Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kurama.1257


Has anyone else experienced this? Tried to link my account for 3 days now and same errors over an over ‘A server error has occured’ or

“This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Error code=”48" module=“3” line=“339” text=“callback (): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined at Templates\EJS\Account\link.approve.ejs:32:49 at Object.render (Library/core-template.js:185:15) at Object.reply (Library/sugar-reply.js:85:25) at Library/lib-troll.js:111:32 at Account/before.js:19:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Object.<anonymous> (Location/controllers.js:45:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:125:72”/>"


“<?xml version=”1.0"?>
<Error text=“callback (): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined at Templates\EJS\Account\link.approve.ejs:32:49 at Object.render (Library/core-template.js:185:15) at Object.reply (Library/sugar-reply.js:85:25) at Library/lib-troll.js:111:32 at Account/before.js:19:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Object.<anonymous> (Location/controllers.js:45:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:125:72” line=“339” module=“3” code=“48”/>"

I have no idea what to do and what I’m doing wrong. It’s such as shame and I feel like all my efforts in gw1 are now wasted as I can’t even link my Hall of Monuments. Please anybody if you have any idea what the problem is or any clue on how to help reply or message me. Please Arena net or someone release a comprehensive tutorial on how to link guild wars accounts.

I cannot even create a support account to report this huge issue due to another site bug whenever I try to login to support, ‘The username or password you entered is incorrect or your account has been disabled.’

So now these site issues are cyclic and all of mine and I’m sure other players problems are being merged into one. This is seriously frustrating coupled with various ingame bugs that I haven’t even got around to reporting yet. Atleast if Hall of Monuments and account linking was working it would make returning Guild Wars customers feel abit better about the money and time they spent on Eye of the North.

This feels like a post that most site moderators are going to overlook aswell and never reply to let alone take it up, but atleast other players if you have experienced any of these issues then make a similar post or post a reply on this one. They think the account linking system is running immaculately because new players haven’t reported or complained about it but we have to make them aware or this issue for the sake of returning arena net customers who purchased Guild Wars 1 and Eye of the North. If they’re ever going to do anything about it, which at this point in time seems highly unlikely, then more people need to report their HoM issues because in game I asked around and I was not the only one.

(edited by Kurama.1257)

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: raveparade.7582


I’ve been getting that error aswell, I was hoping it was gonna be fixed before the weekend but I guess it didn’t…lol.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kurama.1257


Atleast I’m not the only one, I don’t even think they know this bug exists, it’s a pretty big thing to leav unfixed.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


You should try posting in a forum they actually seem to read. XD The forum works quite buggily and we don’t seem to get any replies to the forum issues here. Try the Account Issues one, since that more matches what is happening for you (you can’t link accounts), and gets replies.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: JackBeShippin.4159


same issues here, wished they would fix it, even tried in multiple browsers

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kurama.1257


Hall of monuments calculator is now down completely. What’s the point that was never the issue in the firstplace. Why aren’t we being updated, account linking is still broken.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Jacuzzi.1024


Having the same problem. :< I get:

<Error code="48" module="3" line="339" text="callback (): TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancel' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'cancel' of undefined at Templates\EJS\Account\link.approve.ejs:32:49 at Object.render (Library/core-template.js:185:15) at Object.reply (Library/sugar-reply.js:85:25) at Library/lib-troll.js:111:32 at Account/before.js:19:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Object.<anonymous> (Location/controllers.js:45:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:125:72"/>

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Pat Cavit.9234

Pat Cavit.9234

Web Programming Lead

Strings got shuffled around and that one got missed, sorry folks. Should be fixed in a bit.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: raveparade.7582


Thanks for the update, could you however give an ETA on when its gonna be fixed?
Just tryed to link and still getting the XML error.

thank you.

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kurama.1257


A bit? Meaning like this month or next year? Ticket still not answered 1 week


Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kurama.1257


I made a ticket and they were able to link my accounts manually, fixed now thanks!

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Croq.3024


same error….really getting old…

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Lord Snow.4096

Lord Snow.4096

Same error here!

Guild Wars account linking NOT working *PLEASE READ*

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: igneous.8153


Strings got shuffled around and that one got missed, sorry folks. Should be fixed in a bit.

I’d say that a week is quite a bit more than “a bit”. I still can’t link my GW1 account.

(edited by igneous.8153)