Member of Silver Sunshine.
Event/Daily API not updated w. Apr-19th data?
Member of Silver Sunshine.
Ok, so the “double” daily event completer is solved, I should have gone through the 30 page update notes yesterday! We’ve got dailies for both the base game and HoT owner now.
The issue with missing event information is still there, as the API was not updated with the most recent data from ingame regarding ID descriptions, which makes it difficult to implement it into my world boss timer (have to do it manually right now, by comparing ID with ingame information….).
Member of Silver Sunshine.
Hello, how have you solved the “double” id ?
If I own HoT, shall I remore “double” id everytimes ? So “double” id isonly for not HoT owners ?
return wrong or missing ids, especially for Fractals Daily Achievements.
(edited by Elfo Bianco.3786)
Web Programmer
The missing achievements are because the achievements have never been completed before and need to go through a manual whitelist step (e.g., I have to click a button before they appear on the API). It’s less than ideal but necessary to stop stuff from appearing on the API too soon. All the ones in the list should be whitelisted now.
Going to try to whitelist achievements a day in advance (or maybe set up a script to automatically whitelist dailies) because the setup is currently sub-optimal. Until that’s done, please bear with my slowness :<
I’ll try to figure out what’s going on with the double ids — there might be a new flag that’s not exposed.
EDIT: Yeah, there’s some new stuff that’s not exposed. Here’s a tracking issue; I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get the fix out (best case is with the next release).
(edited by Lawton Campbell.8517)
Thanks a lot, whitelisting the dailies one day in advance would be great as this way my script would also directly load them in advance (as I fetch the ones for the next day 20 hours in advance) and I could have a look a day earlier at what daily is coming next and adjust my database so it shows up correctly on the timer.
@Elfo Bianco: What I did, in my particular case, was to split up the dailies into non-HoT and HoT, by just checking the ID. I assigned everything before 2100 to pre-HoT-dailies and everything at and after 2100 to HoT dailies. Not optimal, but it works for now, until detailed ID information has been collected.
Member of Silver Sunshine.
@Elfo Bianco: What I did, in my particular case, was to split up the dailies into non-HoT and HoT, by just checking the ID. I assigned everything before 2100 to pre-HoT-dailies and everything at and after 2100 to HoT dailies. Not optimal, but it works for now, until detailed ID information has been collected.
Mmh, I think I will wait that a new flag will be exposed