Hi, I’m not very good at API manipulation, but I kind of want to write something quick to emulate an excelsheet (basically GW2Legendary for the new legendary items, or at least the Mystic Tribute).
Currently, I’m looking at
/v2/account/materials?access_token=<Access Key>
/v2/characters?access_token=<Access Key>
But is there a way to put in multiple endpoints to access all my characters and then their inventories with a single call?
I was thinking about something like
/v/characters?page=0/inventory?access_token=<Access Key>
But obviously it doesn’t work. The only reason why I want to include inventories as well as bank + materials is because the Gift requires more than one stack so people might have it on multiple characters.
Tl;dr: How do I access all of my characters inventories at once?