Apiv2 specializations usage

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Vermil Rockrim.9756

Vermil Rockrim.9756

If you call api.guildwars2.com/v2/specializations without ID, there is the following list of available ID’s to pick, which belong to every current specialization ingame:


Now, inside every specialization there are minor and major traits. If you ask for “..v2/specializations/1” you’ll get the ID’s for the minor traits for the Dueling specialization for Mesmer, but this doesn’t work:

{"text":“no such id”}

I may be missing something, how do you manage to get info about specific traits for a class?

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: darthmaim.6017


You have to use the /v2/traits endpoint to lookup traits. It’s currently still in development, but a preview is available at /v2/traits-beta.

You can follow the development and discussion about /v2/traits in the github issue: https://github.com/arenanet/api-cdi/pull/67

On https://api.guildwars2.com/v2 you can see a list of all endpoints.

(edited by darthmaim.6017)

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Nabrok.9023


Wait … that’s active? Did I miss an announcement?

“I’m not a PvE, WvW, or PvP player – I am a Guild Wars 2 player”
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Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Eearslya.6309


It was sort of announced in the comments of a Github pull request. I’m guessing they chose not to announce it here on the forums because /v2/traits is still /v2/traits-beta. They didn’t want to announce /v2/specializations because it sort of depends on /v2/traits to fully get its info.

Harbinger Tryssa – Revenant

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Pat Cavit.9234

Pat Cavit.9234

Web Programming Lead


/v2/traits-beta exists to get feedback, it’s likely to change response format in breaking ways so we weren’t advertising it super-loudly.

Feel free to use it & definitely provide feedback on bugs/format/etc if you do, but don’t write code that depends on it a) not changing or b) existing forever. Once we roll out /v2/traits for real /v2/traits-beta will be removed.

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Vermil Rockrim.9756

Vermil Rockrim.9756

It was sort of announced in the comments of a Github pull request. I’m guessing they chose not to announce it here on the forums because /v2/traits is still /v2/traits-beta. They didn’t want to announce /v2/specializations because it sort of depends on /v2/traits to fully get its info.

Still, the specializations api is listed on the api wiki page.
Thanks for the replies guys, didn’t know there is another api for traits on the making.

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: darthmaim.6017


Shameless self-plug: If you don’t want to miss any new endpoints or other announcements, but don’t want to read every single comment here or on github, you can follow my twitter account I created for exactly that: @GW2API.

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Eearslya.6309


Still, the specializations api is listed on the api wiki page.

Well, yes, I wrote that page because /v2/specializations seemed to be much LESS in beta and likely to change..and because, for the most part, I have nothing better to do with my time.

Harbinger Tryssa – Revenant

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer


Still, the specializations api is listed on the api wiki page.

Well, yes, I wrote that page because /v2/specializations seemed to be much LESS in beta and likely to change..and because, for the most part, I have nothing better to do with my time.

Yeah, we’re not planning on making any breaking changes to /v2/specializations. Was mostly sitting on it because it’s a bit scary w.r.t not accidentally releasing spoilers but it made sense to turn it on with /v2/traits-beta.

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Creativewild.6319


This is really really nice… and by the way we don’t mind spoilers :P.

Heros forged in the heat of battle – Herois Lusitanos – https://www.heroislusitanos.com

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Pat Cavit.9234


Pat Cavit.9234

Web Programming Lead

You may not mind them but I guarantee we do.

Leaking spoilers via the API is a good way to get all API resources re-assigned to other projects.

Apiv2 specializations usage

in API Development

Posted by: Creativewild.6319


It was intended aa joke , but yes I understand.

Anyway, this traits API is very useful, you guys have been doing a great job.

Heros forged in the heat of battle – Herois Lusitanos – https://www.heroislusitanos.com