Achievement API bugs

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


There seem to be quite a few bugs with the achievement API (based on comparing my achievements to what is getting shown on gw2efficiency):

Daily/Monthly AP not included (probably missing in the API?)
Daily achievements not getting reported as completed
Repeatable achievements not working properly
Hero achievements (1st ,2nd and 3rd birthday achievement missing)
Hall of Monuments (“God walking amongst mere mortals” achievement missing)
Tangled Depths (4 achievements missing, the 4 hidden ones)
Basic Collections (41 of 68 detected)
Rare Collections (9 of 16 detected)
Black Lion Collections (1 of 29 detected)
Legendary Weapons (23 of 72 detected)
Edge of the Mist (15 of 20 detected)
Boss Week (6 of 7 detected)
Retired Achievements (3 of 6 detected)
6 out of 37 historical achievement categories missing entirely (Blood and Madness 2013 and 2014, A very marry Wintersday 2013 and 2014 and Shadow of the Mad King 2012 and 2015)
Escape from Lion’s Arch (15 out of 20 detected, the 5 repeatables are missing)
Queen Jennah’s Jubilee (13 out of 14 detected, Opening Ceremony Attendee missing)
Support Evon Gnashblade/Support Ellen Kiel (11 out of 12 detected each, repeatable minigame achievements missing)

I think most of the missing achievements are achievements which are invisible until you reached at least 1 goal of it.

Also I heared from other players, that some achievements (such as Undefeated from Spirit Vale category, possibly needs 1 of the 3 goals completed) report as completed in the API, even if you have not completed it in reality. Cannot confirm this though, since I got most achievements done.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell

Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer


Most of these have been raised on the github issue tracker, but going through one-by-one:

Daily/Monthly AP not included (probably missing in the API?)

Daily achievements not getting reported as completed

Due to an oversight on my part, daily/monthly AP totals aren’t currently provided. I’m going to put them on the /v2/account endpoint with the “progression” scope. The current daily progress is kind of a nightmare to expose; I haven’t figured out a good way to handle it.

Repeatable achievements not working properly

They’re working kind of properly, the API just doesn’t expose enough data for applications to make sense of it (oversight on my part). The proposed fix for this is here.

I think most of the missing achievements are achievements which are invisible until you reached at least 1 goal of it.

Yep, that’s exactly it. I was shooting to have the missing achievements fixed for the Wintersday release, but there were some unexpected setbacks so they should appear with the next release instead.

Also I heared from other players, that some achievements (such as Undefeated from Spirit Vale category, possibly needs 1 of the 3 goals completed) report as completed in the API, even if you have not completed it in reality. Cannot confirm this though, since I got most achievements done.

If you can find one, it’d be really useful to get an API key that has the achievement marked as completed in the API but not in-game. You can send me a PM on the forums with the offending key; that’ll help a bunch in tracking down the issue.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Fowidner.6930


This says my API key at GW2effiency. I haven’t even seen sabetha but its compleeted aswell, haven’t got a kill yet of gorseval but only have killed vale guardian. For collections wintersday weapon collection seem to be bugged. I dont ahve any of the skins. See attachment. Furthermore in this list all my repeatable achieves are shown as not compleeted but you already mentioned about that.

I really like this API, finally I can better see what to do and what I’ve already done. Good job!


(edited by Fowidner.6930)

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: queicherius.2563


Here is my key, which is also having the “achievement completed” bug:

“id”: 2653,
“bits”: [
“current”: 1,
“max”: 0,
“done”: true

Undefeated set to “true”, but only 1 bit set (the first boss, which is correct).

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer


Guh, I should have just looked at the achievement data first — the content has the “max” set to 0. Looks like the client totally ignores that field and uses the tier data instead. I’ll update my code to do the same, but it probably won’t be ready until the next release.

In the meanwhile, the terrible workaround is to ignore the “done” and “max” fields from /v2/account/achievements and base them off the tier data in /v2/achievements.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Looks like none of the missing achievements got added to the API this patch. Also add the Wintersday 2015 achievement to the list now. It only shows one of the achievements of that category in API now.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer


Yeah, this patch just added backend support for whitelisting achievements. I need to go through and bless all the ones that should be exposed — I’ll take care of that later this week.

The 2015 Wintersday achievements were likely marked as “hidden” in this release so they don’t appear unless they’re unlocked. They’ll reappear once they’re manually whitelisted.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Ok, post here when you finished white listing. I will check if you missed any after that.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Looks like a few of the missing achievements got white listed today, but there are still quite a few missing such as two black lion collections, old wintersday and halloween achievements and some other historic achievements.
Also the achievements from this patch are missing.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer


Just whitelisted the new festival achievements. It’s gonna take a bit of time for everything to make it through, but it’ll get there. Any achievements returned from /v2/account/achievements are getting put in the queue (or … should be) so we should get through all of ’em pretty quick.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


A few more appeared, so it looks like it is updating slowly.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer

A few more appeared, so it looks like it is updating slowly.

So funny story.

I forgot to actually update the configuration to populate the whitelist queue when it detects missing achievements. Working on pushing some config updates, sorry for the hassle :<

Achievement API bugs

in API Development

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


The API returns two achievements I havent completed (or even started) as completed:
Zodiac Weapon Collection
Sclerite Weapon Collection

I will pm you my API key incase it helps.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.