Looking for... Guilds! [LFG tool suggestion]

Looking for... Guilds! [LFG tool suggestion]

in API Development

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


First things first, I’m sorry if this is the wrong section but I really have no idea on which section my suggestion falls into…

Before you go telling me “If you’re looking for a guild, you’re in the wrong section”, hear me out. Ever since the LFG tool came out our lives became much easier for doing dungeons or just about any world content. We changed from having to spam the map chat and alt-tabbing out of the game to announce our need for a 4th person in a website, to simply having all of this implemented into the game.

What if… we expanded this even further? What if we could save time and effort from those poor recruiters who spend hours to end cycling across the maps, looking for candidates? What if we could spare an hour of scrolling down pages in 2 or 3 different forums, looking for that specific guild we’re looking for?

I propose that we get a tab, either in the LFG tool or another kind, specifically for guilds! When we open such tab we immediately get a list of active guilds who are recruiting(white or green text) and not recruiting (grayed out). As we click on the name of one that interest us, on the side we should get a short summary about what are they about, the type of content they focus on, their timezone and / or location and the number of members they have. If we’re interested in joining, we “sign in” our characters by clicking the “Propose to Join” button, after which guild officers and guild leaders would be notified on the guild rooster (or a special tab) about the potential recruits.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)