Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: Steve Harvey.5894

Steve Harvey.5894

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the icons for towers, camps, castles, etc. in all the colors?

Walter Biggens [Warrior]
Henge of Denravi

Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: aelen.5673


I saw a post on these forums somewhere which had all the icons listed, but I can’t find it right now. I imagine they might be available on the render service though?

Aelen – Vabbi (previously SFR)

Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: aelen.5673


Found it, here you go my friend:


edit: kitten, I’m an idiot sorry, those are only the icons for the ruins, d’oh.

Aelen – Vabbi (previously SFR)

Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: smiley.1438


Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: fooey.5824


I ended up just making a sprite myself out of screenshots

They’re only 15×15, but they work for my needs

Looking for the WvW camp, tower, etc. icons

in API Development

Posted by: Thuron.5648


I know this is an old thread, but since I’ve got the same question I thought I’d post here. I’m also looking for these icons. I know GW2 uses a grayscale version of the icons and colors them in code. Is there any chance we can get these grayscale versions?

http://www.gw2battlesupport.com/ – World’s first dynamic WvW Overlay