Damage Coefficients at v2/skills
Although there are quite a few skills with bugged skill coefficients, this one does not seem to be the case. You may want to review how you calculate your damage coef.
Both Towelcat and Nefastu on the wiki calculate the coefficient for skills frequently, maybe making use of Nefastu’s template: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Nefastu/Coeff might help.
Ok i found the thing wrong with the whole calculation.
I used the defense value of the testgolem which is stated as 1.4k as a basis for the calculation and the damage done to the golem. Actually his defense is way higher as it seems. If Anet notes Toughnessvalues for each testgolem they should not add a mysterious amount of armorstats…
The defense (armorstat) of the golem seems to be a bit over 2.6k in reallity.
Stupid annotations…
Thx for the help
Web Programmer
Note that the skills API currently only returns the PvE versions of skills — if the test area is using the PvP version (and if the PvP version has a different coefficient) then that would cause the issue.