Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
[Request] GW2Link as Overwolf App
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
Therefore, is there any chance of someone making a version of GW2Link as an overwolf app?
Ummm, this?
See also:!appId=pdneijddbkbmebclglpnifkckdddbgpganknbfhk
(edited by smiley.1438)
Thanks for that, I’d seen posts talking about making a NPAPI plug-in on the overwolf boards, and saw your post on here a year ago telling people to vote for one, but hadn’t actually found anywhere that directed me to a finished plugin.
I’m not 100% that I understand how to make use of it from a quick glance, but when I get a chance, I will see what I can understand from your code examples, and PM you if I have a question. If that’s ok?
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
If you need some finer points on how to use this within an Overwolf app, head on over to the Overwolf developer forums and we can help you out. There’s a bunch of people over there who’ve used it before for our previous GW2 contest.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall –