Access all inventories?

Access all inventories?

in API Development

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Hi, I’m not very good at API manipulation, but I kind of want to write something quick to emulate an excelsheet (basically GW2Legendary for the new legendary items, or at least the Mystic Tribute).

Currently, I’m looking at
/v2/account/materials?access_token=<Access Key>
/v2/characters?access_token=<Access Key>

But is there a way to put in multiple endpoints to access all my characters and then their inventories with a single call?

I was thinking about something like
/v/characters?page=0/inventory?access_token=<Access Key>

But obviously it doesn’t work. The only reason why I want to include inventories as well as bank + materials is because the Gift requires more than one stack so people might have it on multiple characters.

Tl;dr: How do I access all of my characters inventories at once?

Access all inventories?

in API Development

Posted by: queicherius.2563


Actually the way you wrote there DOES work!

This returns all characters with all inventories (“bags”). You only have to go through the characters yourself and add the bags contents (“inventory”) together.

Access all inventories?

in API Development

Posted by: Esplen.3940


OH. That’s exactly what I was looking for. I didn’t know how to string endpoints together. Thanks a bunch!