t working in preview, will they work when I save? edit: nnnnnnnope)
Emblem ID: 58 (textures: base color, primary color mask, secondary color mask)
Foreground primary color ID: 617 “Green”
Foreground secondary color ID: 139 “Violet”My Perl script: @GitHub
The most obvious error is the hard edges between the two color zones, but there’s also some odd shading within the secondary color zone (middle of the octopus’s head). Anyone have any idea how this is supposed to work?
I’m actually not touching the masking myself (partly because the Imagick PHP library isn’t fully documented) and actually have the 2 parts with the base colours added as such:
The source code is here
It’s still not perfect, but it’s the closest I’ve got so far.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
(edited by Moturdrn.2837)