(edited by AlSquire.9203)
AngularJS example
Nice! Looking forward to seeing this evolve. If you’re interested in collaborating with other API developers in the future, I’ve got an effort going here:
Nice! Looking forward to seeing this evolve. If you’re interested in collaborating with other API developers in the future, I’ve got an effort going here:
Thanks for the interest. I’m not sure if I want to invest me more than this hack and what I plan to do with it (so much things to do, so little time… and I haven’t done my daily yet <o>) but thanks for the proposition Now that being said, everything I’ll do on it will stay open source.
Ok, Angular is a tough beast to tame (pressing F is not enough). I just deployed a new version which should be actually useful (to me at least).
- Auto refresh, you can choose the time interval.
- Dragon events states (more to come as it is really easy to add them, I’m just lazy right now).
- Desktop notifications of active dragon events, the actual useful feature, for Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari).
- A better look with twitter bootstrap, but still need more work.
And now I’m gonna test it while doing my daily ^^
Edit: notifications are not working <o>
Edit: should be fixed
(edited by AlSquire.9203)