Just turned on two new endpoints today: /v2/minis and /v2/account/minis.
These are fairly straightforward endpoints. They provide access to mini-specific metadata (there isn’t much) and account mini unlocks. /v2/minis is bulk-expanded and works in the same manner as all the other bulk-expanded endpoints:
- /v2/minis — provides a list of ids.
- /v2/minis?page=0&page_size=50 — gives you a paginated view (check the X-Page-Total header for the number of pages).
- /v2/minis?ids=1,2,3 — lets you grab individual minis (up to 200)
- and /v2/minis?ids=all — lets you grab all of ’em.
/v2/account/minis is an authenticated endpoint and requires an API key with both the “account” and “unlocks” permissions. You can pass the API key either via the “?access_token=X” query parameter or via an “Authorization: Bearer X” header (though note we don’t support non-simple CORS requests, so for client-side web applications you’ll need to use the former).
/v2/account/minis returns ids that can be resolved against /v2/minis.
Here’s the Github pull request which includes the output format details.