getting map corresponding to an ip?
The instance field in the mumble link data might contain a unique id for the instance; I honestly can’t remember anymore. Failing all else, the serverAddress field contains the IP.
There aren’t technically fixed IP ranges for different maps, but the AFAIK the load balancer probably prefers to create new instances of a map on a server that already has other instances of the map loaded. That’s more-or-less a blind guess though, I haven’t really looked into how it works.
Thanks, I will need to do some reading up on that method. I had completely spaced out that a server may have more than one instance running on it.
Oh Lawton, this is not really about the same, but it is regarding the Mumble context. Have you figured out what mapType is and what different values there are? You’ve mentioned a while ago on GitHub you would take a look if you could find the list of possible values.
Whoops, I’m a total bumblebrain. Here’s my best guess.
Awesome thanks!
I was working on a list myself some time ago, which seems to be similar to yours. Although I wonder where my 16 comes from. It’s been a while since I’ve last checked, so it might have changed this year. I might make a round again sometime to see what I can find ingame and get back to you on GitHub.
Number 13: Fortune’s Vale
Can we start a hype train? (jokes)
Apologies, I just had to make a reply