WvW Maps - Linkage between POI and objectives

WvW Maps - Linkage between POI and objectives

in API Development

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

I’m building a WvW map for a project, and I’ve almost got it done. The one issue I’m having though is linking the points_of_interest from:


To the objectives from:


The map_floor.json is the only source that has the actual names for WvW locations (the keeps, towers and camps), but there is no way to link those names to the objectives from the other 2 json’s. The objective_names.json and match_details.json contain the actual state information for each of those items, but no name information.

The only option I have is to create an explicit list that will associate id’s from map_floor.json to the id’s in match_details.json. Is this an oversight of the API? Or am I missing some other linking element?

WvW Maps - Linkage between POI and objectives

in API Development

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

I also wanted to add, I tried using map_floor.json with floor=1 instead:


And that returns additional coordinates for sectors, that are very close to the points_of_interest. But when plotted on the map, the actual coords are pretty far off from where they should be. For example, the “Shadaran/Askalion/Etheron Hills” coord for the eastern keep on each borderlands is way off. But the sectors elements actually have the proper names for the keeps/towers/camps, where the points_of_interest don’t.

Which map_floor.json should we be using? And why are the coords so far off for the sectors?

WvW Maps - Linkage between POI and objectives

in API Development

Posted by: smiley.1438


The objectives don’t have coordinates yet (requested here), so you have to add them yourself – best way would be to store the JSON local and add the coordinates. The sector names are of course in floor 2/3, have you even looked at it? ;D (btw. when you’re using the data from a different floor, e.g. floor 1, you need to respect the map_rectangle/clamped_view of the wvw map)

hre’s how to find them: https://github.com/codemasher/gw2api-tools/blob/master/js/gw2maps-jquery.js#L191

and here what it looks like: http://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/Benutzer:Smiley/GW2Maps (you need to zoom in on the 2nd map, no objectives, but sector names using floor 2/3)

WvW Maps - Linkage between POI and objectives

in API Development

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

Yeah I realized after I posted that the sectors were also in floor 2/3…whoops.

But the situation remains. I didn’t realize the issue was already stated in the WvW suggestion thread (since the search function doesn’t work on these forums). I thought maybe I was overlooking something…but seems like there just isn’t any linkage between the objectives and the floor entities.

All it really needs is to add an objective_id to the floor entities (in addition to poi_id or sector_id), and the rest is just sorting.