Map Completion Info?
Web Programmer
Pretty far down on the list
That data’s pretty complex to extract, unfortunately.
In order to hopefully bump this up the list, let me provide a use case. Lots of guilds do map completion events where they take as many guild members as are interested in 100% complete a map. The prerequisite of course is choosing which map to complete. With a lot of people with different map completions it would be very useful to be able to pull map completion information.
Just another use case to add to back up the request; I understand there’s probably more important things going on with Path of Fire and whatnot but a map completion API would be outstanding to see.
That’s why I sleep so much.
I actually thought it would be “relatively easy”. All the information is listed on the map screen and when hovering over each individual map. But that doesn’t have any connection to the API? Code wise, there most be some scripts already collecting all the information.